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Bobby (Japanese: ボビー Bobby) is a character of the day who appeared in The Lonely Deino!. He operates a Pokémon Day Care on Route 5.

Bobby had never taken care of Dragon-types before and was struggling to handle three Deino. He encountered Ash and his friends while trying to find the runaway Deino.

Immediately, Iris volunteered to help him take care of Deino, as she was from the Village of Dragons and had a lot of experience with them. Bobby agreed to let her help, and also allowed Ash and Cilan to help take care of Deino and the other Pokémon. Bobby, Ash, and Cilan took care of all of the other Pokémon, while Iris took care of one of the Deino, which was shy. He thanked them for all their hard work after the last Deino was returned to its Trainer, and the group left on their way to Driftveil City.

In the English dub, Bobby tends to speak in third person.



Deino (×3)
Bobby's Deino
Bobby's Deino
Debut The Lonely Deino!
Voice actors
Japanese Chiaki Takahashi
Misato Fukuen
English Lisa Ortiz

Three Deino were left at the Pokémon Day Care, which Bobby was looking after. Two of the Deino trained well, although one of them was shy and protective, so Iris decided to try and befriend it and train its courage. Meanwhile, Ash and Cilan had the task of taking care of the two other, more lively Deino. The Trainers of the two rambunctious Deino came on time to pick them up, but the Trainer who owned the shy Deino had not yet returned. He didn't come until the next day at sunset, claiming that he got lost in the Chargestone Cave. The last Deino was returned to its Trainer and it said goodbye to Iris one last time before going into its Poké Ball.

Two of them reappeared in flashbacks in Explorers of the Hero's Ruin! and Survival of the Striaton Gym!.

Deino's only known move is Headbutt.


Blitzle (multiple)

Pidove (multiple)

Darumaka (multiple)

Cottonee (multiple)

Lampent (multiple)

Ducklett (multiple)

Swanna (multiple)


Minccino (multiple)

Voice actors

Language Voice actor
Japanese 白鳥哲 Tetsu Shiratori
English Darren Dunstan
Czech Petr Neskusil
Finnish Antti L. J. Pääkkönen
European French Jean-Pierre Denuit
Italian Luca Bottale
Polish Łukasz Talik
Brazilian Portuguese Caio Guarnieri
Spanish Latin America Moisés Iván Mora
Spain Ricardo Escobar

This article is part of Project COD, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each one-time character of the Pokémon animated series.