Secrets of the Elephants is a 2023 American-British documentary television miniseries that explores the lives and behaviors of elephants across different habitats and continents. The series is narrated by actress Natalie Portman and features experts such as Paula Kahumbu and Joyce Poole. The series is produced by Earthship Productions, National Geographic, and Oxford Scientific Films.
The series consists of four episodes, each focusing on a different region and aspect of elephant society. The first episode, "Savanna", follows the elephants of Kenya's Amboseli National Park and their complex social interactions. The second episode, "Forest", reveals the secrets of the elusive forest elephants of Central Africa and their unique communication skills. The third episode, "Desert", tracks the survival strategies of the desert elephants of Namibia and their remarkable memory and navigation abilities. The fourth and final episode, "Asia", showcases the diversity and culture of the Asian elephants and their relationship with humans.
The series premiered on National Geographic on April 21, 2023, in time for Earth Day, and was available on Disney+ the following day. The series received critical acclaim for its stunning cinematography, scientific insights, and emotional storytelling. The series is part of the Secrets of series, which also includes Secrets of the Whales (2021) and Secrets of the Octopus (TBA).
No. | Title | Original air date |
1 | Savanna | April 21, 2023 |
2 | Forest | April 21, 2023 |
3 | Desert | April 22, 2023 |
4 | Asia | April 22, 2023 |