Model Train Room

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Model Train Room

Model Train Room (Japanese: パノラマもけいの�� Panorama Model Room) is the eighth area in Pokémon Rumble U. It is available after the player clears Flower Garden and moves on to Transportation Museum. In this area, the player fights three bosses - Venusaur, Gardevoir, and Klinklang. Each stage must be cleared before moving on to the next stage.

All Aboard!

All Aboard!


  • Defeat the boss in time
  • Take damage from the Poison Zone for 10 seconds
  • Pick up eight or more Capsules
  • Destroy six or more rockets
  • Pick up 120 or more coins

Clearing the challenges allows the player to obtain a blue capsule containing a Regirock.


Bulbasaur Bulbasaur
Ivysaur Ivysaur
Venusaur Venusaur
Weedle Weedle
Kakuna Kakuna
Beedrill Beedrill
Nidoran♀ Nidoran♀
Nidorina Nidorina
Nidoran♂ Nidoran♂
Nidorino Nidorino
Venonat Venonat
Venomoth Venomoth
Spinarak Spinarak
Ariados Ariados
Regirock Regirock
Skorupi Skorupi
Drapion Drapion

Rush Hour

Rush Hour


  • Protect the fort
  • Achieve a combo of 50 or more
  • Pick up 100 or more coins
  • Clear the battle within 120 seconds
  • Keep the Fort from taking damage

Clearing the challenges allows the player to obtain a blue capsule containing a Rhyperior.


Pikachu Pikachu
Ralts Ralts
Kirlia Kirlia
Gardevoir Gardevoir
Rhyperior Rhyperior
Gallade Gallade
Munna Munna
Musharna Musharna
Solosis Solosis
Duosion Duosion
Reuniclus Reuniclus

Working Gears

Working Gears


  • Defeat the boss
  • Pick up 200 or more coins
  • Destroy six or more Blast Cannons
  • Achieve a combo of 50 or more
  • Use a Pokémon with a name that starts with B

Clearing the challenges allows the player to obtain a blue capsule containing a Registeel.


Nosepass Nosepass
Mawile Mawile
Aron Aron
Lairon Lairon
Aggron Aggron
Solrock Solrock
Registeel Registeel
Cranidos Cranidos
Rampardos Rampardos
Probopass Probopass
Dwebble Dwebble
Crustle Crustle
Klink Klink
Klang Klang
Klinklang Klinklang

In other languages

Model Train Room
Language Title
French Salle Diorama
German Modelleisenbahn-Raum
Italian Sala dei trenini
Spanish Sala de Maquetas

All Aboard!

Language Title
French En voiture !
German Alles einsteigen!
Italian In carrozza! Si parte!
Spanish ¡Viajeros, al tren!

Rush Hour

Language Title
French L'heure de pointe
German Rushhour
Italian Ora di punta
Spanish Hora punta

Working Gears

Language Title
French Transmission par engrenage
German Fleißige Zahnräder
Italian Ingranaggi in movimento
Spanish Engranajes en marcha

Pokémon Rumble U locations
Sparkly Playland
Dream GateJungle AreaAdventure AreaWonder Area
Blue Sky Park
Aquatic HillFrenzy SquareFlower Garden
Transit Museum
Model Train RoomLocomotive CaféVehicle Gallery
Conductor Room
Mysterious Forest
Verdant PlazaMagical LakeMelodious Woodland
Toy Shop
EntrancewayToy CollectionSecret Warehouse
Sealed Door
Wondrous Battle Arena
Variety BattleChill BattleChallenge Battle
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.