Minecraft Wiki
This article is about the block found in trees and huge fungi. For the block crafted from logs or stems, see Planks. For the block that has the "bark" texture on all six sides, see Wood. For the file, see Tutorials/How to get a crash report.

A log or stem is a naturally occurring block found in trees or huge fungi, primarily used as a building block, and to create planks, a versatile crafting ingredient. It comes in eleven types: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry blossom, crimson, warped, and pale oak.

A stripped log or stripped stem is a variant obtained by using an axe on a log or a stem respectively. Once stripped, it cannot be reversed.



Logs and stems can be broken by hand, but using an axe speeds up the process. Logs and stems drop themselves when broken with any tool.

Block Log
Stripped Log
Stripped Stem
Hardness 2
Breaking time[A]
Default 3
Wooden 1.5
Stone 0.75
Iron 0.5
Diamond 0.4
Netherite 0.35
Golden 0.25
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.

Chest loot[]

Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Oak Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 26.2%
Bedrock Edition
Oak Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 25%
Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Birch Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 26.2%
Bedrock Edition
Birch Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 25%
Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Spruce Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 26.2%
Village Taiga house chest 1–5 65.6%
Bedrock Edition
Spruce Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 25%
Village Taiga house chest 1–5 69.3%
Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Jungle Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 26.2%
Bedrock Edition
Jungle Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 25%
Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Acacia Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 26.2%
Bedrock Edition
Acacia Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 50%
Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Dark Oak Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 26.2%
Pillager Outpost Chest 2–3 100%
Bedrock Edition
Dark Oak Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 50%
Pillager Outpost Chest 2–3 100%
Item Structure Container Quantity Chance
Java Edition
Mangrove Log Bonus chest Chest 1–3 26.2%

Natural generation[]


Logs generate naturally as part of trees. Especially, a jungle log generate for each jungle bush.

Huge fungi[]

Stems generate naturally as part of huge fungi.


  • Oak logs generate as part of houses and at some meeting points in plains villages, and as supporting beams of swamp huts and normal mineshafts.
  • Stripped oak logs generate in plains villages.
  • Spruce logs generate as part of houses in taiga and snowy plains villages.
  • Stripped spruce logs generate in snowy plains villages.
  • Acacia logs and stripped acacia logs generate as part of houses in savanna villages.
Dark oak
  • Oak, spruce, jungle, and dark oak logs generate as masts in shipwrecks.‌[Java Edition only]
  • Stripped oak, spruce, jungle, and dark oak logs also generate as masts in shipwrecks.‌[Bedrock Edition only]


Logs and stems[]

Trees can also be grown using saplings or azalea and huge fungi can also be grown using small fungi.

Stripped logs and stems[]

Using an axe on a log or stem turns it into a stripped log or a stripped stem, which act the same as regular logs.


Crafting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Campfire Stick +
Coal or
Charcoal +
Any Log or Stem or
Any Stripped Log or Stem

Campfire Stick +
Coal or
Charcoal +
Any Log or Stem or
Any Stripped Log or Stem

Hanging Sign Chain +
Matching Stripped Log or Stem
Nether Planks Matching Stem or
Matching Stripped Stem
Oak Planks or
Spruce Planks or
Birch Planks or
Jungle Planks or
Acacia Planks or
Dark Oak Planks or
Mangrove Planks or
Cherry Planks
Matching Log or
Matching Stripped Log
Smoker Any Log or Stem or
Any Stripped Log or Stem +

Soul Campfire Stick +
Soul Sand or
Soul Soil +
Any Log or Stem or
Any Stripped Log or Stem

Stripped Wood or
Stripped Hyphae
Matching Stripped Log or
Matching Stripped Stem
Wood or
Matching Log or
Matching Stem

Further crafting[]

The following table presents the amount of logs or stems needed to produce an even multiple of a given item with no waste left over, and the quantity produced:

Product Number of logs or stems needed so that there are no redundant planks/sticks/... after crafting Product amount after crafting Ratio between the product amount and the number of logs or stems needed
Wood 4 3 75%
Hyphae 4 3 75%
Stripped Log 1[note 1] 1 100%
Stripped Stem 1[note 1] 1 100%
Stripped Wood 4[note 1] 3 75%
Stripped Hyphae 4[note 1] 3 75%
Chiseled Bookshelf 15 8 53.33%
Boat (JE) 5 4 80%
Boat (BE) 7 4 57.14%
Boat with Chest (JE) 13 4 30.76%
Boat with Chest (BE) 15 4 26.66%
Bowl 3 16 533.33%
Button 1 4 400%
Campfire 27 crafted, 8 cooked[note 2] 8 22.86%
Charcoal 0 crafted, 1 cooked[note 2][note 3] 1 100%
Chest 2 1 50%
Barrel 21 12 57.14%
Crafting Table 1 1 100%
Composter 21 24 114.28%
Door 3 6 200%
Fence 5 12 240%
Fences Gate 1 1 100%
Ladder 7 24 342.86%
Sign 13 24 184.62%
Stick 1 8 800%
Torch 1 crafted, 8 cooked[note 2] 32 355.56%
Planks 1[note 4] 4 400%
Wooden Axe 2[note 5] 2 100%
Wooden Hoe 3 4 133.33%
Wooden Pickaxe 2[note 5] 2 100%
Wooden Pressure Plate 1 2 200%
Wooden Shovel 1 2 200%
Wooden Slab 3 24 800%
Wooden Stairs 3 8 266.67%
Wooden Sword 5 8 160%
Wooden Trapdoor 3 4 133.33%
  1. a b c d The stripping must be done with an axe, which is not counted
  2. a b c Requires the burning of wood into charcoal in a furnace, which needs 8 cobblestone and burning material. The cobblestone and fuel are ignored for the purpose of this conversion.
  3. Assumed to be crafted from logs rather than wood blocks.
  4. Assumed to be crafted from logs or stems rather than wood or hyphae blocks.
  5. a b Because one plank cannot be crafted into two sticks, this crafting recipe requires two wood or hyphae for two units.

Smelting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Smelting recipe
Charcoal Any Log or
Any Stripped Log +
Any fuel



Logs, but not stems, can be used as a fuel in furnaces, smelting 1.5 items per block.

Cocoa beans[]

Cocoa beans can be placed on the side of both jungle logs and stripped jungle logs to grow a new cocoa pod.

Note blocks[]

Logs and stems can be placed under note blocks to produce "bass" sounds.


Other logs[]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.wood.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.wood.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.wood.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.wood.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.wood.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.wood1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.wood1.00.8
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.wood0.230.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.wood0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.wood0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.wood0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.wood0.181.0

Cherry log[]

Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.cherry_wood.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.cherry_wood.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.cherry_wood.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.cherry_wood.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.cherry_wood.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokenbreak.cherry_wood1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placedplace.cherry_wood1.00.8
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.cherry_wood0.230.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.cherry_wood0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.cherry_wood0.21.0
PlayersJumping from the blockstep.cherry_wood0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damagestep.cherry_wood0.181.0


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stem.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stem.placesubtitles.block.generic.place0.80.8816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stem.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.20.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stem.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.stem.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stem1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stem1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stem0.340.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stem0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stem0.141.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.stem0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.stem0.141.0

Data values[]

Note that when a log or stem is placed, it changes its facing parameters, placing in the direction relative to the block it is placed on.

