Mountain of Order

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Mountain of Order (Japanese: ちつじょのやま Mountain of Order) is the tenth zone in Pokémon Battle Trozei, available after clearing Stage 4 of Dragon Hill.

In all stages, Pokémon appear in the center above columns 3 and 4 unless otherwise noted.

Stage 1

Pokémon on the board include Dedenne, Pancham, Slowpoke, Spewpa, and Trubbish.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Furfrou Furfrou Normal 80 None
2 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan Normal 1,000 Defeat Furfrou with a combo of 30+
3 Slurpuff Slurpuff Fairy 250 Above columns 2 and 3
Slurpuff Slurpuff Fairy 250 Above columns 4 and 5
4 Aromatisse Aromatisse Fairy 550 None
5 Dewgong Dewgong Water 450 None
6 Cloyster Cloyster Water 700 None
7 Clefairy Clefairy Fairy 60 Left side
Clefairy Clefairy Fairy 60 Right side
Clefairy Clefairy Fairy 60 Above columns 3 and 4
8 Clefable Clefable Fairy 500 Defeat any Clefairy with a Fairy-type attack
9 Snorlax Snorlax Normal 3,000 Boss
Above columns 3 to 5

Stage 2

It is impossible to get Arcanine here until later finding Growlithe at Island of Haste. It is also necessary to replay the course a second time to get the opposite gender variants of Meowstic and Pyroar.

Pokémon on the board include Carbink, Dedenne, Deino, Fletchinder, and Pancham.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Espurr Espurr Psychic 150 Above columns 2 and 3
Espurr Espurr Psychic 150 Above columns 4 and 5
2 Meowstic Meowstic Psychic 330 Female
3 Meowstic Meowstic Psychic 500 Male
Female Meowstic is Support
4 Pumpkaboo Pumpkaboo Ghost 250 Above columns 2 and 3
Pumpkaboo Pumpkaboo Ghost 250 Above columns 4 and 5
5 Gourgeist Gourgeist Ghost 1,000 Defeat either Pumpkaboo with a combo of 30+
6 Talonflame Talonflame Fire 200 Above columns 2 and 3
Talonflame Talonflame Fire 200 Above columns 4 and 5
7 Arcanine Arcanine Fire 550 Growlithe is Support
8 Pyroar Pyroar Fire 550 Male
9 Pyroar Pyroar Fire 900 Female
Male Pyroar is Support
10 Espurr Espurr Psychic 150 Left side
Meowstic Meowstic Psychic 330 Right side
Alakazam Alakazam Psychic 800 Boss
Above columns 3 to 5

Stage 3

Pokémon on the board include Cubchoo, Dratini, Fletchinder, Golett, and Trubbish.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Bergmite Bergmite Ice None
2 Skrelp Skrelp Poison Above columns 2 and 3
Skrelp Skrelp Poison Above columns 4 and 5
3 Dragalge Dragalge Poison Defeat either Skrelp with a single supereffective attack
4 Graveler Graveler Rock Left side
Graveler Graveler Rock Right side
Graveler Graveler Rock Above columns 3 and 4
5 Golem Golem Rock None
6 Weezing Weezing Poison Above columns 2 and 3
Weezing Weezing Poison Above columns 4 and 5
7 Amaura Amaura Rock None
8 Aurorus Aurorus Rock Amaura is Support
9 Bergmite Bergmite Ice Left side
Bergmite Bergmite Ice Right side
Bergmite Bergmite Ice Above columns 1 and 2
Avalugg Avalugg Ice Boss
Above columns 3 to 5

Stage 4

There is no preview of incoming support on the top screen. After defeating Yveltal, the upper "camera" seems to point higher and Zygarde appears taking up the entire screen.

Clearing this stage for the first time allows the player to take three Support Pokémon into any battle from that point onwards.

Zygarde has a special battle circumstance; while chosen Support Pokémon continue to appear, all other Pokémon who drop into the stage are Legendary Pokémon who only appear during this battle. After defeating Yveltal, any remaining single Pokémon remaining among the original five must be cleared using a Ditto as no more of that type will drop during the battle against Zygarde. This makes Ditto itself an excellent Support Pokémon for this stage.

