

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


"Ru, Halia, and Sadori Vushan are Kages—members of a subjugated species that's struggled against oppression for generations."

The Kage were a near-human sentient species native to the planet Quarzite. Although they resembled humans, their striking eyes and pale skin set them apart.[2] A spirited and dedicated people, they formed the Kage Warriors to fight the tyrannical Belugans, the other sentient species who inhabited their homeworld,[6] in the near-constant war on Quarzite.[7]


"I'm a Kage. People from my planet remember. Our memories begin almost from birth."
―Barash Silvain, to Porter Engle[8]

Kage were renowned for their natural beauty. Both male and female were seen as very attractive by both humans and near-humans. Kage were also well known for their prodigious athleticism, lightning fast reflexes and martial culture. Kage warriors were waging almost constant war against the Belugans, their ancient rivals on their homeworld.[5] They were also able to form memories from a very early age, almost from the time they were born.[8]


Kage originated from the planet Quarzite. There, they lived in subterranean cities and waged constant war against the surface dwelling Belugans. This warrior culture made them renowned for their fighting abilities. Most Kage males had had some experience fighting. This made them excellent picks for mercenaries, pirates, and rebel cells.[5]

Kage in the galaxy[]

Barash Silvain was a Kage who was brought into the Jedi Order at a young age, as all Jedi were. As her species formed memories from an early point in life, however, she missed the family she left behind and thus requested fellow Jedi Porter Engle to become a brother to her.[8] During the Imperial Era, a family of Kage, Ru, Halia, and their son Sadori Vushan, were members of the rebel group known as the Dreamers.[5]

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