Logs and stems consider only the axis; a sideways log or stem placed while facing north does not have a top texture rotated 180 degrees from a log or stem placed south.[1]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormBlock tagsItem tagsTranslation key
Oak Logoak_logBlock & Itemlogs
Spruce Logspruce_logBlock & Itemlogs
Birch Logbirch_logBlock & Itembirch_logs
Jungle Logjungle_logBlock & Itemjungle_logs
Acacia Logacacia_logBlock & Itemacacia_logs
Dark Oak Logdark_oak_logBlock & Itemdark_oak_logs
Mangrove Logmangrove_logBlock & Itemmangrove_logs
Cherry Logcherry_logBlock & Itemcherry_logs
Crimson Stemcrimson_stemBlock & Itemcrimson_stems
Warped Stemwarped_stemBlock & Itemwarped_stems
Stripped Oak Logstripped_oak_logBlock & Itemlogs
Stripped Spruce Logstripped_spruce_logBlock & Itemlogs
Stripped Birch Logstripped_birch_logBlock & Itembirch_logs
Stripped Jungle Logstripped_jungle_logBlock & Itemjungle_logs
Stripped Acacia Logstripped_acacia_logBlock & Itemacacia_logs
Stripped Dark Oak Logstripped_dark_oak_logBlock & Itemdark_oak_logs
Stripped Mangrove Logstripped_mangrove_logBlock & Itemmangrove_logs
Stripped Cherry Logstripped_cherry_logBlock & Itemcherry_logs
Stripped Crimson Stemstripped_crimson_stemBlock & Itemcrimson_stems
Stripped Warped Stemstripped_warped_stemBlock & Itemwarped_stems

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierAlias ID Numeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Item tags (JE)Translation key
Oak Logoak_loglog / 017Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Spruce Logspruce_loglog / 1-569Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Birch Logbirch_loglog / 2-570Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Jungle Logjungle_loglog / 3-571Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Acacia Logacacia_loglog2 / 0162Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Dark Oak Logdark_oak_loglog2 / 1-572Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Mangrove Logmangrove_logNone-484Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:mangrove_logs
Cherry Logcherry_logNone-536Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Crimson Stemcrimson_stemNone-225Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:crimson_stems
Warped Stemwarped_stemNone-226Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:warped_stems
Stripped Oak Logstripped_oak_logNone-10Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Stripped Spruce Logstripped_spruce_logNone-5Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Stripped Birch Logstripped_birch_logNone-6Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Stripped Jungle Logstripped_jungle_logNone-7Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Stripped Acacia Logstripped_acacia_logNone-8Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Stripped Dark Oak Logstripped_dark_oak_logNone-9Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Stripped Mangrove Logstripped_mangrove_logNone-485Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:mangrove_logs
Stripped Cherry Logstripped_cherry_logNone-535Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:logs
Stripped Crimson Stemstripped_crimson_stemNone-240Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:crimson_stems
Stripped Warped Stemstripped_warped_stemNone-241Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]minecraft:warped_stems
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Available with /give command.
  3. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.

Block states[]

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
axisy xThe log or stem is oriented east–west.
yThe log or stem is oriented vertically.
zThe log or stem is oriented north–south.

Bedrock Edition:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
y y0The log is oriented vertically.
x1The log is oriented east–west.
z2The log is oriented north–south.


Icon Achievement In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other
Getting WoodPunch a tree until a block of wood pops out.Pick up a log from the ground.10GBronze
Renewable EnergySmelt wood trunks using charcoal to make more charcoal.Smelt a wooden log with charcoal as the fuel.10GBronze


For a more in-depth breakdown of changes to textures and models, including a set of renders for each state combination, see /Asset history

