Frenzy Square

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Frenzy Square

Frenzy Square (Japanese: わんばく広場 Mischief Plaza) is the sixth area in Pokémon Rumble U. It is available after the player clears Aquatic Hill. In this area, the player fights three bosses - Seedot, Meowth, and Walrein. Each stage must be cleared before moving on to the next stage.

Make a Big Splash!

Make a Big Splash!


  • Defeat the boss
  • Clear the battle within 120 seconds
  • Use an Electric-type Pokémon
  • Use a Super-Effective move
  • Use a Touch Blast

Clearing the challenges allows the player to obtain a blue capsule containing a Lapras.


Goldeen Goldeen
Seaking Seaking
Lapras Lapras
Wooper Wooper
Quagsire Quagsire
Lotad Lotad
Lombre Lombre
Ludicolo Ludicolo
Seedot Seedot
Surskit Surskit
Masquerain Masquerain
Barboach Barboach
Whiscash Whiscash
Tympole Tympole
Basculin Basculin
Basculin Basculin

Guard the Fort!

Guard the Fort!


  • Protect the fort
  • Achieve a combo of 100 or more
  • Use a Touch Blast
  • Use a Super-Effective move
  • Keep the Fort from taking damage

Clearing the challenges allows the player to obtain a blue capsule containing a Moltres.


Meowth Meowth
Persian Persian
Moltres Moltres
Skitty Skitty
Delcatty Delcatty
Absol Absol
Glameow Glameow
Purugly Purugly
Purrloin Purrloin
Liepard Liepard
Mienfoo Mienfoo
Mienshao Mienshao

Race against the Clock

Race against the Clock

This stage is played against a 2 minute clock. The stage also features a visual clock on the outside of the stage made up of rockets aimed towards the center of the stage. Each second that expires spits an enemy at the player followed by that rocket (second) disappearing; as time continues to pass, more rockets drop in 15 seconds at a time.


  • Defeat the boss in time
  • Use a Fighting-type Pokémon
  • Use a Touch Blast
  • Befriend Pidove
  • Achieve a combo of 50 or more

Clearing the challenges allows the player to obtain a blue capsule containing an Articuno.


Articuno Articuno
Swinub Swinub
Piloswine Piloswine
Smoochum Smoochum
Snorunt Snorunt
Glalie Glalie
Spheal Spheal
Sealeo Sealeo
Walrein Walrein
Pidove Pidove
Tranquill Tranquill
Unfezant Unfezant
Vanillite Vanillite
Vanillish Vanillish
Vanilluxe Vanilluxe


  • Guard the Fort! is a rare case where a pre-evolved Pokémon is the boss while its fully evolved form supports it as the "minions".

In other languages

Frenzy Square
Language Title
French Place des Plaisantins
German Platz der Schelme
Italian Piazza dei monelli
Spanish Plaza de las Travesuras

Make a Big Splash!

Language Title
French Castagne dans la brume
German Planschen im Wasser
Italian La ghianda nello stagno
Spanish Bellota en el estanque

Guard the Fort!

Language Title
French Pokémon à l'assaut !
German Pokémon-Versammlung
Italian Adunata di Pokémon
Spanish Concentración Pokémon

Race against the Clock

Language Title
French Les Poichigeon donnent le tempo
German Dusselgurr sagt die Zeit an
Italian A tempo di Pidove
Spanish Pidove, no marques las horas

Pokémon Rumble U locations
Sparkly Playland
Dream GateJungle AreaAdventure AreaWonder Area
Blue Sky Park
Aquatic HillFrenzy SquareFlower Garden
Transit Museum
Model Train RoomLocomotive CaféVehicle Gallery
Conductor Room
Mysterious Forest
Verdant PlazaMagical LakeMelodious Woodland
Toy Shop
EntrancewayToy CollectionSecret Warehouse
Sealed Door
Wondrous Battle Arena
Variety BattleChill BattleChallenge Battle
This article is part of both Project Locations and Project Sidegames, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon Locations and Sidegames, respectively.