Kalos Route 8

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Route 8
Route 8
Map description
This is a road of great contrasts, from the harsh rock of the cliffs to the soft sands of the beach.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Cyllage City
Route 8
Connecting Cave
Ambrette Town
Kalos Route 8
Location of Route 8 in Kalos.
Pokémon world routes
Route 7       Route 9

Route 8 (Japanese: 8番道路 Route 8) is a route in western Kalos. It consists of two different paths. The upper cliffside path connects Ambrette Town and Connecting Cave, while the lower seaside path connects Ambrette Town and Cyllage City. The route is also known as Muraille Coast (Japanese: ミュライユ海岸 Muraille Coast).

Route description

The upper section of Muraille Coast is a rocky mountain road, whose cliffs offer a clear and magnificent view to the sandy beach and ocean below. Despite the rocky environment, tall grass and colorful flowers can be found growing here. Many ledges restrict the player's movements here, although some of them can be circled around. Due to the high altitudes present on the route, Sky Trainers tend to be present on the cliffs.

The lower section of Muraille Coast can be accessed from the bottom floor of the Ambrette Aquarium, and it consists of a bright, sandy beach and a slice of ocean. It is full of not only Water-type Pokémon, but also water-themed Trainers, such as Swimmers and Fishermen. A Mago Berry tree is growing in the southern area of the route. Many rocks can also be found across the beach, especially near the south end. Some of these rocks can be broken with Rock Smash. One such rock is blocking access to a Trainer Tips sign, which will notice the player being able to use Rock Smash to reach it.

A female Swimmer will prevent the player from going through a certain point of the beach until they've obtained a Fossil from the Scientist in Glittering Cave, after which she'll give the player a Dowsing Machine, making locating hidden items a lot easier.


Item Location Games
None Coastal Kalos Pokédex Cliffside area: from Sina and Dexio upon first entering the route  X  Y 
Super Potion Super Potion Cliffside area: in the rock north of the entrance to Connecting Cave (hidden)  X  Y 
HP Up HP Up Cliffside area: among the maze of ledges west of the entrance to Connecting Cave, reached by heading south while mostly staying along the cliff edge  X  Y 
Water Stone Water Stone Cliffside area: at the end of the narrow path west of the yellow flowers (requires Strength)  X  Y 
Escape Rope Escape Rope Cliffside area: on the narrow arm of cliff jutting over the beach, in the space one step east and south from the point of the cliff (hidden)  X  Y 
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone Cliffside area: across the mud pit via the second launch point of jumping stones  X  Y 
Mago Berry Mago Berry Coastal area: in front of the Berry tree northwest of the Aquarium (regenerates after 7 days)  X  Y 
Dowsing Machine XY Dowsing Machine Coastal area: from the Swimmer ♀ north of the Aquarium after speaking to the Fossil Scientist in Glittering Cave  X  Y 
Pearl Pearl Coastal area: by the Swimmer ♀ who gives the player the Dowsing Machine, two spaces west and four north of the rock directly east of the Mago Berry tree (hidden, reappears occasionally)  X  Y 
Stardust Stardust Coastal area: southwest of the Berry tree, seven spaces west and two north of the nearest rock (hidden, reappears occasionally)  X  Y 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Coastal area: directly north of the Aquarium stairs, on the southernmost rock in a pair of small rocks (hidden)  X  Y 
Heart Scale Heart Scale ×3
  • Cliffside area: accessed from Ambrette Town, at the end of a narrow path starting on the east side of the Pokémon Center
  • Coastal area: northwest of the Aquarium stairs, nine spaces south of the rock closest to the Mago Berry tree (hidden, reappears occasionally)
  • Coastal area: on a rock in the middle of the big island in the northwest of the route (requires Surf) (hidden)
 X  Y 
TM Flying VI TM19 (Roost) Coastal area: on the small, shallow island in the northwest of the route (requires Surf)  X  Y 

Rock Smash

Item Location Games
Big Pearl Big Pearl Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Ether Ether Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Hard Stone Hard Stone Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Heart Scale Heart Scale Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Max Ether Max Ether Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Max Revive Max Revive Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Pearl Pearl Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Revive Revive Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Soft Sand Soft Sand Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 
Star Piece Star Piece Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks along the coast  X  Y 

