"Everybody Loves Mickey" is the twentieth episode of House of Mouse, it originally aired on ABC on November 17, 2001.
The episode begins with Mickey opening the show, then making a crack at Mortimer after he makes an insult. Donald is seen complaining to Daisy about how everyone loves Mickey while nobody loves him. Daisy assures Donald is simply imagining things. Donald is seen trying to help everyone out in the club or make suggestions, but Mickey appears and does it better, much to the duck's jealousy. Mickey then shows a cartoon.
After Mickey assigns Mortimer the job of cleaning up the club after he makes a joke, the former lets Donald host for a bit, much to the duck's glee. However, he ends up humiliating himself twice, first when he accidentally falls off the stage when it's the duck's turn to host (which sends the entire House of Mouse audience laughing at him), and secondly when he gets burned in the rear by the Angry Villager People as they perform a variation of their song. Donald angrily assumes that Mickey put him onstage on purpose to embarrass him, to which Mickey attempts to deny. Mickey then puts on another cartoon by popular demand of the audience.
After receiving enough heckling from Mortimer, Mickey finally begrudgingly agrees to let the rat host for a while. Mortimer then makes a bunch of tasteless insults at Mickey, to which the audience boos at. Donald at first laughs along until Mortimer makes a crack at how the duck got quite literally roasted by the villager people. Daisy tells Donald that Mickey was trying to give him a break and reminds him that the mouse is his best friend. Having a change of heart, Donald angrily throws Mortimer off the stage for making fun of Mickey, to which the audience applauds at. Mickey then puts on another cartoon in Donald's honor. Donald then receives the same kind of attention Mickey's been receiving. He and Mickey then close the show after Mickey makes a joke about Mortimer's voice.
Featured shorts[]
Episode Introduction[]
"Direct from downtown Main Street, it's Disney's House of Mouse!"
Mickey Introduction[]
"And now, everybody's best friend: Mickey Mouse!"
Today's show was brought to you by: "Donald Duck"
Voice Cast[]
- The title is an obvious parody of the popular CBS sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond.
- The episode's introduction is the same as the one for "Jiminy Cricket".
- There are two movie poster parodies of The Shaggy Dog and Armageddon.
- The short Modern Inventions, is mentioned when Goofy and Minnie are trying to figure out the name of the cartoon when Donald's tail feather is cut by the mechanical barber chair. Donald mistakenly tells them that it was from a short called Donald's Haircut made in 1945, only for Mickey to correct him.
- In one scene in this episode, Ariel wishes that Mickey could visit her under the sea. This could possibly be a nod to Mickey, Donald and Goofy's brief cameos together at the beginning of Ariel's debut film The Little Mermaid.