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The curved-hilt lightsaber was a type of lightsaber utilized by the Jedi and the Sith. Its curved hilt design allowed the lightsaber duelist to slash and lunge at their opponent with greater precision. Count Dooku wielded a curved-hilt lightsaber during his time as a Jedi Master and as the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus. His choice of weapon was emulated by his Sith apprentice, Asajj Ventress, who possessed two curved-hilt lightsabers which doubled as a saberstaff when joined together. After the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire, former Padawan Ahsoka Tano fashioned a pair of curved-hilt sabers with a more rectangular profile. As with her previous Jedi weapons, she crafted one standard and one shoto lightsaber.

Lightsabers with a curved-hilt design provided for increased precision in combat.
The curved-hilt lightsaber was a type of melee weapon; elegant in design, its gracefully curved hilt enabled the wielder to utilize greater finesse when slashing and lunging at an opponent.[1] Count Dooku, an accomplished duelist[11] who favored the second form of lightsaber combat,[12] wielded a red-bladed curved-hilt lightsaber.[1] Asajj Ventress, a Force-sensitive assassin trained by Dooku in the ways of the dark side of the Force,[13] wielded two lightsabers that featured a curve-shaped hilt similar to her master's weapon. When joined together, Ventress's lightsabers formed a double-bladed lightsaber.[9]
High Republic Era[]
Curved-hilt lightsabers were used by several Jedi Knights of the Galactic Republic since the time of the High Republic Era.[10][3] Examples of Jedi with curved-hilt lightsabers included Cohmac Vitus' lightsaber[10] and Torban Buck's lightsaber.[3] The Jedi Obratuk Glii owned several lightsabers, one of which had a curved-hilt design.[5]
Fall of the Republic[]
Dooku/Darth Tyranus[]
- "It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force… but by our skills with a lightsaber."
- ―Darth Tyranus, to Yoda

Dooku wielded a curved-hilt lightsaber since his days as a Jedi.
When Dooku was a Jedi Initiate, Jedi Master Lene Kostana made up the story of a Dark Lord of the Sith named Darth Sakia to test him. Part of the story was that she wielded a curved-hilt lightsaber.[15] Later, once Dooku himself was a Jedi Master, he replaced the lightsaber he had been using since his days as a young Padawan with a[16] handcrafted curved-hilt lightsaber[11] that emitted a blue blade. Dooku used this lightsaber on multiple assignments that he undertook during his time in the Jedi Order, including the mission to rescue Senator Dagonet's son[17] and the mission to Raxus Secundus.[18]
When his new allegiance to the Sith was discovered by Jedi Master Yaddle, Dooku attacked his former ally at the behest of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Rejecting Yaddle's entreaty of atonement, Dooku killed her with his own lightsaber and thereby became Sidious' new Sith apprentice,[19] taking the name of Darth Tyranus[14] in addition to his public title, the Count of Serenno.[15]

Dooku's curved-hilt lightsaber emitted a red blade after he became the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus.
Count Dooku's lightsaber blade was changed from blue to red after his conversion to the dark side.[2] During the First Battle of Geonosis, Dooku engaged in a duel with Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padawan Anakin Skywalker. He succeeded in wounding Kenobi and severing Skywalker's right arm,[14] but was bested[1] by his former master, Grand Master Yoda, and retreated from Geonosis.[14]
Dooku dueled with Kenobi and Skywalker on several occasions during the Clone Wars, as well as his prospective apprentices Ventress and Savage Opress.[1] In his final bout which took place during the Battle of Coruscant,[20] Dooku was disarmed and beheaded by his nemesis Skywalker,[1] who used his own lightsaber and the Count's weapon to carry out the execution.[20]
Asajj Ventress and Barriss Offee[]
- "The forbidden disciple of Darth Tyranus carried two lightsabers with curved hilts, each similar in style to the lightsaber used by her master."
- ―Darth Sidious

Asajj Ventress owned dual curved-hilt lightsabers that could be joined together to form a double-bladed lightsaber.
Though initially trained as a Jedi Padawan, Asajj Ventress switched her green-bladed lightsaber for a pair of red-bladed curved-hilt lightsabers during her years as Darth Tyranus's apprentice.[9] Both hilts could be joined together to form a unique double-bladed lightsaber.[22] Throughout her time in service to the Sith cause, Ventress utilized her lightsabers in several capacities—as her master's emissary[23] and assassin,[24] as well as a military commander of the Separatist Droid Army.[23] She fought a number of Jedi on several occasions with varying degrees of success, such as Kenobi, Skywalker,[25] Luminara Unduli, and Ahsoka Tano.[24]
Ventress retained her Sith lightsabers after Tyranus discarded her on the orders of his master, Darth Sidious, and continued to use them as a Nightsister[26] before pursuing a career as a bounty hunter.[27] She allowed Obi-Wan Kenobi to use one of her lightsabers during their fight against the Dathomirian brothers Maul and Savage Opress.[28]
Both lightsabers were lost when the fallen Jedi Barriss Offee ambushed Ventress in the Coruscant Underworld and took possession of her weapons,[7] consequently forcing the bounty hunter to acquire a replacement.[9] The Mirialan used the weapons when she ambushed Ahsoka Tano at an abandoned warehouse, leading the exhausted Tano, on the run in an attempt to clear her name after being framed by Offee for her crimes, to assume her attacker was Ventress.[29] Offee was later forced to use Ventress's lightsabers when Skywalker confronted her in the Jedi Temple, and thereby revealed herself as the culprit responsible for framing Tano.[7]

