Grand Rush set 5 (Ga-Olé)

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← Grand Rush set 4
Pokémon Ga-Olé sets


The fifth set in the Pokémon Ga-Olé Grand Rush series was released on June 8, 2020. It features 66 standard disks and 3 secret disks. It is the twentieth and final set overall.


The fifth and final set in the Grand Rush series introduced Generation VIII Pokémon to Pokémon Ga-Olé: the Galar first partner Pokémon Grookey, Scorbunny, and Sobble and their evolutionary lines. The Kalos first partner Pokémon and their evolutions were also featured for the first time since the inaugural set. The final forms of each of these families can Combo Rush with one another, one of the central mechanics of the series. Grade 4 versions of Gardevoir and Gallade can also Combo Rush with each other as can the Swords of Justice Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion. Grade 5 Pokémon supporting the Double Rush mechanic included two Mewtwo with the ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y, the Primal forms of Groudon and Kyogre, the Black and White forms of Kyurem, and the Alpha Pokémon Arceus. Most courses in this set featured the Ultra Beast Appears! icon, indicating players could randomly encounter Ultra Beasts Guzzlord and Naganadel during gameplay, which also have the Double Rush ability.

All disks in this set feature a Meteor Mark (Japanese: ながれぼしマーク), indicating they could be used with Pokémon Ga-Olé's successor, Pokémon Mezastar. Grade 1, 2, and 3 Pokémon could be scanned on Pokémon Mezastar machines to provide an attack increase, whereas Grade 4 and 5 Pokémon could be scanned and added to a player's Support Pokémon roster. A special Grade 4 Zeraora disk with a collection number of "XXX" was later available on a final limited course from July 22, 2020. If scanned on a Pokémon Mezastar machine, Zeraora would also unleash a War Cry and summon two stronger opponents alongside the Boss Pokémon during a battle.

Due to the restrictions imposed in Japan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the release of this set was pushed back from April 23, 2020 to June 8. As a result, Trainer and Battle Mode and all regular courses and were available to play immediately upon its eventual release. Promotional material included in the June 2020 issue of CoroCoro Ichiban! revealed the intended release dates for non-launch courses: the Black Kyurem & White Kyurem Double Rush Course was originally planned to begin April 30, the Its Z-Move! Zygarde Course was originally planned to begin May 7, and the Arceus Double Rush Course was originally planned to begin May 14. Each of these courses were also scheduled to end on July 1, but these were extended until Pokémon Ga-Olé machines began to be retired in early September.

As the final Pokémon Ga-Olé set, the lineup for Trainer and Battle Mode consisted entirely of Battle Leaders. The first four Trainers previously featured as the final opponents in previous sets and returned in this set with strong teams. Of note were Racto's team, all of which could Mega Evolve, and Emako's team, all of which could use Z-Moves. Karimi, previously featured as the opponent in CoroCoro Dream Fight! Rayquaza Super Challenge events, could be challenged upon defeating the other four Battle Leaders. Promotional Xerneas or Yveltal disks could be dispensed for an additional ¥100 following a battle with Karimi, with 'WINNER' versions available to those who successfully defeated his team. Xerneas and Yveltal are also able to Combo Rush with each another.

Aerodactyl and Togekiss were added as Support Pokémon from this set. Players registering a Ga-Olé Pass for the first time would automatically receive Aerodactyl as a Support Pokémon as part of the Pokémon Ga-Olé Welcome Campaign.

Course summary

Standard courses
150MY 150 150MX
Mega Evolution! Mewtwo Double Rush Course
メガシンカ! ミュウツー ダブルラッシュコース
Playable at set launch
382P 383P
Primal Reversion! Kyogre & Groudon Double Rush Course
ゲンシカイキ! カイオーガ・グラードン ダブルラッシュコース
Playable at set launch
810 813 816
Gather! Journey Partners Course
Playable at set launch
646B 646W
Black Kyurem & White Kyurem Double Rush Course
ブラックキュレム・ホワイトキュレム ダブルラッシュコース
Playable at set launch
Its Z-Move! Zygarde Course
Playable at set launch
Arceus Double Rush Course
アルセウス ダブルラッシュコース
Playable at set launch
Limited course
Ga-Olé Ticket Available at participating stores as part of the Black Mega Gardevoir Campaign, which ran from June 17 until July 8, 2016
646W 807 646B
Special Black Kyurem & White Kyurem Double Rush Course
とくべつブラックキュレム・ホワイトキュレム ダブルラッシュコース
Playable from July 22, 2020 on select units
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket
Ga-Olé Ticket

