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Laatste reactie: 11 jaar geleden door B222 in het onderwerp Pronunciation?


[brontekst bewerken]

(en) How do we say the company's name?
I am saying "Bee-zed-zed-tee-oh-aitch".
What is it really?
In Canada, Varlaam (overleg) 11 aug 2013 18:49 (CEST)Reageren

I would pronounce it something like "Buzz-tok" with a silent -k. It's the sound the blade of a guillotine makes when it falls down to the block (or so it says in the article). Arvey (overleg) 2 sep 2013 16:42 (CEST)Reageren
In dutch, letter combinations and abbreviations are more frequently pronounced as words than in english, so your pronunciation is probably not what dutch native speakers would say. I agree with Arvey: the pronunciation is like the sound of a wasp, abrubtly ended by the sound of something heavy colliding with something quite soft. My personal pronunciation is as if I kill a buzzing fly, squashing it with a newspaper onto a pillow. — bertux 3 sep 2013 12:47 (CEST)Reageren