"Suddenly Hades" is the twenty-seventh episode of House of Mouse, and the first episode to premiere on Toon Disney after the show was dropped from ABC's line-up. All the episodes from this one up to "House of Turkey" premiered as part of a nine-hour marathon aired on Labor Day of 2002 (the same day for Toon Disney's then-new rebrand).
Pete breaks the club's air-conditioner on a very hot day and the only guest left is Supreme Nether Underlord - Hades. Now, Mickey and the gang must stop Pete from driving the Supreme Nether Underlord away and shutting down the club. Pete eventually succeeds in driving away Hades by flooding the club, but this results in The Little Mermaid characters (Ariel, Flounder and Sebastian) returning, Pete tries to get rid of Ariel by catching her by a fishing rod but Sebastian stops him by pinching him.
Featured shorts[]
Heating services for the House of Mouse provided by: "Hades Heating 24 Hour Service"