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Sonic Wiki Zone

Archie Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 27 is the twenty-seventh issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series published by Archie Comics.

Official solicitation[]

A Scrambled Hedgehog[]

For years, the Freedom Fighters have relied on Sonic's speed and confidence to get them through the worst situations. But where would they be without their quick-footed friend, or worse yet, if he were fighting for the other side? In this dramatic two-part tale, Sonic turns on his friends after losing his memory and being tricked by Robotnik to find Knothole and give away its secret location!

Featured stories[]

A Scrambled Hedgehog[]


Part I[]

In Robotrolpolis, Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg and Sir Kicks-a-Lot of the Robotropolis Spy Network write a message for the Knothole Freedom Fighters in an alleyway, disguising it as graffiti. After spray painting the message, Sleuth adds a heart and the words "Sonic & Sally" to make sure Robotnik thinks it's just vandalism. The two spies leave, putting on their SWATbot disguises. Sonic arrives soon after to read the message, but Dr. Robotnik's security quickly finds him. Sonic tries to escape when a SWATbot ambushes him, knocking him unconscious.

Sonic wakes up with Robotnik and Snively standing over him, ready to take him out. To their surprise, Sonic appears to have amnesia. Snively is suspects Sonic is faking it, but Robotnik disagrees as Sonic never shows weakness or acts "docile". Robotnik, pretending to be concerned for Sonic's health, claims to be his trusted mentor before leaving him to sleep. Robotnik informs Snively that he's come up with an absolutely wicked idea.

Part II[]

Robotnik and Snively watch as a recovered, amnesic Sonic battle robotic duplicates of Antoine, Tails, and Rotor. Snively thinks it's a waste of such advanced robots, but Robotnik retorts that his failure with the Sally robot proves they are useless. Snively asks if the real Freedom Fighters would be able to defeat Sonic. Robotnik assures him that the real Freedom Fighters would hesitate to attack Sonic, making any resistance futile.

Robotnik praises Sonic for his victory and tells him that the time has come to face the real Freedom Fighters. Sonic is eager to do so, having been told that the "evil" group intends to overthrow Robotnik's government. Sonic heads into the Great Forest, searching for Knothole, unaware that Robotnik is tracking his movements with hidden cameras so that his Demolition Tractors can follow him and destroy everything in their path. Robotnik is so overjoyed at the prospect of destroying Knothole, he nearly celebrates early. Sonic comes to a fork in the road and is unsure where to go next. He spots a nearby tree stump, which is actually the secret entrance to Freedom HQ, and notes that it seems familiar to him. Discovering its true nature, he heads inside while Robotnik watches.

Part III[]

At Freedom HQ, Rotor tells Princess Sally that Sonic is setting off all their alarms for some reason. Their sensors indicate that he's the real Sonic, but they also detect Robotnik's tracking device. Assuming Sonic is unaware that he's being tracked, Sally orders Rotor to seal off the tunnel and prevent Sonic from reaching the base. Sonic is then blocked by a large metal door. He wonders what he should do when he hears a loud rumbling above him, caused by the demolition tractors. Before Robotnik can launch his attack, Snively informs Robotnik that Sonic is trapped and nowhere near Knothole. Robotnik contacts Sonic through the tracking device and tells him to activate a device installed into one of his gloves: a hand-laser that blows right through the door.

Sally, realizing how dangerous the situation has become, authorizes all means necessary to stop Sonic. Meanwhile, Sonic comes across a three-way intersection, unsure where to go next. Sonic's transmission breaks up for a moment, and Sonic has already selected a tunnel before it returns, leaving Robotnik unsure of which path Sonic took. Sally orders Rotor to flood the tunnels. Robotnik realizes this and deploys the tractors again, hoping to destroy Knothole despite not knowing its exact location. The tunnel ahead of Sonic collapses and the water is rushing behind him.

Part IV[]

Caught between water on one side and a cave-in on the other, Sonic uses his Sonic Spin to tunnel his way out towards the surface. As he races to escape, Sonic is wondering why his new move seemed so natural, but decides to focus on getting out before the water catches up to him. Snively notices that Sonic's signal has died and wonders whether Sonic has perished, but Robotnik decides to wait and see how things turn out. Rotor and Sally are also stuck waiting to see if Sonic is alive.

Sonic reaches the surface and soon finds Knothole Village. Robotnik and Snively watch and send the demolition tractors to his location. The Freedom Fighters are alerted to Sonic's presence and mobilize in preparation. Antoine rallies the citizens, who are confused to see Sonic speeding towards them. Sonic blows through the crowd easily. Rotor informs Sally that Sonic has broken through their defenses just as Sonic enters the room.



Races and species:







  • This story appears to be based on the episode "No Brainer" from the Sonic the Hedgehog television series.
    • In comparison to the original episode, Robotnik is unaware of Snively's plans with Sonic to find Knothole, while here it is his idea all throughout.
  • When Sonic enters Freedom HQ at the conclusion of this story, he sings an altered version of "Bad Boys", the theme song for the TV series Cops.

Coming Soon: Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble[]


Sonic sits down in front of a projector to watch a trailer for the Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble special. The trailer shows Dr. Robotnik and Crabmeat discovering a Chaos Emerald, a mysterious villain clubbing Sonic, and the Ancient Walkers. The narrator goes on to mention that Tails will have a solo adventure, and Tails tells the audience that he got to renegotiate his contract. The narrator also tells readers to check out Sally in a string bikini, but Sally is then seen in the editing room literally cutting the footage from the film reels with a pair of scissors. The trailer ends with the promise of Sonic and Knuckles fighting one on one.

Sonic is impressed and asks Rotor to play it again, but the film reel has become tangled in a mess on the floor.



Races and species:


The Adventures of Scott and Paul[]

See also: Off Panel



Off Panel

Frank Gagliardo appears alongside Joe Pepitone and Paul Castiglia to get revenge on Freddy Mendez and Scott Fulop. Scott uses his editorial powers to call upon Knuckles to smack them out of the way, taking care of his "Triple Trouble".



Races and species:

Other features[]

  • Sonic Art: A page filled with four pictures of fanart send into Archie Comics.
  • Sonic-Grams:


Antoine: Mon Dieu!
Narrator: THRILL to Tails' solo adventure!
Tails: The real thrill was when I re-negotiated my contract!



Cover artwork[]

Preview pages[]


External links[]