When Zygarde is defeated, there is a special extended capture animation that only plays in this instance.

Clearing this stage counts as completion of the game; the credits will play after every successful clear, but can be skipped after being seen once.

Pokémon on the board include Dedenne, Deino, Klefki, Togepi, and Wingull. When battling Zygarde, the board Pokémon become Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Kyogre, and Palkia. It's interesting to note that all five Pokémon available against Zygarde must be caught at some point on the way and cannot be skipped or missed due to a conditional.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Inkay Inkay Dark None
2 Malamar Malamar Dark Defeat Inkay with a combo of 30+
3 Hawlucha Hawlucha Fighting None
4 Noivern Noivern Flying Noibat is Support
5 Sliggoo Sliggoo Dragon Above columns 1 and 2
Sliggoo Sliggoo Dragon Above columns 3 and 4
Sliggoo Sliggoo Dragon Above columns 5 and 6
6 Goodra Goodra Dragon Defeat any Sliggoo with a combo of 30+
7 Xerneas Xerneas Fairy 2,500 Boss 1
Above columns 2 to 5
8 Yveltal Yveltal Dark 2,500 Boss 2
Above columns 2 to 5
9 Zygarde Zygarde Dragon 4,000 Final Boss
Above entire grid

Stage 5

As with Stage 4, the top screen has no preview icons at all.

This stage appears after the player obtains an A-rank or S-rank on each of stages 1-4 in Zone 10.

Pokémon on the board include Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Leafeon, and Vaporeon. Against Zapdos, Umbreon begins to appear. Against Moltres, Espeon begins to appear. If either Umbreon or Espeon is already in the player's party, there are no additional Pokémon added for the battles. Umbreon and Espeon appear even if three Pokémon are in the player's party.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Pidgey Pidgey Flying 60 Above columns 2 and 3
Pidgey Pidgey Flying 60 Above columns 4 and 5
2 Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Flying 300 Defeat both Pidgey simultaneously
3 Pidgeot Pidgeot Flying 900 Defeat Pidgeotto with a combo of 30+
4 Starly Starly Flying 200 Above columns 1 and 2
Starly Starly Flying 200 Above columns 3 and 4
Starly Starly Flying 200 Above columns 5 and 6
5 Staravia Staravia Flying 550 Defeat all Starly with a single attack
6 Staraptor Staraptor Flying 1,000 Defeat Staravia with a combo of 30+
7 Articuno Articuno Ice 3,000 Boss
Above columns 2 to 6
8 Zapdos Zapdos Electric 3,000 Hidden Boss
Defeat Articuno with a single attack
Above columns 2 to 6
9 Moltres Moltres Fire 3,000 Hidden Boss
Defeat Zapdos with a single attack
Above columns 2 to 6

Stage 6

This stage appears after capturing Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in Zone 10, Stage 5. As other zones after this are bonus areas that can be played during regular gameplay, this is the final stage available in the main game. Both Mewtwo and Mew can be found here as area bosses, though only during separate playings.

Pokémon on the board include Castform, Larvesta, Meowstic, Pancham, and Togetic.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Slowpoke Slowpoke Psychic 300 Above columns 1 and 2
Slowpoke Slowpoke Psychic 300 Above columns 5 and 6
Slowbro Slowbro Psychic 900 Above columns 3 and 4
2 Slowking Slowking Psychic 2,500 None
3 Mew Mew Psychic 3,000 Initial Boss
Will not appear if Mew is in the player's party
Mewtwo Mewtwo Psychic 5,000 Final Boss
Appears if Mew is in the player's party
Above columns 3 to 6

Renegade MeadowBlade-and-Shield PathColossal Forest
Sky-High RuinsMysterious FountainPitch-Black Cavern
Sacred PlainsDistortion IslandDragon HillMountain of Order
Safari JungleIsland of HasteInfinite Ruins
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.