Natural objects


Item Location Games
Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Charti Berry Charti Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Chilan Berry Chilan Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Fire Stone Fire Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Water Stone Water Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Heat Rock Heat Rock Found by using Eruption, Heat Wave, or Lava Plume on a round rock during a battle  X  Y 


Item Location Games
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a red Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a red Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Figy Berry Figy Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a red Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Occa Berry Occa Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a red Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Chople Berry Chople Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a red Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Haban Berry Haban Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a red Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a pink Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Persim Berry Persim Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a pink Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Mago Berry Mago Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a pink Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Stardust Stardust Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a sand pile during a battle  X  Y 
Soft Sand Soft Sand Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a sand pile during a battle  X  Y 


While wild Seviper and Zangoose are Version-exclusive Pokémon in single encounters, they can be found within hordes in both X and Y. In the version where they can only be found in a horde, only one is present in that horde and can be targeted by the other members of the horde. This is because both Pokémon are natural enemies.

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Spoink Spoink
Grass Grass
13-14 20%
Zangoose Zangoose
Grass Grass
14 10%
Seviper Seviper
Grass Grass
14 10%
Absol Absol
Grass Grass
15 10%
Bagon Bagon
Grass Grass
14-15 5%
Drifloon Drifloon
Grass Grass
13-15 30%
Mienfoo Mienfoo
Grass Grass
15 10%
Inkay Inkay
Grass Grass
14-15 15%
Yellow flowers
Spoink Spoink
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
15 10%
Zangoose Zangoose
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
14 10%
Seviper Seviper
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
14 10%
Absol Absol
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
13-14 20%
Bagon Bagon
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
14-15 5%
Drifloon Drifloon
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
15 10%
Mienfoo Mienfoo
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
13-15 30%
Inkay Inkay
Yellow flowers Yellow flowers
14-15 15%
Horde Encounter
Taillow Taillow
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
7 5%
Wingull Wingull
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
7 60%
Zangoose Zangoose
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
8 35%
with Seviper
Seviper Seviper
Horde Encounter Horde Encounter
8 35%
with Zangoose
Rock Smash
Dwebble Dwebble
Rock Smash Rock Smash
18-20 66%
Dwebble Dwebble
Rock Smash Rock Smash
13-15 66%
Binacle Binacle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
18, 20 34%
Binacle Binacle
Rock Smash Rock Smash
13, 15 34%
Tentacool Tentacool
Surfing Surfing
25-27 69%
Wailmer Wailmer
Surfing Surfing
25, 27 31%
Luvdisc Luvdisc
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
15 100%
Shellder Shellder
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 35%
Staryu Staryu
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 35%
Skrelp Skrelp
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 65%
Clauncher Clauncher
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
25 65%
Cloyster Cloyster
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
35 5%
Starmie Starmie
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
35 5%
Qwilfish Qwilfish
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
35 60%
Dragalge Dragalge
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
35 35%
Clawitzer Clawitzer
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
35 35%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Trainer Pokémon
Mountain level
Rising Star Paulette
Rising Star Paulette
アオイ Aoi
Reward: $1,140
Axew Axew Lv.19
No item
Rising Star Rhys
Rising Star Rhys
ニース Nice
Reward: $1,020
Pancham Pancham Lv.15
No item
Skiddo Skiddo Lv.16
No item
Goldeen Goldeen Lv.17
No item
Sky Trainer Howe
Sky Trainer Howe
シュン Shun
Reward: $1,800
Drifloon Drifloon Lv.15
No item
Pidgeotto Pidgeotto Lv.18
No item
Black Belt Cadoc
Black Belt Cadoc
ツヨシ Tsuyoshi
Reward: $960
Machop Machop Lv.20
No item
Coastal level
Sky Trainer Colm
Sky Trainer Colm
ツバサ Tsubasa
Reward: $2,900
Mantyke Mantyke Lv.28
No item
Jumpluff Jumpluff Lv.29
No item
Swimmer ♀ Genevieve
Swimmer ♀ Genevieve
シモーヌ Simone
Reward: $336
Wingull Wingull Lv.19
No item
Psyduck Psyduck Lv.21
No item
Fisherman Wharton
Fisherman Wharton
タクロウ Takurō
Reward: $1,064
Tentacool Tentacool Lv.19
No item
Tentacool Tentacool Lv.19
No item
Tentacool Tentacool Lv.19
No item
Sky Trainer Aveza
Sky Trainer Aveza
マイ Mai
Reward: $2,200
Skiploom Skiploom Lv.19
No item
Swoobat Swoobat Lv.22
No item
Fisherman Shad
Fisherman Shad
トシアキ Toshiaki
Reward: $1,120
Shellder Shellder Lv.20
No item
Staryu Staryu Lv.20
No item
Swimmer ♀ Marissa
Swimmer ♀ Marissa
ナツキ Natsuki
Reward: $352
Masquerain Masquerain Lv.22
No item
Requires Surf
Swimmer ♂ Estaban
Swimmer ♂ Estaban
ヨウヘイ Youhei
Reward: $448
Skrelp Skrelp Lv.28
No item
Horsea Horsea Lv.28
No item
Swimmer ♂ Ramses
Swimmer ♂ Ramses
ウシオ Ushio
Reward: $480
Tentacool Tentacool Lv.30
No item


