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"With the old Sullustan Dua Ningo in charge of the armada, the Bulwark Fleet broke through the Republic's blockade and proceeded to smash military outposts throughout Coruscant's Sector Zero."
The New Essential Chronology, on the Battle of Foerost[1]

Dua Ningo was an elder Sullustan who served as an admiral in the navy of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In 20.1 BBY, about two years into the Clone Wars, Ningo took command of the Bulwark Fleet, an armada of Bulwark Mark I warships. After breaking the Galactic Republic's blockade of the planet Foerost, Ningo wiped out many Republic outposts in Sector Zero as he moved to conquer the Republic capital planet of Coruscant. Hoping to put an end to Ningo's campaign, the Republic authorized the launch of the new Victory-class Star Destroyers and engaged Ningo and his Bulwark Fleet in a series of battles throughout the Core. The final confrontation between the two armadas occurred in the skies above the Core World Anaxes, where the admiral was killed when his flagship disintegrated.


"The final showdown came in the skies above Anaxes. Dodonna, under heavy fire with dead wrecks from his task force plunging planetward, held out long enough for Screed to pop in from hyperspace and disintegrate Ningo's flagship with a broadside fusillade."
The New Essential Chronology, on the Battle of Anaxes[1]

Dua Ningo served as an admiral[3] in the naval forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the galactic conflict known as the Clone Wars.[2] In 20 BBY, Ningo assumed the leadership of the Bulwark Fleet, an armada of Bulwark Mark I vessels that had been constructed by Techno Union engineers at the Foerost Shipyards, and used the warships to defeat the Republic blockade of[1] the planet[4] Foerost.[1] Following this historic[3] victory, the admiral was tasked with conquering the Republic capital planet of Coruscant,[2] destroying a series of Republic outposts in Sector Zero en route.[1]


The Republic utilized Victory I-class Star Destroyers to combat Ningo and his forces.

Recognizing the threat that Ningo posed, the Republic authorized the launch of the Victory-class Star Destroyer, a new warship design, six months prior to its scheduled debut in order to deal with the Bulwark Fleet. Two task forces of Victory-class Star Destroyers—collectively known as the Victory Fleet—were formed: one led by Captain Terrinald Screed and the other by Captain Jan Dodonna.[1] The Victory Fleet succeeded in driving Ningo away from Coruscant,[2] subsequently engaging him in a series of battles throughout the Core Worlds.[1]

Ningo survived encounters with the Victory Fleet above[2] the planets[4][5] Ixtlar, Alsakan, and Basilisk, before moving the Bulwark Fleet to the planet Anaxes. There, the admiral succeeded in destroying a large portion of Dodonna's task force, but Ningo's concentration on one commander left him vulnerable to attack from the other—Screed and his warships emerged from hyperspace and destroyed the admiral's flagship,[2] the Unrepentant,[4] in a barrage of cannon fire.[1] Ningo perished when his ship was obliterated.[2] Dua Ningo was eventually mentioned in The New Essential Chronology, a historical chronicle compiled by the Historical Council of the New Republic and released in 36 ABY.[1]

Personality and traits[]

Dua Ningo was a Sullustan[2] who was considered old by the time of the Clone Wars.[1] Serving as a Confederacy of Independent Systems admiral,[2] the Galactic Republic government considered the admiral and his forces to be such a threat that it launched its new Victory-class Star Destroyers months in advance of their planned rollout to deal with the Bulwark Fleet and its commander.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Dua Ningo was first mentioned in The New Essential Chronology, a reference book written by Daniel Wallace and published in 2005.[1]


Notes and references[]
