Final Fantasy Wiki

Riposte is a Red Mage Red Mage weaponskill from Final Fantasy XIV that deals light damage to a single target.


Base mechanics
Combo Riposte Riposte (Enchanted Riposte Enchanted) → Zwerchhau Zwerchhau (Enchanted Zwerchhau Enchanted) → Redoublement Redoublement (Enchanted Redoublement Enchanted) → Verholy Verholy or Verflare VerflareScorch Scorch
  • Combo actions have increased effects when used in the correct sequence
  • Combo will reset after completing the combo, after 15 seconds, or upon using certain actions
  • Riposte, Zwerchhau, and Redoublement can be used interchangeably with their Enchanted versions without breaking the combo
  • Verholy and Verflare can only combo from Enchanted Redoublement, not its unenchanted version
Formulae Base damage formula:

Where Trait can be 1 without traits, 1.1 with Maim and Mend, or 1.3 with Maim and Mend II
Recast time formula:


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Patch history[]

Version Changes
Stormblood Added with a 100 TP cost.
Combos had only a 12 second window to complete.
Shadowbringers TP cost removed with removal of TP system.
Combo window increased to 15 seconds.