"Lesson Number One" is a song sung in Disney's feature film sequel, Mulan II. It is sung by Mulan and the farmers' children. This is the first song to be heard in the movie, which emphasizes the importance of balance and the complementary nature of opposing forces. It is also the tune to which the children learn how to fight like Mulan.
Fa Mulan:
Earth, sky
Day, night
Sound and silence
Dark and light
One alone is not enough
You need both together
Winter, summer
Moon and sun
Lesson Number One!
Farmers' Children:
(spoken) Wow!
Like a rock (Huh huh)
You must be hard! (Huh huh)
Like an oak (Mmmha)
You must stand firm!
Come quick
Like my blade
Think fast (Huh huh)
Like a rock (Huh huh)
I must be hard! (Huh huh)
Like an oak (Mmmha)
I must stand firm!
Come quick
Like my blade
Think fast (Huh huh)
(spoken) Okay Mulan, I'm ready!
(spoken) Uh-huh, but you're still out of balance. You're only half way there.
Like a cloud
You are soft
Like bamboo
You bend in the wind
Creeping slow
You're in peace because you know
It's ok to be afraid
Like a cloud
I am soft
Like bamboo
I bend in the wind
Creeping slow
I'm in peace because I know
It's ok to be afraid
Mulan and Children (in three part round):
One alone is not enough
You need both together
Winter, summer
Moon and sun
Lesson Number One!
Like a rock (Huh huh)
I must be hard! (Huh huh)
Like an oak (Mmmha)
I must stand firm!
Come quick
Like my blade
Think fast (Huh huh)
Like a cloud
I am soft
Like bamboo
I bend in the wind
Creeping slow
I'm at peace because I know
It's ok to be afraid
Mulan as she and the children leap into the air with the bamboo sticks:
You can fly
You have begun!
Lesson Number One!
Lesson Number One!
Lesson Number One!
- In the film, Mulan's opening lines are spoken. On the soundtrack for Mulan II, however, Mulan's spoken lines are sung.