I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this posted. I've now had a few people ask me to help them out with getting set up over on Bloglovin'; so, I figured that since I've already created a tutorial of sorts, I might as well share it with all of you. We've been told that Google Friends Connect will be sticking around and that it is only Google Reader that will disappear as of July 1st but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
For those of you who have already set yourselves up, that is wonderful, but for those of you who haven't and are wondering how, then this post is for you. These instructions are meant for those of you who have joined Bloglovin' already. If you are having problems joining, let me know and I'll guide you through that process as well.
In order to claim your blog, you will need to have a few windows open in your Internet program and go back and forth between Blogger and Bloglovin'. A good time to claim your blog is when you already have to create a post. If you are not scheduled to create one, you will need to just go ahead and create one for the purpose of claiming your blog. I hope that the instructions are clear and concise. If you have any problems following them, please do not hesitate to ask for assistance. Please note that I did create the majority of this tutorial a couple months ago and have had to tweak it a bit because Bloglovin' changed their setup a bit. I hope that as a result of those changes, I haven't missed anything. Good luck!
- Go to Bloglovin'. Click HERE for a shortcut to get there.
- When you get to Bloglovin' sign in.
- Hover your mouse over the white heart contained within the blue box. Update: If you have already signed up with Bloglovin' and inserted a picture, the white heart contained within the blue box will no longer be there and it will be your picture that you would click on.
- Scroll down and click on 'my blog'.
- You will see a blue button that says 'claim blog'. Click it.
- A search box will come up.
- Type the name of your blog into the search box. Click search.
- Your blog's name will appear in this box. Click on the title.
- A new box will come up that says 'claim blog' and it will have some HTML code that you will need to enter over on your blog in a new post.
- Leave this there and open a window to bring up blogger (if you don't already have it open).
- Click to create a new post. It doesn't matter what it is about. It could simply be letting everyone know that you are now set up on Bloglovin'.
- Now
switch back to the window that has the box with the code you will
need. Put your cursor in the box and hit ctrl A to copy all the code.
- Go back to your blog.
- Now notice how you can switch between Compose & HTML see image below--left hand side
- Click HTML and then paste the code at the top of the post.
- Switch back to Compose and you will see, the words, "Follow my blog with Bloglovin". Finish up your post like you
normally would.
- When you publish your post it will say 'Follow my blog with Bloglovin' at the top of your post.
- Go back to Bloglovin' and click the button "claim blog" to say you've
completed it.
- That should be it. You can sign out of Bloglovin' at this point.
you are unclear with any of these steps, just let me know. If there is interest I'll also create tutorial's for adding the 'Follow Me on Bloglovin' buttons to your sidebar.
Until next time,