Colossal Forest

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Colossal Forest (Japanese: きょだいなもり Colossal Forest) is the third zone in Pokémon Battle Trozei, available after clearing Stage 4 of Blade-and-Shield Path.

In all stages, Pokémon appear in the center above columns 3 and 4 unless otherwise noted.

Stage 1

Pokémon on the board include Archen, Blitzle, Grimer, Joltik, and Rufflet.

Upon completion of this level, the player will be able to choose a supporter Pokémon.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Ducklett Ducklett Water 30 None
2 Oshawott Oshawott Water 150 None
3 Dewott Dewott Water 200 Oshawott defeated with a combo of 15+
4 Shieldon Shieldon Rock 70 Above columns 2 and 3
Shieldon Shieldon Rock 70 Above columns 4 and 5
5 Cranidos Cranidos Rock 200 None
6 Regirock Regirock Rock 600 Boss
Above columns 3 to 5

Stage 2

Pokémon on the board include Blitzle, Cubchoo, Tirtouga, Woobat, and Yamask.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance Conditions
1 Darumaka Darumaka Fire 40 None
Darumaka Darumaka Fire 40 None
2 Tepig Tepig Fire 150 None
3 Pignite Pignite Fire 200 Tepig defeated with a combo of 15+
4 Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice 30 Left side
Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice 30 Right side
Cryogonal Cryogonal Ice 30 Above columns 3 and 4
5 Mamoswine Mamoswine Ice 220 None
6 Regice Regice Ice 600 Boss
Above columns 3 to 5

Stage 3

Pokémon on the board include Archen, Gothita, Joltik, Vullaby, and Yamask.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Maractus Maractus Grass 40 Left side
Maractus Maractus Grass 40 Right side
Maractus Maractus Grass 40 Above columns 3 and 4
2 Snivy Snivy Grass 150 None
3 Servine Servine Grass 200 Snivy defeated with a combo of 15+
4 Bronzor Bronzor Steel 100 None
5 Klang Klang Steel 50 Above columns 2 and 3
Klang Klang Steel 50 Above columns 4 and 5
6 Registeel Registeel Steel 600 Boss
Above columns 3 to 5

Stage 4

Pokémon on the board include Darumaka, Klink, Litwick, Swirlix, and Yamask.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Timburr Timburr Fighting 50 Above columns 2 and 3
Timburr Timburr Fighting 50 Above columns 4 and 5
2 Gurdurr Gurdurr Fighting 200 Defeat either Timburr with a supereffective attack
3 Scraggy Scraggy Dark 170 None
4 Scrafty Scrafty Dark 200 Scraggy defeated with a single attack
5 Ambipom Ambipom Normal 100 Above columns 2 and 3
Ambipom Ambipom Normal 100 Above columns 4 and 5
6 Regigigas Regigigas Normal 650 Boss
Above columns 3 to 5

Stage 5

This stage appears after the following conditions are met:

  • Capture Dewott in Zone 3, Stage 1
  • Capture Pignite in Zone 3, Stage 2
  • Capture Servine in Zone 3, Stage 3

Pokémon on the board include Archen, Cubchoo, Darumaka, Helioptile, and Rufflet.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Emboar Emboar Fire 1,000 None
2 Samurott Samurott Water 1,500 None
3 Serperior Serperior Grass 1,000 Boss

Stage 6

This stage appears after the player obtains an A-rank or S-rank on each of stages 1-4 in Zone 3.

This is a four-Pokémon stage. Pokémon on the board include Minccino, Munchlax, Slakoth, and Zigzagoon. All are Normal-type, making it impossible to 100% this stage until it's possible to bring three Support Pokémon.

Order Pokémon Type HP Appearance conditions
1 Skitty Skitty Normal 100 Left side
Skitty Skitty Normal 100 Right side
Skitty Skitty Normal 100 Above columns 3 and 4
2 Delcatty Delcatty Normal 250 Above columns 2 and 3
Delcatty Delcatty Normal 250 Above columns 4 and 5
3 Eevee Eevee Normal 500 Boss
4 Vaporeon Vaporeon Water 500 Eevee defeated using a Water-type as final attack
5 Jolteon Jolteon Electric 500 Vaporeon defeated using an Electric-type as final attack
6 Flareon Flareon Fire 500 Jolteon defeated using a Fire-type as final attack


  • Stage 5 marks the first time in the game where an opponent in the middle of a stage has more HP than the designated final boss, with Samurott having 1,500 HP to Serperior's 1,000 HP.

Renegade MeadowBlade-and-Shield PathColossal Forest
Sky-High RuinsMysterious FountainPitch-Black Cavern
Sacred PlainsDistortion IslandDragon HillMountain of Order
Safari JungleIsland of HasteInfinite Ruins
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.