Certifikácie predaja na hudobných trhoch
Certifikácie predaja na hudobných trhoch vo svete sa odvíjajú od množstva predaných hudobných nosičov, ktoré je stanovené asociáciami hudobného priemyslu rôznych krajín a teritórií vo svete. Štandardné certifikácie sú v rôznych kombináciách, sú stanovené ako strieborné, zlaté, platinové a diamantové albumy, a prideľujú sa za predané množstvo nosičov podľa regionálneho trhového potenciálu. Pri platinových a diamantových albumoch sa pri viacnásobku dosiahnutého stanoveného predaja tradične používa certifikácia s prívlastkom „multi“ (mutltiplatinový, alebo multidiamantový album).
Hudobný priemysel |
Platinový album |
Viacero regionálnych asociácií hudobného priemyslu sú reprezentantmi Medzinárodnej federácii fonografického priemyslu (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, skr. IFPI). Do IFPI je začlenených 49 asociácií krajín, a táto organizácia pôsobí spolu v 75 krajinách.[1] V niektorých prípadoch je IFPI iba pridruženým orgánom aktuálne aplikovaným pravidlám miestnej certifikácii, no vo viacerých ďalších krajinách s menšou podporou hudobného priemyslu je IFPI hlavným garantom certifikačných kritérií. Niektoré krajiny a aj niektoré nahrávacie spoločnosti sú od medzinárodnej asociácie nezávislé a majú svoje vlastné kritériá na certifikáciu.
Certifikované bývajú predaje albumov, singlov, legálne (platené) stiahnutia hudobných súborov, hudobné videá, hudobné DVD a aj originálne vyzváňacie tóny. Niektoré pravidlá pre certifikáciu hudobných nosičov sú oddelené podľa domácej, alebo importovanej hudby, hudobných žánrov, dĺžky nahrávok, alebo distribuovaných formátov.
Certifikácia hudobných albumov
upraviť- Legenda: horné číslo reprezentuje predaj domácej tvorby, dolné importovanú hudobnú tvorbu. Tam, kde je uvedené iba jedno číslo sú certifikované iba domáce hudobné diela.
Ďalšie poznámky sa nachádzajú pod tabuľkou.
Krajina/ Teritórium |
Certifikátor | Hranica predaja pre ocenenie | ||||
Striebro | Zlato | Platina | Diamant | |||
Argentína | Argentine Chamber of Phonograms and Videograms Producers (CAPIF)[2] | — | 20 000 (20 000) |
40 000 (40 000) |
250 000 | |
Austrália | Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA)[3] | — | 35 000 (35 000) |
70 000 (70 000) |
— | |
Rakúsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Austria[4] | — | 10 000 (10 000) |
20 000 (20 000) |
— | |
Belgicko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Belgium[5] | — | 10 000 (15 000) |
20 000 (30 000) |
— | |
Brazília | Brazilian Association of Phonograph Producers (ABDP)[6] | — | 50 000 (30 000) |
100 000 (60 000) |
500 000 (250 000) | |
Bulharsko | Bulgarian Association of Music Producers (BAMP)[7] | — | 15 000 (10 000) |
30 000 (20 000) |
— | |
Kanada | Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA)[8][9] | — | 40 000 (40 000) |
80 000 (80 000) |
800 000 (800 000) | |
Čile | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Chile[10] | — | 7 500 (7 500) |
15 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Čína | State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television[11] | — | 40 000 (15 000) |
80 000 (30 000) |
— | |
Kolumbia | Asociación Colombiana de Productores de Fonogramas (ASINCOL) | — | 10 000 (5 000) |
20 000 (10 000) |
200 000 (100 000) |
— |
Cyprus | AllRecords - www.allrecords.com | — | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Česko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Czech Republic | — | 7 500 (3 000) |
15 000 (6 000) |
— | |
Dánsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Denmark[12] | — | 15 000 (15 000) |
30 000 (30 000) |
— | |
Ekvádor | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Ecuador | — | 3 000 (3 000) |
6 000 (6 000) |
— | |
Egypt[I] | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Egypt | — | 50 000 (5 000) |
100 000 (10 000) |
— | |
Fínsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Finland[13] | — | 15 000 (10 000) |
30 000 (20 000) |
— | |
Francúzsko | National Syndicate of Phonographic Publishing (SNEP)[14] | 35 000 (35 000) |
75,000 (75,000) |
200 000 (300 000) |
750 000 (750 000) | |
Nemecko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Germany[15] | — | 100 000 (100 000) |
200 000 (200 000) |
— | |
Grécko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry(IFPI)[16] | — | 15 000 (7 500) |
30 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Hongkong | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Hong Kong[17] | — | 15 000 (7 500) |
