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If you were looking for the currency in Pokémon GO, see Candy (GO). For the currency in Pokémon Sleep, see Candy (Sleep).

Candy (Japanese: アメ Candy) is a type of item in the Pokémon games. They can be used on a Pokémon outside of battle to permanently increase certain attributes.

Types of Candy

Rare Candy

Main article: Rare Candy

A Rare Candy increases a Pokémon's level by one. It can also be used to evolve level 100 Pokémon that evolve by leveling up.

Exp. Candy

Main article: Exp. Candy

An Exp. Candy increases a Pokémon's experience by a flat amount, which is different depending on the size.

Game-exclusive Candy

Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, there are three types of Candy: stat-based Candy, species-based Candy, and Rare Candy, which appear as a type of item stored in the Candy Jar. Candy can be used to increase a Pokémon's AVs, except the Rare Candy, which instead boosts a Pokémon's level.

Stat-based Candy

Stat-based candy can be used by any Pokémon to raise the AV of a specific stat, depending on the kind of Candy. They come in three sizes: regular, L and XL. They are more commonly found than species-specific Candy, as multiple of these Candies are often required to raise a single AV point. As a Pokémon's AV increases for a stat, it will require more and larger Candy to further increase the same stat by one AV. Regular-sized Candy can only raise a stat up to 50 AVs. L-sized Candy can go up to 100 AVs, but require the Pokémon to be at least level 30. XL-sized Candy can reach the maximum 200 AVs, but only work for level 60 and up.

Stat Candy
HP Health Candy Health Candy Health Candy L Health Candy L Health Candy XL Health Candy XL
Attack Mighty Candy Mighty Candy Mighty Candy L Mighty Candy L Mighty Candy XL Mighty Candy XL
Defense Tough Candy Tough Candy Tough Candy L Tough Candy L Tough Candy XL Tough Candy XL
Special Attack Smart Candy Smart Candy Smart Candy L Smart Candy L Smart Candy XL Smart Candy XL
Special Defense Courage Candy Courage Candy Courage Candy L Courage Candy L Courage Candy XL Courage Candy XL
Speed Quick Candy Quick Candy Quick Candy L Quick Candy L Quick Candy XL Quick Candy XL
Min Level Lv 30+ Lv 60+
Max AVs 50 100 200

The following lists how many Candy it takes to incrementally increase a Pokémon's AV to a certain value, depending on the Candy's size.

AVs Regular L XL
1 - 10 1 1 1
11 - 14 2 1 1
15 - 17 3 1 1
18 - 20 4 1 1
21 - 22 5 1 1
23 - 24 6 1 1
25 - 26 7 1 1
27 - 28 8 1 1
29 - 30 9 1 1
31 10 1 1
32 - 33 11 1 1
34 12 1 1
35 - 36 13 1 1
37 14 1 1
38 15 1 1
39 - 40 16 1 1
41 - 42 17 1 1
43 - 45 18 1 1
46 - 47 19 1 1
48 - 50 20 1 1
51 - 57 2 1
58 - 75 3 1
76 - 100 4 1
101 - 153 2
154 - 158 3
159 - 164 4
165 - 169 5
170 - 174 6
175 - 179 7
180 - 183 8
184 - 187 9
188 - 192 10
193 - 196 11
197 - 200 12

Species-based Candy

Species-based Candy can only be used by Pokémon of its corresponding evolutionary line. Bulbasaur Candy, for example, can only be used by Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. When one is used, it will increase all stats by one AV point, up until all stats hit the maximum 200 AVs, and has no level requirements. Unlike in Pokémon GO, species-specific Candy do not play a role in evolution. Additionally, unlike Pokémon GO since the introduction of Tyrogue, Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan have separate Candy. Ordinary Pikachu and Eevee Candy can be used on the Partner Pikachu and Eevee, respectively.