May 21, 2009Notch shows interest in adding wood.
Java Edition Classic
0.0.14aOak Log Axis Y JE1 Added wood.
Oak wood is currently one of the first blocks in Minecraft.
0.0.15aOak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 The texture of wood has been changed.
August 25, 2009Showed that breaking wood now drops 3–5 wooden planks.
0.24_SURVIVAL_TESTThe above changed of breaking wood dropping 3-5 wooden planks has been implemented.[needs testing]
Java Edition Indev
20100223Breaking wood now gives the block instead of wooden planks.
Java Edition Alpha
?Wood can now be destroyed only by fire if it had several sides simultaneously burning. If only one side was burning, the fire and wood block lasts forever.
Java Edition Beta
1.2Spruce Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Added spruce and birch wood.
Wood can now be smelted into charcoal.
1.3Wood and wooden planks now burn and are destroyed if any one of the sides are lit on fire.
1.5With the addition of birch and spruce saplings, their respective wood types have now become renewable resources.
Added "Getting Wood" achievement for picking up a wood item.
1.8Pre-releaseOak wood now generates in villages.
Java Edition
1.2.112w03aJungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Added jungle wood.
1.2.4Different types of wood now produce different colors of planks when crafted.
1.3.112w16aOak wood is now found in bonus chests.
12w18aEach type of wood now has a unique name.
12w30dOak Log Axis X JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis X JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis X JE1 BE1 Jungle Log Axis X JE1 BE1
Oak Log Axis Z JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 Jungle Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 All types of blocks of wood are now rotatable, with the wood placed with the inner side facing the player (similarly to pistons).
1.3.2preLarge oak trees now generate with horizontal wood blocks.
1.4.212w38aWood blocks have new sounds for being walked on and broken.
The orientation of placed wood blocks is now determined by which face of another block they are placed against, similarly to levers.
12w40aOak wood now generates as part of witch huts.
1.6.113w24aAs a feature of resource packs, each wood block has its own top, meaning that wood tops can now be colored separately.
1.7.213w43aAcacia Log Axis Y JE1 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE1 Added acacia and roofed oak wood.
1.7"Roofed Oak" has been renamed to "Dark Oak Wood".
Acacia Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 The textures of acacia and dark oak wood have been changed.
Spruce Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Birch Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Jungle Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 The top texture of all blocks of wood now have unique textures, rather than sharing it with oak.
Wood in bonus chests may now also be acacia.
1.915w43aWood found in bonus chests can now be of any type, rather than just oak or acacia.
15w44aBonus chests now have less wood.
1.1016w20aAdded taiga villages, which generate with spruce wood.
Savanna villages now generate with acacia wood.
1.1116w39aOak and dark oak wood now generate in woodland mansions.
1.1317w47a"Wood" has been renamed to "Log".
18w07aStripped Oak Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Spruce Log Axis Y JE1 Stripped Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Acacia Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE1 Added stripped logs.
18w11aLogs now generate as part of the newly added shipwrecks.
pre1Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 The side texture for stripped jungle logs has been changed.
July 18, 2017Birch log texture update preview Jeb tweets an image of new textures for iron blocks, obsidian and birch logs.
July 19, 2017Oak log texture update preview Spruce log texture update preview Jungle log texture update preview Acacia log texture update preview Dark oak log texture update preview Jeb reappears with an image of all the new log textures.
July 19, 2017Birch log texture update preview 2 JAPPA tweets an image of a less-blurry birch texture.
July 22, 2017Oak log texture update preview 2 JAPPA tweets an image of new crafting table, wood planks and wood textures.
1.1418w43aOak Log Axis Y JE3 Spruce Log Axis Y JE3 Birch Log Axis Y JE3 Jungle Log Axis Y JE3 Acacia Log Axis Y JE3 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE3 The textures of logs has been changed.
18w47aOak Log Axis Y JE4 Spruce Log Axis Y JE4 Birch Log Axis Y JE4 Jungle Log Axis Y JE4 Acacia Log Axis Y JE4 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE4 The textures of logs has been changed again.
Dark oak logs now generate as part of the new pillager outposts.
18w47bOak Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Spruce Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Birch Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Jungle Log Axis Y JE5 Acacia Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 The top textures of logs has been changed.
Stripped Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Spruce Log Axis Y JE2 Stripped Birch Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE3 Stripped Acacia Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE2 The top textures of stripped logs has been changed.
18w48aStripped oak logs and wood now generate in the updated plains villages.
