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Ifrit-Egi is a Summoner Summoner pet in Final Fantasy XIV. It is called by the Summon III Summon III ability. Egis are arcane constructs created using the lingering aetheric essence of a defeated primal, in this case the Lord of the Inferno, Ifrit.


Ifrit-Egi is obtained upon completing the level 30 Summoner quest Austerities of Flame Austerities of Flame. Unlike Garuda-Egi and Titan-Egi, Ifrit-Egi has no Carbuncle equivalent that it replaces. The Summoner may choose to glamour their Ifrit-Egi with the appearance of a Carbuncle, but this is aesthetic only and it will continue using Ifrit-Egi's abilities.


Ifrit-Egi specializes in single-target melee attacks, but has poor area of effect (AoE) damage. Its actions have or are tied for the highest potencies of all Egi actions, including its auto-attack Burning Strike. In most encounters with 1 or 2 enemeies, Ifrit-Egi will provide the best damage output of the Egis. This makes it well suited to boss encounters. When facing 3 or more enemies Garuda-Egi will generally provide better output.

Ifrit-Egi's Egi Assault Egi Assault, Crimson Cyclone, deals single-target melee damage with no additional effect.

Its Egi Assault II Egi Assault II, Flaming Crush, deals damage to nearby enemies, dealing 50% less damage to all enemies it hits beyond the first. It has the same potency as Crimson Cyclone and the two abilities can generally be used interchangeably in single-target encounters. However, while it provides Ifrit-Egi with some AoE damage, the severe damage dropoff it suffers from makes it ill-suited to long AoE encounters.

Ifrit-Egi's Enkindle Enkindle, Inferno, deals heavy AoE damage in a cone while also inflicting the Inferno Inferno damage over time (DoT) status. It has the smallest AoE of all the Enkindles, making it harder to hit multiple enemies with, but its high potency and reliable DoT effect make it the best choice for single-target output.

All Egi's use Devotion when commanded by Aetherpact Aetherpact, increasing damage dealt by nearby party members by 5%. As with other support AoEs it has a 15y radius, so party members should try to remain within 15y to ensure they can all benefit from Devotion and other support AoEs.

Summoning abilities are all off the global cooldown (oGCD) with a shared 3s recast, granting Summoners significant freedom in switching their active summons in combat. This can allow Summoners to quickly switch to Garuda-Egi during the add phase of a boss encounter to take advantage of its superior AoE damage before switching back to Ifrit-Egi.


Without the Summoner's input, Ifrit-Egi will only auto-attack with Burning Strike. In order for Ifrit-Egi to use its other actions, the Summoner must command it to do so with Egi Assault, Egi Assault II, Enkindle, or Aetherpact.

Ability Summoner action Level Type Cast Recast Range Area Status
Burning Strike
Burning Strike from Final Fantasy XIV icon
1 Spell 3s 3y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 80.
Crimson Cyclone
Crimson Cyclone from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Egi Assault Egi Assault 10 Spell Instant 1.5s 3y
Deals fire damage with a potency of 250.
Flaming Crush
Flaming Crush from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Egi Assault II Egi Assault II 40 Spell Instant 1.5s 5y radius
Deals fire damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 250 for the first enemy, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Inferno from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Enkindle Enkindle 50 Ability Instant 5y 5y cone Inferno Inferno
Deals fire damage with a potency of 300 to all enemies in a cone before it.

Additional Effect: Fire damage over time
Potency: 20
Duration: 15s

Devotion from Final Fantasy XIV icon
Aetherpact Aetherpact 64 Ability Instant 15y radius Devotion Devotion
Increases damage dealt by all party members within a 15-yalm radius by 5%.

Duration: 15s


Ifrit-Egi is fought as a boss during Austerities of Flame. During the battle it is aided Flame Shiver sprites. Y'mhitra Rhul will assist the Summoner during the battle.

Patch history[]

Version Changes
A Realm Reborn Added.
Burning Strike had 120 potency.
Crimson Cyclone had 105 potency and inflicted Stun Stun for 2s, with a 40s recast.
Flaming Crush dealt had 105 potency in a 3y radius, with a 30s recast.
Inferno had 200 base potency and only hit a single-target target.
Also had access to Radiant Shield at level 30, a 60s recast which granted the Egi a buff for 20s that dealt damage with 50 potency to attackers whenever the Egi took physical damage.
Crimson Cyclone, Radiant Shield, and Flaming Crush would be used automatically by the pet in combat unless set to Obey or Steady.
Level 24 trait Enhanced Pet Actions Enhanced Pet Actions gave a 20% of granting Spell Speed Up Spell Speed Up, increasing spell speed by 20% for 8s whenever the active pet dealt critical damage.
Patch 2.3 Crimson Cyclone potency increased to 110.
Flaming Crush potency increased to 110.
Patch 3.3 Burning Strike potency increased to 135.
Heavensward Radiant Shield now granted its effect to party members in a 15y radius.
Stormblood Flaming Crush radius increased to 5y.
Radiant Shield now inflicted 2% Physical Vulnerability Up for 4s in addition to dealing damage, and now triggered on all damage taken.
Devotion added, increasing the damage and healing of the party member closest to Ifrit-Egi by 5%, while also reducing their damage taken by 5%.
Enhanced Pet Actions removed.
Summon III Summon III no longer available in PvP, and by extension Ifrit-Egi.
Patch 4.1 Devotion now affected all party members within a 30y radius of the Egi.
Devotion damage boost reduced to 2%.
Devotion damage taken reduction lowered to 2%.
Patch 4.4 Radiant Shield effect no longer inflicted damage.
Shadowbringers Burning Strike potency reduced to 80.
Crimson Cyclone potency reduced to 100 and recast reduced to 1.5s. No longer inflicts Stun. Now only executed when the player uses the Egi Assault Egi Assault ability.
Flaming Crush potency reduced to 100 and recast reduced to 1.5s. Now only executed when the player uses the Egi Assault II Egi Assault II ability.
Inferno now has a 5y cone AoE.
Devotion damage boost increased to 5%, no longer affects healing or damage taken, and radius reduced to 15y.
Radiant Shield removed.
Patch 5.1 Egi Assault and Egi Assault II action categories changed from ability to spell.
Crimson Cyclone potency increased to 250.
Flaming Crush potency increased to 250 with 50% reduced potency past the first enemy hit.
Inferno potency increased to 300.

Removed actions[]

The following actions have been removed. Removed actions will still appear on the hotbar when removed, their icon greyed out icon with a red strikethrough. They will have no effect and must be removed by the player. The given statistics represent their last form before their removal.

Ability Level Type Cast Recast Range Area Status
Radiant Shield
Radiant Shield from Final Fantasy XIV icon
30 Ability Instant 60s 15y radius Radiant Shield Radiant Shield
Physical Vulnerability Up Physical Vulnerability Up
Creates a barrier around self and nearby party members.

Duration: 20s
Barrier Effect: When barrier is struck, increases striker's physical vulnerability by 2%
Duration: 4s
When Obey is active, will only execute upon command.



In Arabian mythology, Ifrit (also spelled Efreet or Afreet, from Arabic عفريت Ifrīt), is the name given to a class of Jinn (Demons also known as Djinn, Djinni, and Genie) that embody fire. Though they could live for thousands of years, they were not immortal, and if cut, they would "bleed" the fire running through their veins until it consumed their bodies.

Egi, meaning "I have done", "I have accomplished", "I have led", or "I have pursued (a course of action)", is the first-person singular perfect active indicative form of the Latin verb ago, which generally means "I act" or "I do".