Candy Japanese Compatible Pokémon
Bulbasaur Candy フシギダネのアメ BulbasaurIvysaurVenusaur
Charmander Candy ヒトカゲのアメ CharmanderCharmeleonCharizard
Squirtle Candy ゼニガメのアメ SquirtleWartortleBlastoise
Caterpie Candy キャタピーのアメ CaterpieMetapodButterfree
Weedle Candy ビードルのアメ WeedleKakunaBeedrill
Pidgey Candy ポッポのアメ PidgeyPidgeottoPidgeot
Rattata Candy コラッタのアメ RattataRattataRaticateRaticate
Spearow Candy オニスズメのアメ SpearowFearow
Ekans Candy アーボのアメ EkansArbok
Pikachu Candy ピカチュウのアメ PikachuPartner PikachuRaichuRaichu
Sandshrew Candy サンドのアメ SandshrewSandshrewSandslashSandslash
Nidoran♀ Candy ニドラン♀のアメ Nidoran♀NidorinaNidoqueen
Nidoran♂ Candy ニドラン♂のアメ Nidoran♂NidorinoNidoking
Clefairy Candy ピッピのアメ ClefairyClefable
Vulpix Candy ロコンのアメ VulpixVulpixNinetalesNinetales
Jigglypuff Candy プリンのアメ JigglypuffWigglytuff
Zubat Candy ズバットのアメ ZubatGolbat
Oddish Candy ナゾノクサのアメ OddishGloomVileplume
Paras Candy パラスのアメ ParasParasect
Venonat Candy コンパンのアメ VenonatVenomoth
Diglett Candy ディグダのアメ DiglettDiglettDugtrioDugtrio
Meowth Candy ニャースのアメ MeowthMeowthPersianPersian
Psyduck Candy コダックのアメ PsyduckGolduck
Mankey Candy マンキーのアメ MankeyPrimeape
Growlithe Candy ガーディのアメ GrowlitheArcanine
Poliwag Candy ニョロモのアメ PoliwagPoliwhirlPoliwrath
Abra Candy ケーシィのアメ AbraKadabraAlakazam
Machop Candy ワンリキーのアメ MachopMachokeMachamp
Bellsprout Candy マダツボミのアメ BellsproutWeepinbellVictreebel
Tentacool Candy メノクラゲのアメ TentacoolTentacruel
Geodude Candy イシツブテのアメ GeodudeGeodudeGravelerGravelerGolemGolem
Ponyta Candy ポニータのアメ PonytaRapidash
Slowpoke Candy ヤドンのアメ SlowpokeSlowbro
Magnemite Candy コイルのアメ MagnemiteMagneton
Farfetch'd Candy カモネギのアメ Farfetch'd
Doduo Candy ドードーのアメ DoduoDodrio
Seel Candy パウワウのアメ SeelDewgong
Grimer Candy ベトベターのアメ GrimerGrimerMukMuk
Shellder Candy シェルダーのアメ ShellderCloyster
Gastly Candy ゴースのアメ GastlyHaunterGengar
Onix Candy イワークのアメ Onix
Drowzee Candy スリープのアメ DrowzeeHypno
Krabby Candy クラブのアメ KrabbyKingler
Voltorb Candy ビリリダマのアメ VoltorbElectrode
Exeggcute Candy タマタマのアメ ExeggcuteExeggutorExeggutor
Cubone Candy カラカラのアメ CuboneMarowakMarowak
Hitmonlee Candy サワムラーのアメ Hitmonlee
Hitmonchan Candy エビワラーのアメ Hitmonchan
Lickitung Candy ベロリンガのアメ Lickitung
Koffing Candy ドガースのアメ KoffingWeezing
Rhyhorn Candy サイホーンのアメ RhyhornRhydon
Chansey Candy ラッキーのアメ Chansey
Tangela Candy モンジャラのアメ Tangela
Kangaskhan Candy ガルーラのアメ Kangaskhan
Horsea Candy タッツーのアメ HorseaSeadra
Goldeen Candy トサキントのアメ GoldeenSeaking
Staryu Candy ヒトデマンのアメ StaryuStarmie
Mr. Mime Candy バリヤードのアメ Mr. Mime
Scyther Candy ストライクのアメ Scyther
Jynx Candy ルージュラのアメ Jynx
Electabuzz Candy エレブーのアメ Electabuzz
Magmar Candy ブーバーのアメ Magmar
Pinsir Candy カイロスのアメ Pinsir
Tauros Candy ケンタロスのアメ Tauros
Magikarp Candy コイキングのアメ MagikarpGyarados
Lapras Candy ラプラスのアメ Lapras
Ditto Candy メタモンのアメ Ditto
Eevee Candy イーブイのアメ EeveePartner EeveeVaporeonJolteonFlareon
Porygon Candy ポリゴンのアメ Porygon
Omanyte Candy オムナイトのアメ OmanyteOmastar
Kabuto Candy カブトのアメ KabutoKabutops
Aerodactyl Candy プテラのアメ Aerodactyl
Snorlax Candy カビゴンのアメ Snorlax
Articuno Candy フリーザーのアメ Articuno
Zapdos Candy サンダーのアメ Zapdos
Moltres Candy ファイヤーのアメ Moltres
Dratini Candy ミニリュウのアメ DratiniDragonairDragonite
Mewtwo Candy ミュウツーのアメ Mewtwo
Mew Candy ミュウのアメ Mew
Meltan Candy メルタンのアメ MeltanMelmetal

