

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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The Firespray heist[3] was a recovery done by Boba Fett and Fennec Shand, of Fett's starship Slave I from Jabba's Palace[2] in 9 ABY.[3]


After the massacre of a Tusken Raider tribe, the lonesome bounty hunter Boba Fett sought to recover his ship, Slave I, from the hands of Daimyo Bib Fortuna in Jabba's Palace. Unable to achieve his desires from the amount of guards patrolling the exterior of the Jabba's Palace garage, Fett and his bantha waited in the Dune Sea, before seeing a light in the far distance. He and his bantha approached the light, only to find Fennec Shand dying on the ground in front of them. After seeing a modifier to fix her, Fett gained Shand's trust, and together planned to retrieve Slave I.[2]

The recovery[]

Shand peered through her rifle and located the ship, but was unable to count how many guards patrolled the perimeter, as the palace guards switched location while the gate was open. Shand released a drone, which headed through the complex, avoiding guards to find a safe way to enter the building unsuspected. Once it analyzed the complex, the drone arrived back to Shand while Fett released his bantha into the wild. The drone then displayed a hologram of the interior building. Fett acknowledged that too many guards were present, but Shand suggested to sneak in quietly and time the movement of the guards.[2]

After they approached the palace gates, two Gamorrean guards patrolled the perimeter. Once the two guards faced the opposite direction of Shand and Fett, the two headed towards the sewer pipe, slicing the pipes and headed inside. As Shand opened the sewage drain, two droids were alerted by the sound. Both presumed it was a rat, and went back to their business. The EV-series droid approached the sound, but was knocked out by Fett with his gaderffi stick. After the COO-series droid witnessed his comrade's defeat, he approached Fett with his knives, spinning them and prepared to attack, but was decapitated by Shand and deactivated.[2]

Before the two continued, Shand and Fett heard an LEP service droid approaching the area. Fett and Shand tried to sneak upon the droid, but were found. The LEP service droid tried to run around the kitchen to escape Fett, but was caught after Shand blocked the exit. Fett reminded the droid of who he was dealing with, but with fright in its eyes, the droid depowered itself. Fett tossed the droid into a nearby disposal and continued to roam throughout the palace.[2]

Fett and Shand arrived at Slave I, but were interrupted by two Gamorrean guards. Fett and Shand hid behind crates before coming out to attack, killing one of them while injuring the other. The palace was then alerted of the intruders, and numerous Weequay and Nikto guards came to the garage and attacked the two. As Shand shot the guards, Fett ran to his ship and attempted to power it back up. With too many guards apprehending the area, Shand shot a PLNK-series power droid, eliminating most of the guards. With the ship powered on, Shand ran from her covered position and killed several guards before she jumped onto Slave I. As Shand shot the rest of the guards, Fett crashed into a nearby skiff which caused Shand to lose her balance.[2]

Angered, Shand yelled at Fett before being attacked by the Gamorrean guard. Fett tried to maneuver the ship around the garage, but crashed into the wall. Shand then defeated the Gamorrean guard along with a Nikto guard. Shand then proposed Fett to close the ramp doors as she shot one of the controls for the gate. The gate unraveled and Fett and Shand took off.[2]



Notes and references[]

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