18w49aStripped spruce logs and wood now generate in the new snowy tundra villages.
Stripped logs now generate in the updated savanna villages.
18w50aJungle Log Axis Y JE6 BE3 Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE4 BE3 The top textures of normal and stripped jungle logs have been changed, once again.
Spruce logs can now be found in chests in taiga village houses.
Logs can now be used to craft a smoker.
19w02aStripped logs and logs can now be used to craft campfires.
September 28, 2019Crimson Stem Axis Y JE1 Warped Stem Axis Y JE1 Crimson and Warped logs were shown as part of crimson forest and warped forest biome.
1.1620w06aCrimson Stem Axis Y JE1 Warped Stem Axis Y JE1 Stripped Crimson Stem Axis Y JE1 Stripped Warped Stem Axis Y JE1 Added regular and stripped crimson and warped stems.
20w09aStripped Crimson Stem Axis Y JE2 BE1 Stripped Warped Stem Axis Y JE2 BE1 The top textures of stripped crimson and warped stems have been changed.
Duplicate and unused textures for stripped warped stems have been removed.
1.1721w07aOak log can now generate in the mineshafts instead of oak wood.
October 16, 2021Mangrove Log (pre-release) Mangrove Logs were shown on Minecraft Live 2021.
1.18Pre-release 5Crimson Stem (UD) JE2 BE1 Warped Stem (UD) JE2 BE1 Changed crimson and warped stems textures to match Bedrock Edition.
Dark Oak Log (UD) JE6 The top texture of dark oak log has been changed.
Stripped Dark Oak Log (UD) JE3 The side textures of stripped dark oak log has been changed, to match the color of its top texture.
Pre-release 7Stripped Dark Oak Log (UD) JE4 Textures of stripped dark oak log has been changed again.
1.1922w11aMangrove Log (UD) JE1 BE1 Stripped Mangrove Log (UD) JE1 BE1 Added regular and stripped mangrove logs.
22w13aDark oak logs now generate in ancient cities.
22w14aDue to the addition of the mangrove tree and mangrove swamp, mangrove logs and stripped mangrove logs are now obtainable and renewable.
22w15aMangrove logs now generate in bonus chests.
22w42aStripped logs are now used to craft hanging signs.
23w07aCherry Log Stripped Cherry Log Added regular and stripped cherry logs behind the Update 1.20 experimental datapack.
1.2023w12aRegular and stripped cherry logs are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.
Upcoming Java Edition
Villager Trade Rebalance
23w31aWandering traders now have a chance to sell logs of any type.
Pocket Edition Alpha
Pre-releaseOak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Added oak, spruce and birch wood. Spruce and birch wood are not available in the inventory.
v0.2.0Added spruce and birch wood to the inventory.
Removed oak wood from the inventory.
v0.2.1Oak trees now generate with spruce wood instead of oak wood. Any existing oak wood in a world is automatically converted to spruce wood upon world load.
v0.3.0Oak wood in a world is no longer converted to spruce wood upon world load.
Oak wood in the inventory is automatically converted to spruce wood once the player exits and reenters the world.
v0.4.0Re-added oak wood to the creative inventory.
Oak trees once again generate with oak wood, making it obtainable in Survival mode.
Oak wood in the inventory is no longer converted to spruce wood.
v0.8.0build 1Jungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Added jungle wood to the creative inventory.
Oak Log Axis X JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis X JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis X JE1 BE1 Jungle Log Axis X JE1 BE1
Oak Log Axis Z JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 Jungle Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 All types of blocks of wood are now rotatable, with the wood placed with the inner side facing the player (similarly to pistons).
v0.9.0build 1Acacia Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Added acacia and dark oak wood.
Spruce Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Birch Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Jungle Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 The texture of wood tops have been their own unique texture for each type of wood, rather than sharing it with oak.
Jungle wood now generates naturally.
Oak wood now generates naturally in plains and savanna villages.
The tooltip has been changed from [woodtype] Wood to [woodtype] Log.
v0.11.0build 1The tooltip has been changed from [woodtype] Log to [woodtype] Wood.
v0.14.0build 1Spruce wood now generates in witch huts.
v0.15.0build 1Savanna villages now generate using acacia wood, which previously used oak wood.
Spruce wood now generates in taiga and ice plains villages.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha and dark oak wood now generate in woodland mansions.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta can now be found inside bonus chests.
Woodland mansions now have birch wood instead of oak wood.
1.4.0beta Oak Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Spruce Log Axis Y BE1 Stripped Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Acacia Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Dark Oak Log Axis Y BE1 Added stripped logs as part of Experimental Gameplay.
beta logs have been fully implemented.
As an exclusive feature, oak, spruce and dark oak stripped logs now generate as part of shipwrecks.
beta Jungle Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 The side textures for stripped jungle wood has been changed.
