Kalos Route 13

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Route 13
Route 13
Map description
Since no plants can grow in the red clay of this great plain, it hosts the Power Plant instead.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Coumarine City
Kalos Power Plant
Route 13
Lumiose City
Kalos Route 13
Location of Route 13 in Kalos.
Pokémon world routes
Route 12       Route 14

Route 13 (Japanese: 13番道路 Route 13) is a route located in northwestern Kalos, connecting Coumarine City in the north to Lumiose City in the south. It is the location of the Kalos Power Plant. The route is also known as the Lumiose Badlands (Japanese: ミアレの荒野 Miare Badlands).

The Power Plant produces a special magnetic field that allows Magneton and Nosepass to evolve when leveled up on this route.

Route description

This section is incomplete.
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Reason: What exactly, if anything, determines the movement speed and direction of dirt mounds?

The small area of Route 13 surrounding the Coumarine Gate resembles many other locations in Kalos, with typical vegetation. Down the stairs, however, the terrain becomes dry and barren, featuring red clay soil not seen anywhere else in the region. Much of the route is taken up by a great, open plain, which is bordered by more rugged areas with small ravines and ledges that can be crossed via metal bridges and skate rails. Some items and breakable rocks, as well as the entrances to the Kalos Power Plant, are located in these outer areas.

Apart from a few dry bushes, no plants grow in the badlands, including tall grass. Wild Pokémon instead appear in the form of dirt mounds that chase after the player and trigger a battle when close enough. These mounds spawn at fixed locations throughout the badlands and move only when the player does, moving at the same speed as them and typically moving toward them. The exact wild Pokémon that appears is determined when a battle is triggered, not when a mound spawns. The use of Repels will not prevent mounds from spawning, moving, or triggering a battle; however, a mound will despawn after a certain amount of time, regardless of whether the player moves around or stands in place.

The player first encountering AZ

Route 13 is periodically subjected to a strong westerly wind that affects the player's movement, reducing their north-south movement speed and greatly reducing their westward movement speed. This effect is even more pronounced if the player uses the Bicycle, and further so if the player uses the Roller Skates, to the extent that a certain westward skate rail cannot be crossed while the wind blows. This wind has no effect in battle.

The weather on Route 13 alternates at 10-minute intervals based on the system clock. The wind blows for 10 minutes starting at 0, 20, and 40 minutes past the hour, each followed by ten minutes of calm starting at 10, 30, and 50 minutes past the hour. Unlike certain other locations, the player does not need to leave and re-enter Route 13 for the weather to change.

In the very south of the route is a set of stairs, leading down to a small clearing before the Lumiose Gate. It is here that the player first encounters AZ. He, not interacting with the player directly, makes reference to his Eternal Flower Floette.


Item Location Games
Nest Ball Nest Ball Just southwest of the bottom of the stairs to the Coumarine City Gate, two spaces north and nine west of the route signpost (hidden)  X  Y 
Smooth Rock Smooth Rock In the northeast corner of the route, across the grind rail east of the Coumarine City entrance  X  Y 
X Accuracy X Accuracy On the rock to the west of the middlemost building on the east (hidden)  X  Y 
Guard Spec. Guard Spec. On the ground to the west of the middlemost building on the east, seven spaces west and four north of the first rock to the west (hidden)  X  Y 
Fire Stone Fire Stone At the end of the path behind the middlemost building on the east (hidden)  X  Y 
Flame Plate Flame Plate Northeast of the building in the southeast  X  Y 
Heat Rock Heat Rock On the rock to the southwest of the northwest grind rail in the open area of the route (hidden)  X  Y 
Star Piece Star Piece On the ground south of the northwest grind rail in the open area of the route, three spaces east of the end of the rail and thirteen spaces south (hidden)  X  Y 
Burn Heal Burn Heal To the southwest of the Coumarine City entrance, across a small ravine, accessible by crossing the grind rail to the north (requires Rock Smash)  X  Y 
PP Up PP Up On the rock west of the Coumarine City entrance across a small ravine, accessible by crossing the two nearby grind rails (hidden)  X  Y 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion In the ravine path in the west (across two grind rails from the northwest of the open area of the route) on the first rock on the west side of the path (requires Rock Smash) (hidden)  X  Y 
TM Electric VI TM57 (Charge Beam) At the end of the ravine path in the west (across two grind rails from the northwest of the open area of the route) (requires Rock Smash)  X  Y 
Power Plant Pass Power Plant Pass In the southwest area of the route, on the large rock near the Team Flare Grunt on the bridge (hidden)  X  Y 
Sun Stone Sun Stone In a small ravine to the west of the stairs to the Lumiose City Gate, accessible via the nearby grind rail  X  Y 
Stardust Stardust At the end of the first branch of the path east of the Lumiose City Gate (requires Rock Smash) (hidden)  X  Y 
Rare Candy Rare Candy At the end of the path east of the Lumiose City Gate (requires Rock Smash)  X  Y 