30 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Maďarsko[II] | Association of Hungarian Record Companies (MAHASz)[18] | — | 7 500 (3 000) |
15 000 (6 000) |
— | |
India[III] | Indian Music Industry (IMI)[19] | — | 100 000 (7 500) |
200 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Indonézia | Recording Industry of Indonesia[20] | — | 75 000 (20 000) |
150 000 (40 000) |
— | |
Írsko | Irish Recorded Music Association (IRMA)[21] | — | 7 500 (7 500) |
15 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Izrael | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Israel | — | 20 000 | 40 000 | — | |
Taliansko | Federation of the Italian Music Industry (FIMI)[22] | — | 35 000 (35 000) |
70 000 (70 000) |
350 000 (350 000) | |
Japonsko | Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)[23] | — | 100 000 (100 000) |
250 000 (250 000) |
— | |
Lotyšsko | Latvian Music Producers Association (LaMPA)[24] | — | 8 000 (4 000) |
15 000 (8 000) |
— | |
Libanon[I] | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Lebanon | — | 20 000 (5 000) |
40 000 (10 000) |
— | |
Malajzia | Recording Industry Association of Malaysia (RIAM)[25] | — | 10 000 (10 000) |
20 000 (20 000) |
— | |
Mexiko[IV] | Mexican Association of Phonograph Producers (AMPF)[26] | — | 40 000 (40 000) |
80 000 (80 000) |
400 000 (400 000) | |
Holandsko[V] | The Dutch Association of Producers and Importers of Image and Sound Carriers (NVPI)[27] |
— | 30 000 (30 000) |
60 000 (60 000) |
— | |
Nový Zéland | Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ)[28] | — | 7 500 (7 500) |
15 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Nórsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Norway[29] | — | 15 000 (15 000) |
30 000 (30 000) |
— | |
Paraguaj | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Paraguay | — | 5 000 (5 000) |
10 000 | — | |
Peru | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Peru | — | 3 000 (3 000) |
6 000 (6 000) |
— | |
Filipíny | Philippine Recording Industry Music Association (PRIMA) | — | 12 500 (7 500) |
25 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Poľsko[VI] | Polish Producers of Audio and Video (ZPAV)[30] | — | 15 000 (10 000) |
30 000 (20 000) |
150 000 (100 000) | |
Portugalsko | Phonographic Association of Portugal (AFP)[31] | — | 10 000 (10 000) |
20 000 (20 000) |
— | |
Rusko | National Federation of Phonogram Producers (NFPP)[32] | — | 50 000 (10 000) |
100 000 (20 000) |
300 000 | |
Singapur | Recording Industry Association Singapore (RIAS)[33] | — | 6 000 (6 000) |
12 000 (12 000) |
— | |
Slovensko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Slovakia[34] | — | 3 000 (1 000) |
6 000 (2 000) |
— | |
Slovinsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Slovenia | — | 5 000 (5 000) |
10 000 (10 000) |
— | |
Južná Kórea | Recording Industry Association of Korea[35] | — | 8 000 (8 000) |
15 000 (15 000) |
— | |
Španielsko | Producers of Spanish Music (PROMUSICAE)[36] | — | 40 000 (40 000) |
80 000 (80 000) |
Švédsko[VII] | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Sweden[37] | — | 20 000 (20 000) |
40 000 (40 000) |
— | |
Švajčiarsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Switzerland[38] | — | 15 000 (15 000) |
30 000 (30 000) |
— | |
Taiwan | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Taiwan[39] | — | 20 000 (7 000) |
40 000 (14 000) |
— | |
Turecko | Turkish Phonographic Industries Society (Mü-YAP)[40] | — | 100 000 (5 000) |
200 000 (10 000) |
300 000 (20 000) | |
Ukrajina | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Ukraine | — | 50 000 (25 000) |
100 000 (50 000) |
500 000 (100 000) | |
Spojené kráľovstvo | British Phonographic Industry (BPI)[41] | 60 000 | 100 000 | 300 000 | — | |
Spojené štáty | Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)[42] | — | 500 000 (500 000) |
1 milión (1 milión) |
10 miliónov (10 miliónov) | |
Uruguay | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Uruguay | — | 2 000 (2 000) |
4 000 (4 000) |
— | |
Venezuela | Association of Venezuelan Phonograph Producers (APFV) | — | 5 000 (5 000) |
10 000 (10 000) |
— | |
Medzinárodné alebo viacnárodné agentúry | ||||||
Stredný východ[I] | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Gulf States | — | 15 000 (15 000) |
30 000 (30 000) |
— | |
Južná Afrika a Lesotho[VIII] |
Recording Industry of South Africa (RISA)[43] | — | 20 000 (20 000) |
40 000 (40 000) |
— | |
Striebro | Zlato | Platina | Diamant | |||
Hranica predaja pre dosiahnutie certifikácie |
Znak "—" znamená, že táto certifikácia nie je stanovená.
