Queen Briar Rose is an unseen character in the ABC fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time She is the original Sleeping Beauty, who incurred Maleficent's wrath, and was cursed by her into an eternal sleep before King Stefan awakens her with true love's kiss. While Maleficent falls into ruin, destroyed by her failed revenge, King Stefan and Briar Rose marry and have a daughter named Aurora. Years later, when their daughter is set to wed Prince Phllip, King Stefan seeks to get rid of Maleficent permanently to keep Aurora safe from her. Instead, Maleficent regains her lost ability to morph into a dragon and gains the upper-hand over the king, but the latter manages to survive. Later, Maleficent gains retribution against Briar Rose by cursing Aurora into an eternal sleep.
- Her name is Briar Rose instead of Leah in Once Upon a Time, which was the nickname her daughter used in Sleeping Beauty.