releaseStripped Spruce Log Axis Y BE2 Stripped Dark Oak Log Axis Y BE2 The top textures of stripped spruce and stripped dark oak logs have been changed.
1.10.0beta Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Spruce Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Birch Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Jungle Log Axis Y JE6 BE3 Acacia Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 The textures of logs have been changed.
Stripped Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Spruce Log Axis Y BE3 Stripped Birch Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE4 BE3 Stripped Acacia Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Dark Oak Log Axis Y BE3 The top textures of stripped logs have been changed.
"Wood" and "Stripped Wood" have been renamed to "Log" and "Stripped Log".
Logs are now used to craft wood, campfires, and smokers.
Stripped spruce, oak, and acacia logs now generate in new villages.
Dark oak logs now generate in pillager outpost watchtowers and as a pile of logs.
Dark oak logs can now be found in pillager outpost chests.
1.11.0beta logs can now be found in taiga and snowy taiga village house chests.
1.16.0beta Stem (UD) JE2 BE1 Warped Stem (UD) JE2 BE1 Stripped Crimson Stem Axis X JE2 BE1 Stripped Warped Stem Axis X JE2 BE1 Added regular and stripped crimson and warped stems.
1.19.0beta Log (UD) JE1 BE1 Stripped Mangrove Log (UD) JE1 BE1 Added regular and stripped mangrove logs.
Next Major Update
beta logs are now used to craft hanging signs.
beta Log Stripped Cherry Log Added regular and stripped cherry logs behind the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.
1.20.0beta and stripped cherry logs are now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.
Legacy Console Edition
TU1CU1 1.00 Patch 11.0.1Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Added oak, spruce, and birch wood.
TU9Spruce wood and birch wood can now be crafted into spruce and birch wood planks, stairs and slabs.
TU12Jungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Added jungle wood.
TU14 1.04 Oak Log Axis X JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis X JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis X JE1 BE1 Jungle Log Axis X JE1 BE1
Oak Log Axis Z JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 Jungle Log Axis Z JE1 BE1 All types of blocks of wood are now rotatable, with the wood placed with the inner side facing the player (similarly to pistons).
Oak Log (UD) JE2 BE1 Spruce Log (UD) JE1 BE1 Birch Log (UD) JE1 BE1 Jungle Log (UD) JE1 BE1
Oak Log (EW) (PS3) LCE1 Spruce Log (EW) (PS3) LCE1 Birch Log (EW) (PS3) LCE1
Oak Log (NS) (PS3) LCE1 Spruce Log (NS) (PS3) LCE1 Birch Log (NS) (PS3) LCE1
Oak Wood (UD) (PS3) LCE1 Spruce Wood (UD) (PS3) LCE1 Birch Wood (UD) (PS3) LCE1 Jungle Wood (UD) (PS3) LCE1 Prior to this update, in PlayStation 3 Edition, wood with special data values looked like it is in Java Edition only in the inventory or when held, and when placed looked completely different.
Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Jungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1
Glitched Oak Log Axis X Glitched Spruce Log Axis Z Glitched Birch Log Axis Z Glitched Jungle Log Axis Z
Glitched Oak Log Axis Z Glitched Spruce Log Axis Z Glitched Birch Log Axis Z Glitched Jungle Log Axis Z
Oak Wood Axis Y JE3 BE1 Spruce Wood Axis Y JE3 BE1 Birch Wood Axis Y JE3 BE1 Jungle Wood Axis Y JE3 BE1 Prior to this version, in Xbox 360 Edition, higher data values of wood would result in blocks that had the inside texture facing along the expected axis, but the bark textures not rotated. These data values would function like their own blocks and would not change orientation depending on the targeted block face.
TU19CU7 1.12 The textures of birch and jungle wood have been changed.
TU25CU14 1.17 Acacia Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Added acacia and dark oak wood. It can only be obtained by modding the game.
TU27CU15 1.18 Acacia and dark oak wood is now obtainable through the creative inventory.
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3Acacia and dark oak wood is now obtainable in survival.
TU69 1.76 Patch 38Stripped Oak Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Spruce Log Axis Y JE1 Stripped Birch Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Acacia Log Axis Y JE1 BE1 Stripped Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE1 Added stripped logs.
1.90 "Wood" has been renamed to "Log".
Oak Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Spruce Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Birch Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Jungle Log Axis Y JE6 BE3 Acacia Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE5 BE3 The textures of logs have been changed.
Stripped Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Spruce Log Axis Y JE2 Stripped Birch Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Jungle Log Axis Y JE4 BE3 Stripped Acacia Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Stripped Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE2 The top textures of stripped logs have been changed.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Spruce Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Birch Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Jungle Log Axis Y JE2 BE2 Acacia Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Dark Oak Log Axis Y JE2 BE1 Added wood.

