Endor (also known as the Forest Moon of Endor) is a forest moon and home to the Ewoks. It was also where the Death Star II was being constructed and where the Battle of Endor was fought.
The Forest Moon of Endor is one of the moons of the planet of the same name in the system of the same name. After the Death Star was destroyed in the Battle of Yavin, Emperor Palpatine ordered that the Death Star be redesigned and rebuilt. The Death Star II was designed to be bigger than the Death Star and it's Achillies heel was eliminated. Construction of the second Death Star was placed under the command of Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod. Unlike the Death Star, which took years for construction to even start, the construction of the second Death Star was halfway completed within two years. Sometime after the Battle of Hoth, Luke Skywalker and Dash Rendar captured a supercomputer that, once decoded, revealed the second Death Star's existence. The computer revealed that the new Death Star was even more powerful than the first and once completed would be invincible. It also revealed that the Emperor himself would be on board during it's construction and that it was protected by a shield generator.
The Rebel Alliance began planning to attack the battlestation due to seeing it as a chance to finally deal the Empire a decisive blow. Unbeknowest to the Rebels, Prince Xizor, with the Emperor's approval, allowed the Alliance to obtain the supercomputer. The plans on the computer they obtained were outdated, and did not disclose that the second Death Star's weaponry was already operational, or that the battlestation was nearly complete. Luke was discovered by Darth Vader and taken to the Emperor. When Han Solo and his task force arrived at the shied generator's bunker, they were ambushed by the 501st Legion. When the Alliance fleet arrived, it was ambushed by Death Squadron. Things looked bleak for the Rebels but thanks to the Ewoks, Han Solo turned the tables on the 501st and destroyed the shield generator which instantly turn the tide of the space battle in the Alliance's favor. Meanwhile, Luke succeeded in turning Vader back into Anakin Skywalker, who killed Palpatine. The Battle of Endor was a decisive victory and for the rest of the war the tide was in favor of the Alliance, who after the battle declared itself the New Republic.
Notable Locations[]
Bright Tree Village: An Ewok tree village. It is the home of the Ewok tribe who helped the Rebel Alliance defeat the Galactic Empire during the Battle of Endor.