↑ I Egyptské, libanonské a certifikácie Perského zálivu zahrňujú predaj nosičov štátov arabských krajín.
↑ II Maďarská certifikácia sa vzťahuje na popové albumy. Pre džez, klasickú hudbu a hovorené slovo je certifikácia odlišná (pre zlato 1 500 a pre platinu 3 000 nosičov).
Certifikácia singlov
upraviťKrajina/ Teritórium |
Certifikátor | Hranica predaja | |||
Striebro | Zlato | Platina | Diamant | ||
Rakúsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Austria[4] | — | 15 000 | 30 000 | — |
Austrália | Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA)[3] | — | 35 000 | 70 000 | — |
Belgicko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Belgium[5] | — | 15,000 (25 000) |
30,000 (50 000) |
— |
Brazília | Brazilian Association of Phonograph Producers (ABDP)[6] | — | 25 000 | 50 000 | 100 000 |
Kanada | Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA)[8] | — | 5 000 | 10 000 | 100 000 |
Česko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Czech Republic | — | 1 000 | 2 000 | — |
Dánsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Denmark[12] | — | 4 000 | 8 000 | — |
Fínsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Finland[13] | — | 15 000 | 30 000 | — |
Francúzsko | National Syndicate of Phonographic Publishing (SNEP)[14] | 100 000 | 200 000 | 300 000 | 500 000 |
Nemecko[IX] | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Germany[15] | — | 150 000 | 300 000 | — |
Grécko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI)[16] | — | 7 500 | 10 000 | — |
Maďarsko | Association of Hungarian Record Companies (MAHASz)[18] | — | 1 500 | 3 000 | — |
Írsko | Irish Recorded Music Association (IRMA)[21] | — | 7 500 | 15 000 | — |
Taliansko | Federation of the Italian Music Industry (FIMI)[44] | — | 10 000 | 20 000 | — |
Japonsko | Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)[23] | — | 100 000 | 250 000 | 1 milión |
Holandsko | The Dutch Association of Producers and Importers of Image and Sound Carriers (NVPI)[27] |
— | 40 000 | 60 000 | — |
Nový Zéland | Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ)[28] | — | 7 500 | 15 000 | — |
Nórsko[IX] | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Norway[29] | — | 5 000 | 10 000 | — |
Portugalsko | Phonographic Association of Portugal (AFP)[31] | — | 10 000 | 20 000 | — |
Singapur | Recording Industry Association Singapore (RIAS)[33] | — | 5 000 | 10 000 | — |
Španielsko | Producers of Spanish Music (PROMUSICAE)[36] | — | 10 000 | 20 000 | — |
Švédsko[IX] | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Sweden[37] | — | 10 000 | 20 000 | — |
Švajčiarsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Switzerland[38] | — | 15 000 | 30 000 | — |
Taiwan | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Taiwan[39] | — | 7 000 | 14 000 | — |
Spojené kráľovstvo[IX] |
British Phonographic Industry (BPI)[41] | 200 000 | 400 000 | 600 000 | — |
Spojené štáty |
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)[42] | — | 500 000 | 1 milión | — |
Medzinárodné a viacnárodné agentúry | |||||
Južná Afrika a Lesotho |
Recording Industry of South Africa (RISA)[43] | — | 10 000 | 25 000 | — |
Striebro | Zlato | Platina | Diamant | ||
Hranica predaja na certifikáciu |
Znak "—" znamená, že táto certifikácia nie je stanovená.