Data history[]

Java Edition
1.814w10aminecraft:log2 blocks with numerical metadata variants 2-3, 6-7, 10-11 and 14-15, which are inaccessible through normal gameplay, now have no model Missing Model JE2 rather than appearing identical to either acacia or dark oak wood.
14w25aLogs are now defined via block states rather than by numerical metadata. Prior to this version, the numerical metadata variants of minecraft:log were as follows:
DV Description
0 Oak Log (up-down)
1 Spruce Log (up-down)
2 Birch Log (up-down)
3 Jungle Log (up-down)
4 Oak Log (east-west)
5 Spruce Log (east-west)
6 Birch Log (east-west)
7 Jungle Log (east-west)
8 Oak Log (north-south)
9 Spruce Log (north-south)
10 Birch Log (north-south)
11 Jungle Log (north-south)
12 Oak Wood (up-down)
13 Spruce Wood (up-down)
14 Birch Wood (up-down)
15 Jungle Wood (up-down)

The data values for minecraft:log2 were as follows:

DV Description
0 Acacia Log (up-down)
1 Dark Oak Log (up-down)
2-3 Inaccessible "boring" log blocks
4 Acacia Log (east-west)
5 Dark Oak Log (east-west)
6-7 Inaccessible "boring" log blocks
8 Acacia Log (north-south)
9 Dark Oak Log (north-south)
10-11 Inaccessible "boring" log blocks
12 Acacia Wood (up-down)
13 Dark Oak Wood (up-down)
14-15 Inaccessible "boring" wood blocks
14w26aminecraft:log2 with metadata values 2-3, 6-7, 10-11 and 14-15 have now been completely removed from the game.
1.1317w47aThe different variant block states and the axis=none block state for both the log and log2 IDs have now been split up into their own IDs.
Prior to The Flattening, these blocks' numeral IDs were 17 and 162.
1.1721w05aazalea_log_replaceable Azalea log tag added.
21w10aazalea_log_replaceable Azalea log tag removed.
Bedrock Edition
1.19.80beta different log type block states for the log and log2 IDs have now been split up into their own IDs.


Issues relating to "Log", "Stripped log", "Stem", or "Stripped stem" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • In Bedrock Edition, dark oak and acacia logs share a block ID separate from the old logs, called log2, because all the other data values on the previous log block were occupied by rotated variants (red sandstone slabs suffered a similar fate). There are still 8 remaining data values on the block that cannot be obtained. This was also the case in Java Edition prior to 1.13.
  • Even if stems or their plank variants cannot be used as fuel or made into charcoal, the player can bypass this by crafting them into crafting tables or sticks, which can be used as a fuel.
  • Crimson and Warped stems are the only logs that have an animation.