Trainer and Battle mode opponents

Battle Leader Tanze
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Drum Beating
Leech Seed
Pyro Ball
Leech Seed
Snipe Shot
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Battle Leader Takade
Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Leech Seed
Brick Break
Leech Seed
Water Shuriken
Leech Seed
Darkest Lariat
Leech Seed
Battle Leader Racto
Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Meteor Mash
Leech Seed
Mega Punch
Leech Seed
Battle Leader Emako
Difficulty: ★★★★☆
Giga Impact
Leech Seed
Cross Chop
Leech Seed
Rock Wrecker
Leech Seed
Dragon Rush
Leech Seed
Battle Leader Karimi
Difficulty: ★★★★★
Leech Seed
Clanging Scales
Leech Seed
Leech Seed
Oblivion Wing
Leech Seed

Set list

Disk No. Name Type Grade
GR5-001 Grookey Grass Grade 1
GR5-002 Thwackey Grass Grade 2
GR5-003 Rillaboom Grass Grade 3
GR5-004 Rillaboom Grass Grade 4
GR5-005 Scorbunny Fire Grade 1
GR5-006 Raboot Fire Grade 2
GR5-007 Cinderace Fire Grade 3
GR5-008 Cinderace Fire Grade 4
GR5-009 Sobble Water Grade 1
GR5-010 Drizzile Water Grade 2
GR5-011 Inteleon Water Grade 3
GR5-012 Inteleon Water Grade 4
GR5-013 Chespin Grass Grade 1
GR5-014 Quilladin Grass Grade 2
GR5-015 Chesnaught GrassFighting Grade 3
GR5-016 Chesnaught GrassFighting Grade 4
GR5-017 Fennekin Fire Grade 1
GR5-018 Braixen Fire Grade 2
GR5-019 Delphox FirePsychic Grade 3
GR5-020 Delphox FirePsychic Grade 4
GR5-021 Froakie Water Grade 1
GR5-022 Frogadier Water Grade 2
GR5-023 Greninja WaterDark Grade 3
GR5-024 Greninja WaterDark Grade 4
GR5-025 Hoothoot NormalFlying Grade 1
GR5-026 Noctowl NormalFlying Grade 2
GR5-027 Noctowl NormalFlying Grade 3
GR5-028 Cottonee GrassFairy Grade 1
GR5-029 Whimsicott GrassFairy Grade 2
GR5-030 Whimsicott GrassFairy Grade 3
GR5-031 Sylveon Fairy Grade 4
GR5-032 Ralts PsychicFairy Grade 1
GR5-033 Kirlia PsychicFairy Grade 2
GR5-034 Gardevoir PsychicFairy Grade 3
GR5-035 Gardevoir PsychicFairy Grade 4
GR5-036 Ralts PsychicFairy Grade 1
GR5-037 Kirlia PsychicFairy Grade 2
GR5-038 Gallade PsychicFighting Grade 3
GR5-039 Gallade PsychicFighting Grade 4
GR5-040 Cobalion SteelFighting Grade 4
GR5-041 Terrakion RockFighting Grade 4
GR5-042 Virizion GrassFighting Grade 4
GR5-043 Pikachu Electric Grade 2
GR5-044 Pikachu Electric Grade 3
GR5-045 Pikachu Electric Grade 4
GR5-046 Riolu Fighting Grade 1
GR5-047 Lucario FightingSteel Grade 2
GR5-048 Lucario FightingSteel Grade 3
GR5-049 Lucario FightingSteel Grade 4
GR5-050 Kangaskhan Normal Grade 3
GR5-051 Kangaskhan Normal Grade 4
GR5-052 Beldum SteelPsychic Grade 1
GR5-053 Metang SteelPsychic Grade 2
GR5-054 Metagross SteelPsychic Grade 3
GR5-055 Metagross SteelPsychic Grade 4
GR5-056 Celebi PsychicGrass Grade 4
GR5-057 Mewtwo Psychic Grade 5
GR5-058 Mewtwo Psychic Grade 5
GR5-059 Primal Kyogre Water Grade 5
GR5-060 Primal Groudon GroundFire Grade 5
GR5-061 Arceus Normal Grade 5
GR5-062 White Kyurem DragonIce Grade 5
GR5-063 Black Kyurem DragonIce Grade 5
GR5-064 Zygarde DragonGround Grade 5
GR5-065 Guzzlord DarkDragon Grade 5
GR5-066 Naganadel PoisonDragon Grade 5
GR5-XXX Zeraora Electric Grade 4
GR5-027★ Noctowl NormalFlying Grade 3
GR5-030★ Whimsicott GrassFairy Grade 3

Original series
Set 1Set 2Set 3Set 4Set 5
Dash series
Dash set 1Dash set 2Dash set 3Dash set 4Dash set 5
Ultra Legend series
Ultra Legend set 1Ultra Legend set 2Ultra Legend set 3
Ultra Legend set 4Ultra Legend set 5
Grand Rush series
Grand Rush set 1Grand Rush set 2Grand Rush set 3
Grand Rush set 4Grand Rush set 5
Promotional disks

This article is part of Project Arcade, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon arcade games.