↑ III Nemecké, nórske, švédske a britské certifikácie môžu zahrňovať aj legálne stiahnutia z internetu.
Certifikácia legálne stiahnutých singlov
upraviťKrajina/ Teritórium |
Certifikátor | Hranica predaja | |||
Zlato | Platina | Diamant | |||
Kanada | Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA)[8] | 20 000 | 40 000 | 400 000 | |
Dánsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Denmark[12] | 7 000 | 15 000 | — | |
Japonsko[X] | Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)[23] | 100 000 | 250 000 | 1 milión [XI] | |
Mexiko | Mexican Association of Phonograph Producers (AMPF)[45] | 1 500 | 3 000 | — | |
Španielsko | Producers of Spanish Music (PROMUSICAE)[36] | 10 000 | 20 000 | — | |
Spojené štáty | Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)[42] | 500 000 | 1 milión | — |
Certifikácia hudobných videí
upraviťKrajina/ Teritórium |
Certifikátor | Hranica predaja | |||
Zlato | Platina | Diamant | |||
Argentína | Argentine Chamber of Phonograms and Videograms Producers (CAPIF)[2] | 4 000 | 8 000 | — | |
Austrália | Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA)[3] | 7 500 | 15 000 | — | |
Rakúsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Austria[4] | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Belgicko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Belgium[5] | 25 000 | 50 000 | — | |
Brazília | Brazilian Association of Phonograph Producers (ABDP)[6] | 25 000 (15 000) |
50 000 (30 000) |
250 000 (150 000) | |
Kanada | Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA)[8] | 5 000 | 10 000 | 100 000 | |
Kolumbia | Colombian Association of Phonograph Producers (ASINCOL) | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Česko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Czech Republic | 1 500 | 3 000 | — | |
Dánsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Denmark[12] | 7 000 | 15 000 | — | |
Fínsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Finland[13] | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Francúzsko | National Syndicate of Phonographic Publishing (SNEP)[14] | 10 000 | 20 000 | 100 000 | |
Nemecko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Germany[15] | 25 000 | 50 000 | — | |
Grécko | Association of Greek Producers of Phonograms (AGPP)[46] | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Maďarsko | Association of Hungarian Record Companies (MAHASz)[18] | 2 000 | 4 000 | — | |
Írsko | Irish Recorded Music Association (IRMA)[21] | 2 000 | 4 000 | — | |
Taliansko | Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana (FIMI) | 10 000 | 20 000 | — | |
Japonsko | Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)[23] | 100 000 | 250 000 | — | |
Lotyšsko | Latvian Music Producers Association (LaMPA)[24] | 5 000 | 8 000 | — | |
Mexiko | Mexican Association of Phonograph Producers (AMPF)[45] | 10 000 | 20 000 | — | |
Holandsko | The Dutch Association of Producers and Importers of Image and Sound Carriers (NVPI)[27] |
30 000 | 60 000 | — | |
Nový Zéland | Recording Industry Association of New Zealand (RIANZ)[28] | 2 500 | 5 000 | — | |
Nórsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Norway | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Poľsko[XII] | Związek Producentów Audio-Video (ZPAV) | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Portugalsko | Phonographic Association of Portugal (AFP)[31] | 4 000 | 8 000 | — | |
Rusko | National Federation of Phonogram Producers (NFPP)[32] | 25 000 (10 000) |
50 000 (20 000) |
— | |
Slovensko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Slovakia[34] | 500 | 1 000 | — | |
Španielsko | Producers of Spanish Music (PROMUSICAE)[36] | 10 000 | 25 000 | — | |
Švédsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Sweden | 10 000 | 20 000 | — | |
Spojené kráľovstvo | British Phonographic Industry (BPI)[41] | 25 000 | 50 000 | — | |
Spojené štáty[XIII] | Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)[42] | 25 000 | 50 000 | — | |
Uruguay | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Uruguay | 1 000 | 2 000 | — | |
Zlato | Platina | Diamant | |||
Hranica predaja na certifikáciu |
Certifikácia DVD
upraviťKrajina/ Teritórium |
Certifikátor | Hranica predaja | |||
Zlato | Platina | Diamant | |||
Rakúsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Austria[4] | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Brazília | Brazilian Association of Phonograph Producers (ABDP)[6] | 25 000 | 50 000 | 100 000 | |
Kanada | Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA)[8] | 5 000 | 10 000 | 100 000 | |
Dánsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Denmark[12] | 4 000 | 8 000 | — | |
Fínsko | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Finland[13] | 5 000 | 10 000 | — | |
Maďarsko | Association of Hungarian Record Companies (MAHASz)[18] | 2 000 | 4 000 | — |
Certifikácia vyzváňacích tónov
upraviťKrajina/ Teritórium |
Certifikátor | Hranica predaja | |||
Zlato | Platina | Diamant | |||
Kanada | Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA)[8] | 20 000 | 40 000 | 400 000 | |
Japonsko | Recording Industry Association of Japan (RIAJ)[23] | 500 000 [XVI] |
750 000 [XVI] |
1 milión [XVI] | |
Mexiko | Mexican Association of Phonograph Producers (AMPF)[45] | 10 000 | 25 000 | 250 000 | |
Španielsko | Producers of Spanish Music (PROMUSICAE)[36] | 10 000 | 20 000 | — | |
Spojené štáty | Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)[42] | 500 000 | 1 milión | — |
Pozri aj
upraviť- Primárne
- National record industry associations [online]. IFPI, [cit. 2008-05-31]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2013-12-09 z originálu.
- Certification Award Levels [online]. IFPI, [cit. 2008-04-23]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-02-15 z originálu. (Current as of 2008)
- Certification Award Full List - OCTOBER 07 [online]. IFPI, [cit. 2008-06-07]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-02-27 z originálu. (Current as of October 2007)
- Špecifické
- ↑ IFPI – About [online]. IFPI, [cit. 2008-06-18]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2006-11-05 z originálu.
- ↑ a b CAPIF – Representando a la Industria Argentina de la Música [online]. Argentine Chamber of Phonograms and Videograms Producers, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-06-01 z originálu. (Spanish)
- ↑ a b c Australian Recording Industry Association [online]. Australian Recording Industry Association, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ a b c d IFPI Austria – Verband der Österreichiscehn Musikwirtschaft [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Austria, [cit. 2008-06-03]. Dostupné online. (German)
- ↑ a b c www.skynet.bey - Le premier portail belge [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Belgium, [cit. 2008-06-03]. Dostupné online. (French)
- ↑ a b c d ABPD | Associação Brasileira de Produtores de Disco [online]. Association of Brazilian Phonograph Producers, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2012-09-21 z originálu. (Portuguese)
- ↑
- Българска асоциация на музикалните продуценти [online]. Bulgarian Association of Music Producers, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Bulgarian)
- ↑ a b c d e f Canadian Recording Industry Association (CRIA) [online]. Canadian Recording Industry Association, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ CD Awards Program Changes Announced [online]. Canadian Recording Industry Association, 25 April 2006, [cit. 2008-09-18]. Dostupné online. These unit levels were reduced from 50,000 for gold and 100,000 for platinum for releases since 1 May 2008
- ↑ IFPIChile [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Chile, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Spanish)
- ↑ 国家广播电影电视总局 [online]. State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television, [cit. 2008-06-09]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-06-07 z originálu. (Chinese)
- ↑ a b c d e IFPI Danmark - IFPI.dk [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Denmark, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Danish)
- ↑ a b c d IFPI [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Finland, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-12-07 z originálu. (English and Finnish)
- ↑ a b c Musique sur Disque en France (SNEP) : Top 50, telechargement legal, droit d'auteur [online]. Syndicat national de l'édition phonographique, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-04-20 z originálu. (French)
- ↑ a b c Bundesverband Misikindustrie: Aktuell [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Germany, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (German)
- ↑ a b Μουσική: μία παγκόσμια βιομηχανία δημιουργίας [online]. Association of Greek Producers of Phonograms (AGPP), [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2009-12-20 z originálu. (Greek)
- ↑ RULES OF IFPI HKG GOLD DISC AWARD [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (Hong Kong Group) Limited, [cit. 2008-11-05]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2007-10-15 z originálu.