Ventress new final saber had a curved design and a yellow blade.
Although Ventress manage to replace it a yellow lightsaber she bought from the black market during the Clone Wars. But, that lightsaber had a straight hilt, which helped distance herself from her previous life as Dooku's apprentice[30] and was laid to rest with her after her apparent death.[31] During the early Imperial Era had a curved hilt similar to her old twin red lightsabers.[32]
Age of the Empire[]
Ahsoka Tano[]

Ahsoka Tano built a pair of curved-hilt lightsabers during the reign of the Galactic Empire.
Ahsoka Tano, once a Jedi Padawan who departed the Order late in the Clone Wars after being framed for treason by Barriss Offee,[7] abandoned her first pair of lightsabers on a moon in the aftermath of Order 66[33] to fake her death to the nascent Galactic Empire. Over a year later, she finally built herself a pair of white-bladed lightsabers after becoming involved in an uprising against the Empire on the remote moon Raada. The parts were made from the lightsaber of the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother. Although the weapons' hilts were originally rough due to being constructed in the middle of battle,[8] when she finished them, they were curved with a rectangular profile. Like her original lightsabers, Tano's new blades consisted of a standard single-bladed lightsaber and a shoto.[34]
Tano used the weapons throughout the Imperial Era, including when she encountered the members of the Spectres, a rebel crew that included Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his apprentice Ezra Bridger.[35] She used her blades in at least one sparring match with Bridger.[36] Over the course of her association with the Spectres and Phoenix Cell, Tano crossed blades with Imperial Inquisitors Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother on Takobo.[34] Eventually, Tano accompanied Jarrus and Bridger on a mission to the dark world of Malachor, where they encountered the Inquisitors. Tano was eventually forced to duel her former master Darth Vader as Jarrus and Bridger escaped, after which she was presumed dead.[37] However, Tano survived the ordeal when Bridger rescued her via the World Between Worlds, from his perspective several years later. Tano used her weapons to defend herself from Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine's Sith alchemy before they both escaped.[38]
Kirak Infil'a and Darth Vader[]
- "You came here to get something. I can sense it. You want my lightsaber."
- ―Kirak Infil'a, to Darth Vader

The lightsaber of Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a was claimed by the Sith Lord Darth Vader.
A curved-hilt lightsaber served as the weapon of Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a and Sith Lord Darth Vader in turn.[6] It first belonged to Infil'a and was therefore a Jedi lightsaber that emitted a green blade.[39] During the early days of the Emperor's reign, Vader sought to claim Infil'a's lightsaber,[6] having lost the blue lightsaber that he wielded as Anakin Skywalker, in accordance with the ways of the Sith.[40]After killing Infil'a on Al'doleem,[6] Vader traveled to the planet Mustafar to change the blade's color to red by subjecting its kyber crystal to a dark-side process known as bleeding. His first attempt failed, resulting in a Force vision that showed Vader returning to the light as Anakin Skywalker, and using Infil'a's green-bladed lightsaber to kill Darth Sidious.[41]
However, Vader rejected the vision and made a second attempt to bleed the crystal. The process succeeded and Vader returned to Coruscant where he presented his new curved-hilt Sith lightsaber to Sidious.[41] Vader used the lightsaber when he fought the Grand Inquisitor and later when he hunted the Jedi Master and Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives, Jocasta Nu.[42] The hilt was subsequently destroyed during an attempt on Vader's life by a family of bounty hunters on Cabarria, during which the hilt was shattered by the combined strain of a tractor rifle and Vader's pulling it back with the Force.[43] Salvaging the crystal, Vader soon crafted his own, new hilt for it.[44]
Chelli Lona Aphra[]
During the hunt for the Spark Eternal, the Spark Eternal artificial intelligence took control of Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra's body, forcing the doctor to live out the Spark Eternal's "memories" as it piloted her body. Inside one memory, after helping Miril, the leader of the Ascendant cult, defeat the Darkseekers group of Sith, Aphra picked up a curved-hilt Sith lightsaber.[45] In another memory, as part of a test of the Null Blade, Aphra cut the swords blade, using the saber but the saber was neutralized as the Null Blade had a cortosis alloy.[46]
Behind the scenes[]

Designs for Oppo Rancisis's lightsaber
Curved-hilt lightsabers first appeared with Count Dooku's lightsaber in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.[14] It was first formally identified in the short story "Dooku Captured."[47]
The lightsaber of Oppo Rancisis was set to appear in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, but the show was cancelled before the blade made an appearance. Designs for the lightsaber that were based on Count Dooku's lightsaber and included the addition of a hilt-guard were revealed by Dave Filoni and Pablo Hidalgo in their The Untold Clone Wars panel at Celebration Anaheim in 2015.[48]
Non-canon appearances[]
LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales — "Exit from Endor" (In flashback(s))
LEGO Star Wars: Droid Tales — "Crisis on Coruscant" (In flashback(s))
- LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
- LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga