Dash set 1 (Ga-Olé)

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Pokémon Ga-Olé sets
Dash set 2 →

The first set in the Pokémon Ga-Olé Dash series was released on July 6, 2017. It features 73 standard disks and 2 secret disks. It is the sixth set overall.


The Dash series brings with it graphical changes to the user interface on all upgraded Pokémon Ga-Olé machines, as well as to the Pokémon Ga-Olé disks themselves. The introduction of the Dash System (Japanese: ダッシュシステム) is the most significant change however, which changes how players enable their Pokémon to attack during battles. Using the Dash System, players are encouraged to alternatively press the console buttons as fast as possible to make their Pokémon icons "dash" along the Attack Gauge. This series also begins a new numbering system, with sets prefixed with a "D" and the set number starting at 1.

Among the aesthetic changes to disk illustrations from this set was the shift from portrait to landscape orientation for Grade 4 Pokémon, previously an exclusive feature of Grade 5 Pokémon. Grade 3 Pokémon also receive additional swirl graphics as per Grade 4 Pokémon.

The Legendary Rainbow Pokémon Ho-Oh was the focus of one of the launch courses, appearing as a powerful Grade 5 Pokémon. The course availability period lead up to and coincided with the release of I Choose You! in Japan on July 15, 2017, in which Ho-Oh provides a central role. The Mythical Gloomdweller Pokémon Marshadow, which also has a central role in I Choose You!, was the focus of the next standard course available to play, appearing as a Grade 5 Pokémon with access to its special Z-Move. Legendary beasts Raikou, Entei, and Suicune also feature as Grade 4 and 5 Pokémon. The Legendary Diving Pokémon Lugia was later available as the final Grade 5 Pokémon from late August on an eponymous course.

From this set, players with Ga-Olé Passes registered as having captured at least 2 Pokémon from the same group within a set will earn a Combo Bonus (Japanese: コンボボーナス) whenever one of those Pokémon is used in battle, boosting the relevant icon(s) along the Attack Gauge. Using a Pokémon from a completed group will provide a comparatively larger boost. The game may display a Get Combo Completion (Japanese: ゲットコンボかんせい) following a session in which Pokémon were dispensed, informing a player of which disks they have out of a given group.

Another feature introduced in this set was the chance to dispense a consolation disk if a player did not manage to catch or dispense any Pokémon upon reaching the third round in Get by Battle mode. An Experienced Trainer will appear following the conclusion of the game mode and present the player with a random Ga-Olé disk, which could include a Grade 5 Pokémon.

New items were introduced in Item Chance! Fighting Spirit Drink (Japanese: きあいドリンク) could be randomly purchased for 30 Ga-Olé Medals, which increases the starting Fighting Spirit in Get by Battle mode by 100%. In tandem with the Ga-Olé Pass Bonus, players could potentially start the first round with a Fighting Spirit value of 200%. Unlike other items, Gold Fragment (Japanese: きんのかけら) and Gold Sand (Japanese: きんのすな) cannot be purchased, appearing only as random drops from Pokémon players did not manage to catch during their Get by Battle playthrough. If acquired, these items can be redeemed for Ga-Olé Medals—Gold Fragment for 20 and Gold Sand for 10.

Trainer and Battle mode provided 5 new opponents for players to battle, although it was not selectable until August 10, 2017. The Trainers included 1 new class and a new Battle Leader that could not be challenged until the other 4 Trainers had been defeated, requiring the use of a Ga-Olé Pass to record a player's progress. Challenging the Battle Leader had the added incentive of earning 1 of 2 promotional disks, regardless of the outcome. Either Pikachu or Ho-Oh, 2 Pokémon in Battle Leader Takade's team, could be dispensed for an additional ¥100 following the battle. Disks dispensed if a player successfully defeated Battle Leader Takade had 'WINNER' on the illustration.

Alolan Raichu and Kommo-o were added as Support Pokémon from this set. As part of the Pokémon Ga-Olé Welcome Campaign (Japanese: ポケモンガオーレ ウェルカムキャンペーン!), a new feature with the Dash series, players registering a Ga-Olé Pass for the first time would automatically receive an Alolan Raichu as a Support Pokémon.

Course summary

Standard courses
Ho-Oh Course
Playable at set launch to July 19, 2017
728 722 725
Let's Begin Ga-Olé! Course
Playable at set launch
Marshadow Course
Playable from July 20, 2017
Lugia Course
Playable from August 24, 2017
025 658A
Dash Set 2 Preparation Course
Playable from August 24, 2017
Limited courses
Ga-Olé Ticket Available for Pokémon Ga-Olé Members to redeem from July 6, 2017 for 1,000 Member Points
Search for Silvally! Course
Playable from July 6 to December 31, 2017
Ga-Olé Ticket Available as an insert in the Summon the Legends! Island's Guardian Deity with Z-Moves Challenge! Set, released on July 6, 2017
786 787 788
Island's Guardian Deity Challenge Course
Playable from July 6, 2017 to December 31, 2018
Ga-Olé Ticket
785 658A
Pokémon Center Special Course
Playable from July 6 to September 3, 2017 at all Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Stores
Ga-Olé Ticket Available as an insert in issue 54 of Pokémon Fan, released on July 15, 2017
373 791 376
Solgaleo & Reliable Friends Course
Playable from July 15 to September 13, 2017
Ga-Olé Ticket Available at participating Molly Fantasy stores from July 15, 2017
727 792 724
Lunala & Friends of the Dark Night Course
Playable from July 15 to September 13, 2017
Ga-Olé Ticket
243 244 245
Raikou, Entei & Suicune Course
Playable from August 3 to 23, 2017
Ga-Olé Ticket
Special Tauros Course
Playable from August 3 to 27, 2017 on select units
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket

Trainer and Battle mode opponents

Street Boy Shō
Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆
High Horsepower
Leech Seed
Take Down
Leech Seed
Fledgling Idol Eri
Difficulty: ★��☆☆☆
Hammer Arm
Leech Seed
Zing Zap
Leech Seed
Body Slam
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Cheerleader Nao
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Meteor Mash
Leech Seed
Thunder Fang
Leech Seed
Dragon Rush
Leech Seed
Brick Break
Leech Seed
Experienced Trainer Atsushi
Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Prismatic Laser
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Battle Leader Takade
Difficulty: ★★★★★
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Hydro Pump
Leech Seed
Sacred Fire
Leech Seed

Set list

Disk No. Name Type Grade
D1-001 Bulbasaur GrassPoison Grade 1
D1-002 Ivysaur GrassPoison Grade 2
D1-003 Venusaur GrassPoison Grade 3
D1-004 Venusaur GrassPoison Grade 4
D1-005 Charmander Fire Grade 1
D1-006 Charmeleon Fire Grade 2
D1-007 Charizard FireFlying Grade 3
D1-008 Charizard FireFlying Grade 4
D1-009 Squirtle Water Grade 1
D1-010 Wartortle Water Grade 2
D1-011 Blastoise Water Grade 3
D1-012 Blastoise Water Grade 4
D1-013 Rowlet GrassFlying Grade 1
D1-014 Dartrix GrassFlying Grade 2
D1-015 Decidueye GrassGhost Grade 3
D1-016 Decidueye GrassGhost Grade 4
D1-017 Litten Fire Grade 1
D1-018 Torracat Fire Grade 2
D1-019 Incineroar FireDark Grade 3
D1-020 Incineroar FireDark Grade 4
D1-021 Popplio Water Grade 1
D1-022 Brionne Water Grade 2
D1-023 Primarina WaterFairy Grade 3
D1-024 Primarina WaterFairy Grade 4
D1-025 Caterpie Bug Grade 1
D1-026 Metapod Bug Grade 2
D1-027 Butterfree BugFlying Grade 3
D1-028 Rotom ElectricGhost Grade 1
D1-029 Rotom ElectricGhost Grade 2
D1-030 Rotom ElectricGhost Grade 3
D1-031 Mudbray Ground Grade 1
D1-032 Mudsdale Ground Grade 2
D1-033 Mudsdale Ground Grade 3
D1-034 Tauros Normal Grade 2
D1-035 Tauros Normal Grade 3
D1-036 Miltank Normal Grade 2
D1-037 Miltank Normal Grade 3
D1-038 Koffing Poison Grade 2
D1-039 Weezing Poison Grade 3
D1-040 Misdreavus Ghost Grade 1
D1-041 Mismagius Ghost Grade 2
D1-042 Mismagius Ghost Grade 3
D1-043 Stufful NormalFighting Grade 1
D1-044 Bewear NormalFighting Grade 2
D1-045 Bewear NormalFighting Grade 3
D1-046 Shinx Electric Grade 1
D1-047 Luxio Electric Grade 2
D1-048 Luxray Electric Grade 3
D1-049 Luxray Electric Grade 4
D1-050 Bagon Dragon Grade 1
D1-051 Shelgon Dragon Grade 2
D1-052 Salamence DragonFlying Grade 3
D1-053 Salamence DragonFlying Grade 4
D1-054 Beldum SteelPsychic Grade 1
D1-055 Metang SteelPsychic Grade 2
D1-056 Metagross SteelPsychic Grade 3
D1-057 Metagross SteelPsychic Grade 4
D1-058 Riolu Fighting Grade 1
D1-059 Lucario FightingSteel Grade 2
D1-060 Lucario FightingSteel Grade 3
D1-061 Lucario FightingSteel Grade 4
D1-062 Pikachu Electric Grade 2
D1-063 Pikachu Electric Grade 3
D1-064 Pikachu Electric Grade 4
D1-065 Raikou Electric Grade 4
D1-066 Raikou Electric Grade 5
D1-067 Entei Fire Grade 4
D1-068 Entei Fire Grade 5
D1-069 Suicune Water Grade 4
D1-070 Suicune Water Grade 5
D1-071 Ho-Oh FireFlying Grade 5
D1-072 Lugia PsychicFlying Grade 5
D1-073 Marshadow FightingGhost Grade 5
D1-042★ Mismagius Ghost Grade 3
D1-049★ Luxray Electric Grade 4

Original series
Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5
Dash series
Dash set 1Dash set 2Dash set 3Dash set 4Dash set 5
Ultra Legend series
Ultra Legend set 1Ultra Legend set 2Ultra Legend set 3
Ultra Legend set 4Ultra Legend set 5
Grand Rush series
Grand Rush set 1Grand Rush set 2Grand Rush set 3
Grand Rush set 4Grand Rush set 5
Promotional disks

This article is part of Project Arcade, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon arcade games.