English: Tin(II) oxide burning in an aluminium foil tray. The dim green flame in the aluminium foil is the flame produced by the burning tin(II) oxide. The orange flames are produced by the aluminium and are not unique to any metal.
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Ова дело е предадено во јавна сопственост од неговиот автор, Chemicalinterest на Википедија на англиски. Ова важи за целиот свет. Во извесни земји ова не е правно изводливо. Во тој случај: Chemicalinterest му дозволува секому да го користи делово за каква било цел, без какви било услови, освен ако такви услови не ги налага законот.Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
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2010-10-27 19:13 Chemicalinterest 601×452× (29029 bytes) {{Information |Description = Tin(II) oxide burning in an aluminium foil tray. The dim green flame in the aluminium foil is the flame produced by the burning tin(II) oxide. The orange flames are produced by the aluminium and are not unique to any metal
{{Information |Description={{en|Tin(II) oxide burning in an aluminium foil tray. The dim green flame in the aluminium foil is the flame produced by the burning tin(II) oxide. The orange flames are produced by the aluminium and are not unique to any met...
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