Rock Smash

Item Location Games
Big Pearl Big Pearl Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Ether Ether Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Hard Stone Hard Stone Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Heart Scale Heart Scale Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Max Ether Max Ether Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Max Revive Max Revive Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Pearl Pearl Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Revive Revive Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Soft Sand Soft Sand Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 
Star Piece Star Piece Randomly found by smashing breakable rocks  X  Y 

Natural objects

Item Location Games
Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Wacan Berry Wacan Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Shuca Berry Shuca Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Charti Berry Charti Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Chilan Berry Chilan Berry Randomly found by using Air Cutter, Blizzard, or Twister on a yellow Berry tree during a battle  X  Y 
Fire Stone Fire Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Thunder Stone Thunder Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Water Stone Water Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone Randomly found by using Hyper Voice or Rock Slide on a spiky rock during a battle  X  Y 
Heat Rock Heat Rock Found by using Eruption, Heat Wave, or Lava Plume on a round rock during a battle  X  Y 


Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Dugtrio Dugtrio
Dirt Dirt
26-28 40%
Trapinch Trapinch
Dirt Dirt
26-28 40%
Gible Gible
Dirt Dirt
26-28 20%
Rock Smash
Graveler Graveler
Rock Smash Rock Smash
26-28 66%
Slugma Slugma
Rock Smash Rock Smash
26, 28 34%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Trainer Pokémon
After earning the Plant Badge
Team Flare Grunt
Team Flare Grunt
Reward: $1,320
Houndoom Houndoom Lv.31
No item
Golbat Golbat Lv.33
No item


Games Situation Song name (Japanese) Song name (English) Composition Arrangement
 X  Y  Overworld 8番道路 Route 8 Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
When encountering Team Flare Grunt フレア団登場! Team Flare Appears! Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
When battling Team Flare Grunt 戦闘!フレア団 Battle! (Team Flare) Minako Adachi Minako Adachi
After defeating Team Flare Grunt フレア団に勝利! Victory! (Team Flare) Minako Adachi Minako Adachi

In animation

Route 13 in Pokémon the Series: XY

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: XY

Route 13 first appeared in An Oasis of Hope!. There is an oasis in the area, where a Grumpig had been terrorizing a group of Spoink with the help of Team Rocket. One Spoink escaped and enlisted Ash and his friends for help, who managed to stop Team Rocket's plan, with Ash's Goomy evolving into Sliggoo in the process.

The Kalos Power Plant appeared in The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination!. Team Rocket took control of the complex and used a machine to hypnotize all the Electric-type Pokémon in the area in to following their commands, including Ash's Pikachu, Clemont's Dedenne, and Clemont's Luxio. It was at this site where Luxio evolved into Luxray and learned Electric Terrain, and where Clemont briefly departed with the rest of the group to go train at the Lumiose Gym before his Gym battle with Ash.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 密阿雷荒野 Maht'alèuih Fōngyéh *
密阿雷市的荒野 Maht'alèuih Síh-dīk Fōngyéh *
密阿雷市荒野 Maht'alèuih Síh Fōngyéh *
Mandarin 密阿雷荒野 Mì'āléi Huāngyě *
密阿雷的荒野 Mì'āléi-de Huāngyě *
Dutch Lumiose Braakland
Finnish Lumiosen aavikko
French Steppe d'Illumis
German Illumina-Steppe
Italian Landa di Luminopoli
Korean 미르 황야 Mireu Hwangya
Polish Pustkowia Lumiose
Spanish Latin America Baldíos de Lumiose
Spain Páramo de Luminalia

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This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.