Games Situation Song name (Japanese) Song name (English) Composition Arrangement
 X  Y  Overworld 8番道路 Route 8 Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
When encountering Sina and Dexio ジーナとデクシオ Sina and Dexio Minako Adachi Minako Adachi

In animation

Pokémon the Series

Route 8 in Pokémon the Series: XY

Pokémon the Series: XY

Route 8 appeared in An Undersea Place to Call Home!, where Ash and his friends briefly stopped there to relax before Ash's Gym battle with Grant. While fishing to pass the time, Ash hooked a Skrelp, which attacked him and his friends, as it thought that they were its enemies. During the commotion, Pikachu got hit by Skrelp's Toxic and was badly poisoned. The group then met Eddy and Lindsey, who healed Pikachu before introducing themselves as underwater archeologists. They explained that a sunken luxury liner named the S.S. Cussler could be found near Muraille Coast, and they were planning to find it and get the treasures that had supposedly sunken with it. Through a fair game of chance, Ash and Serena were chosen to join Lindsey in diving down to look for the sunken ship with a submarine, while Clemont and Bonnie stayed on the surface.

The divers eventually managed to find the sunken ship, which, as they found out, had become a home for numerous Water-type Pokémon, including the Skrelp from before and a group of Dragalge. Unfortunately, Team Rocket had overheard the story about the treasure, and had used their Magikarp submarine to dive down to the ship as well. They managed to find the safe containing the treasure and blasted it off of the ship, causing the parts of the ship that were still filled with air to flood and almost resulting in the entire ship collapsing. However, with the help of Lindsey's submarine, the Dragalge were able to stop the flooding and prevent the ship from collapsing completely. Meanwhile, Team Rocket, escaping with the safe from the ship, got caught up in a series of currents that had briefly disappeared earlier and now reappeared, and were sent blasting off by them, accidentally dropping the safe back into the sea in the process.

In the manga

Route 8 in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

X & Y arc

Route 8 first appeared in What Does Charmander Do When It Dozes, where Xerosic discovered Xerneas having turned into its dormant tree form there after battling against Yveltal in Vaniville Town.

In Tying Trevenant, Celosia led an operation to retrieve Xerneas so that Team Flare may use its life energy to power the ultimate weapon. Due to Team Flare lacking the manpower necessary to move Xerneas, Celosia had her Aegislash mind-control people who attempted to flee Vaniville Town when Xerneas and Yveltal battled against each other. Upon learning of this plan, X and his friends confronted Celosia, Essentia, and Malva in order to free the kidnapped people. With the assistance of Korrina, Gurkinn, and Diantha, X and his friends succeeded in freeing the people kidnapped from Vaniville Town, but were unable to prevent Xerneas from successfully being taken to Team Flare's headquarters.

In Rhyhorn Charges, Malva revealed that Yveltal had went into its dormant cocoon form under the ground beneath Xerneas's tree form. By traveling under the ground during her battle against Diantha, Malva had been able to find and catch Yveltal.


Name origin

Muraille is French for a large wall that are generally used as fortification to protect a settlement.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 岩壁海岸 Ngàahbīk Hóingohn
Mandarin 岩壁海岸 Yánbì Hǎiàn
Finnish Muraille-rannikko
French Falaise Muraille
German Muraille-Küstenpfad
Italian Muraglia Costiera
Korean 미라유 해안 Muraille Haean
Polish Wybrzeże Muraille
Spanish Muralla Costera

Related articles

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This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.