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State Anthem of Dagestan

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Gosudarstvennyj gimn Respubliki Dagestan
English: State Anthem of the Republic of Dagestan
Государственный гимн Республики Дагестан
Coat of arms of Dagestan

State anthem of Dagestan, Russia
Also known as«Гьа бай» (English: 'The Oath')
LyricsRasul Gamzatov (Avar version), Nikolay Dorizo (Russian version)
MusicMurad Kazhlayev
Adopted25 February 2016
Preceded byState Anthem of the Republic of Dagestan (2003–2016)
Audio sample
Official orchestral and choral vocal rendition

The State Anthem of the Republic of Dagestan,[a] a constituent republic of Russia, was adopted on 25 February 2016.[1][2] The music was composed by Murad Kazhlayev, and the lyrics are based on an Avar poem by Rasul Gamzatov.[3] The official Russian lyrics were written by Nikolay Dorizo. It replaced the original anthem that functioned as the state anthem from 2003 to 2016.[3]



The State Anthem was first approved by the Law of the Republic of Dagestan "On the State Anthem of the Republic of Dagestan" dated 19 November 2003,[4] under the title "Dagestan, You Holy Fatherland", with lyrics by poet Shirvani Chalayev.

In 2015, the Head of the Republic of Dagestan decided there be a replacement for "Dagestan, You Holy Fatherland", with new music and lyrics. A competition had been held on 20 June by Ramazan Abdulatipov,[5] and different lyrical versions had been submitted. The current lyrics to "The Oath" (Russian: Клятва) – its simpler name – was officially approved


Russian original[6] Russian Latin alphabet English translation

Горные реки к морю спешат.
Птицы к вершинам путь свой вершат
Ты – мой очаг, ты – моя колыбель,
Клятва моя – Дагестан.

Те��е присягаю на верность свою,
Дышу я тобой, о тебе пою.
Созвездье народов нашло здесь семью,
Мой малый народ, мой великий народ.

Подвиги горцев, братство и честь,
Здесь это было, здесь это есть.
Мой Дагестан и Россия моя,
Вместе с тобой навсегда!



Gornyje reki k morju spešat.
Pticy k veršinam putj svoj veršat
Ty – moj očag, ty – moja kolybelj
Kljatva moja – Dagestan.

Tebe prisjagaju na vernostj svoju,
Dyšu ja toboj, o tebe poju.
Sozvezdje narodov našlo zdesj semiu
Moj malyj narod, moj velikij narod.

Podvigi gorcev, bratstvo i čestj.
Zdesj eto bylo, zdesj eto jestj.
Moj Dagestan i Rossija moja,
Vmeste s toboj navsegda!



Down the peaks creeks stream into the seas,
Away the birds fly into the heights.
You are my heart, you are my fountain,
You are my oath, Dagestan.

To you I swear my loyalty,
You're the air I breathe, you're the air I sing.
Constellation of families aplenty,
O my little nation, yet so imposing.

Feats of highlanders, kinship and honour,
There you were, and now here you are!
O my Dagestan and my Russia,
Together and forever!




  1. ^ Russian: Государственный гимн Республики Дагестан, Gosudarstvennyj gimn Respubliki Dagestan


  1. ^ "В Народном Собрании РД утвержден Государственный гимн Дагестана".
  2. ^ Новым гимном Дагестана может стать гимн 'Клятва' Гамзатова
  3. ^ a b "Стихотворение Гамзатова стало гимном Дагестана".
  4. ^ "Символика". president.e-dag.ru (in Russian). Глава Республики Дагестан (Head of the Republic of Dagestan). 13 May 2016. Archived from the original on 5 October 2021.
  5. ^ "Дагестан объявил конкурс на новый гимн — старый главе республики кажется «похоронкой» (Dagestan Announces Competition for New Anthem - the Head of the Republic Thinks the Old One Is an 'Obituary')". newsru.com. 13 May 2016. Archived from the original on 17 June 2016.
  6. ^ "О ВНЕСЕНИИ ИЗМЕНЕНИЙ В ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ ДАГЕСТАН "О ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОМ ГИМНЕ РЕСПУБЛИКИ ДАГЕСТАН" от 09 марта 2016 - docs.cntd.ru". АО «Кодекс». Retrieved 9 April 2022.