Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

The Paimon Menu is the pause menu in Genshin Impact.

Most options in the Paimon Menu are unlocked after the Archon Quest Unexpected Power in Prologue: Act I - The Outlander Who Caught the Wind. As the player's Adventure Rank increases, more buttons get added.

The Paimon Menu can be accessed when in the Open World from the Icon Paimon Menu icon top left corner of the screen, by press Esc on PC, or Xbox Start/PlayStation Options on controller. It cannot be opened when in Domains, Spiral Abyss, and Special Story Mode.

During singleplayer gameplay, opening the Paimon menu pauses all simulation, apart from most particle effects, which will appear continuously, and soundtracks, which still cycle through the current pool as normal. Paimon will pop up to the right of the screen and regularly use idle animations. She disappears with a trail of constellations when the menu is closed.

During multiplayer gameplay and in the Serenitea Pot, the game simulation is not paused, therefore characters will stay vulnerable to enemy attacks and the environment, and will use their idle quotes and animations as normal.



Side Bar[]


  • During certain quests involving Paimon, opening the Paimon Menu will not spawn Paimon next to the menu, as she is already present in the open world. The same is true when opening the Paimon Menu in the Serenitea Pot if Paimon is already placed as Companion in the current Realm Layout.
  • Opening the Paimon Menu seems to not pause (non-enemy) NPCs' internal cooldown on movement and idle quotes. This may cause nearby NPCs to all immediately start walking to their next destination or say their idle quote at once if players have idled for some time near them with the Paimon Menu open.


Change History[]

Version 4.5

Version 4.1

Version 2.8

  • Updated "Guide" to "Version Highlights".

Version 2.5

  • Added scrollbar for main button menu.

Version 2.1

  • Added Survey.

Version 1.6

  • Added Special Event.

Version 1.3

Version 1.1

Version 1.0

  • Paimon Menu was released.