Candy is most commonly obtained through catching wild Pokémon or transferring Pokémon to Professor Oak. The type of Candy obtained depends on the species caught or transferred. The stat-based Candies that can be rewarded correspond directly with the species' effort values yield in other core series game. For example, if a Pokémon like Growlithe would yield EVs in Attack in those games, it may award Mighty Candies (of any size) if caught in Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!. Pokémon that would yield EVs for multiple stats, like Seadra which gives both Defense and Special Attack EVs, may award Tough Candies, Smart Candies, or both.

See also: List of Pokémon by effort value yield

Catching a wild Pokémon may sometimes award player a random number of Candy. The higher the player's Catch Combo, the more likely that higher quantities and larger Candies will be awarded. A player may start earning regular-sized Candy after catching 30 Pokémon; Candy L can be earned after catching 60 Pokémon, and Candy XL can be earned after catching 90. Players may start earning species-specific candy after catching a total of 120 Pokémon.

For every Pokémon transferred, Professor Oak will award the player one stat-based Candy based on whichever Candy it may yield when caught in the wild. Transferring (releasing) Mew uniquely gives the player with 2 Mew Candy immediately, in addition to the regular 1 Health Candy.[1]

Species-based Candy can repeatedly be obtained by:

  • Catching compatible Pokémon (chance of obtaining increases with Catch Combo)
  • Transfer 50 compatible Pokémon of the same species to Professor Oak
  • Stroll Pokémon with Poké Ball Plus (up to two Candies per every 5,000 Exp. gained)
    • One Candy for strolling Pokémon and one Candy for walking Pokémon in game, if any

Several Voltorb Candy can be found daily as hidden items in the Power Plant

Additionally, depending on the game, players can obtain PikachuP/EeveeE Candy once through the following means:

Note that as a result of the various acquisition methods, species-specific Candy for Legendary and Mythical Pokémon can only be obtained through one or more of the following methods:

  • Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres: Repeatedly catch through wild sky rare encounters, transfer multiple from GO and send to Professor Oak, or stroll with the Poké Ball Plus
  • Mewtwo: Transfer multiple from GO and send to Professor Oak, or stroll with the Poké Ball Plus. With no external devices, the only way to obtain one or more Mewtwo Candy would be to trade over numerous Mewtwo from separate save files before sending all of them to Professor Oak.
  • Meltan: Transfer multiple from GO and send to Professor Oak, or stroll with the Poké Ball Plus
  • Mew: Stroll with the Poké Ball Plus only

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Dynamax Candy
Main article: Dynamax Candy

A Dynamax Candy increases a Pokémon's Dynamax Level by one, which increases the amount of HP it gains upon Dynamaxing. Dynamax Candies can be obtained as rewards for winning Max Raid Battles.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 糖果 Tòhnggwó
Mandarin 糖果 Tángguǒ
French Bonbon
German Bonbon
Italian Caramelle
Korean 사탕 Satang
Brazilian Portuguese Doce
Russian Конфета Konfeta
Spanish Caramelo
Thai ลูกอม Lukom


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This article is part of both Project Games and Project ItemDex, Bulbapedia projects that, together, aim to write comprehensive articles on items in the sidegames.