- ↑ a b c d mahasz.hu – Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Szövetsége [online]. Magyar Hanglemezkiadók Szövetsége, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-05-30 z originálu. (Hungarian)
- ↑ THE INDIAN MUSIC INDUSTRY - Home Page [online]. Indian Music Industry, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ IFPI Certification Award Levels [online]. IFPI, [cit. 2008-02-15]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-02-15 z originálu.
- ↑ a b c >> IRMA << Welcome to our site >> [online]. Irish Recorded Music Association, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ IFPI [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-02-15 z originálu. (English)
- ↑ a b c d e Recording Industry Association of Japan [online]. Recording Industry Association of Japan, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ a b Latvian officials attend cyber-crime summit [online]. IFPI, 2007-08-31, [cit. 2008-06-07]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2007-09-18 z originálu.
- ↑ Recording Industry Association of Malaysia - Home [online]. Recording Industry Association of Malaysia, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ Amprofon A.C. [online]. Mexican Association of Phonograph Producers, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online. (Spanish)
- ↑ a b c NVPI, de branchevereniging van de entertainmentindustrie – English [online]. NVPI, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-11-30 z originálu. (English and Dutch)
- ↑ a b c RIANZ: recording industry association of new zealand [online]. Recording Industry Association of New Zealand, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ a b IFPI Norsk platebransje [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Norway, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Norwegian)
- ↑ Związek Producentów Audio-Video: Polish Society of the Phonographic Industry [online]. Polish Producers of Audio and Video, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Polish)
- ↑ a b c Artists & Espectáculos 2008 . Top Associação Fonográfica Portuguesa [online]. Phonographic Association of Portugal, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-07-01 z originálu. (Portuguese)
- ↑ a b Russian and international record companies unite to develop market and fight piracy [online]. IFPI, 2008, [cit. 2008-02-15]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-02-15 z originálu.
- ↑ a b Recording Industry Association (Singapore) representing record companies in Singapore [online]. Recording Industry Association Singapore, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2012-05-25 z originálu.
- ↑ a b Oficiálne stránky IFPI - Národná skupina Slovenskej republiky [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Slovakia, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2000-10-27 z originálu. (Slovak)
- ↑ 한국음악산업협회에 오신것을 환영합니다.. [online]. Recording Industry Association of Korea, [cit. 2008-06-08]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-12-18 z originálu. (Korean)
- ↑ a b c d e Promusicae [online]. Producers of Spanish Music, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Spanish)
- ↑ a b IFPI [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Sweden, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Swedish)
- ↑ a b Willkommen bei IFPI Schweiz! - Bienvenue à l'IFPI Suisse! [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Switzerland, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (German or French)
- ↑ a b IFPI TAIWAN-財團法人國際唱片業交流基金會 [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry – Taiwan, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Chinese)
- ↑ MÜ-YAP Bağlantılı Hak Sahibi Fonogram Yapımcıları Meslek Birliği [online]. Turkish Phonographic Industries Society, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. (Turkish)
- ↑ a b c The BPI [online]. British Phonographic Industry, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ a b c d e RIAA - Recording Industry Association of America [online]. Recording Industry Association of America, [cit. 2008-05-26]. Dostupné online.
- ↑ a b RiSA - Representing the Recording Industry of South Africa [online]. Recording Industry of South Africa, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2008-06-17 z originálu.
- ↑ IFPI [online]. International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2010-02-15 z originálu. (English)
- ↑ a b c Amprofon A.C. [online]. Mexican Association of Phonograph Producers, [cit. 2008-06-02]. Dostupné online. (Spanish)
- ↑ Μουσική: μία παγκόσμια βιομηχανία δημιουργίας [online]. Association of Greek Producers of Phonograms (AGPP), [cit. 2008-06-06]. Dostupné online. Archivované 2009-12-20 z originálu. (Greek)