Aeos Island

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Aeos Island エオス島
Aeos Island
Aeos Island
Introduction Pokémon UNITE
Professor Professor Phorus
First partner Pokémon Charizard, Talonflame, and Decidueye
Prior to version Pikachu, Charizard, Talonflame, Eldegoss and Snorlax
Regional Villains None
Pokémon League {{{league}}}
League Location {{{location}}}
Pokédex List {{{pokelist}}}
Series {{{series}}}
Season(s) {{{season}}}
Generation VIII
Games Pokémon UNITE
Adventures Debut {{{manga}}}

Aeos Island (Japanese: エオス島 Aeos Island) is the main setting of Pokémon UNITE. It's described as a mythical island located on the far, unexplored frontiers of the ocean.[1]

The island is said to be permeated by Aeos energy, especially in locations known as Aeos energy spots.[2] This energy increases the strength of Pokémon and enhances their abilities while on the island.[2] The Aeos Research Institute is a prominent organization on the island, conducting research into Aeos energy.

The island is host to a series of Unite Battle tournaments organized by the Unite Battle Committee[3]. These Battles were created by two of the island's scientists: Professor Phorus and her assistant Erbie,[3] and take place at one of the many stadiums, which are built on Aeos energy spots.[1] Mer Stadium and Remoat Stadium take place in indoor arenas created specifically for Unite Battles, while the Theia Sky Ruins stadium was retrofitted from abandoned ruins,[4] and Shivre City and Auroma Park are entirely outdoors.

Unite Battles are an export of Aeos Island, with fans viewing them from many other regions of the world. Some of these fans, such as the player character, were inspired to join the competition after watching Unite Battles.[1]

The island also features several stores that sell useful items for Unite Battles. The Unite Battle Committee shop sells Unite Licenses to trainers, allowing the use of different Pokémon in Unite Battles. Zirco Trading uses Aeos energy to create Holowear, holographic clothing that Pokémon can wear in Unite Battles without weighing them down.[1][5] Lastly, Aeos Emporium sells held items, Item Enhancers, and various clothing and accessories.

The island features three primary currencies: Aeos coins, Aeos tickets, and Aeos gems, the latter of which can only be purchased using real money. The Unite Battle Committee will accept Aeos coins, while Aeos Emporium will accept both coins and tickets. Aeos gems are the only primary currency used to purchase Holowear from Zirco Trading, and can also be used in substitute of Aeos coins or tickets.[1]


Image Stage Details
Remoat Stadium Duration: 10 Minutes
Players: 5 VS 5
Five goal zones per team
Used in Standard Battle and Ranked Battle
Auroma Park Duration: 5 Minutes
Players: 3 VS 3
Two shared goal zones
Used in Quick Battle
Shivre City Duration: 5 Minutes
Players: 4 VS 4
One goal zone each
Used in Quick Battle
Mer Stadium Duration: 5 Minutes
Players: 4 VS 4
Three goal zones per team
Used in Quick Battle
Theia Sky Ruins Duration: 10 Minutes
Players: 5 VS 5
Five goal zones per team
Used in Standard Battle and Ranked Battle


Language Name Origin
Japanese エオス島 Aeos Island From Eos (Greek goddess of dawn)
English Aeos Island From aeon and Eos
German Aeos-Insel From its English name
Spanish Æos From its English name
French Île d'Æos From its English name
Italian Heos From Ἕως Héōs (Eos in Attic Greek)
Korean 에오스섬 Eos Seom Transcription of its Japanese name
Chinese (Mandarin) 億奧斯島 / 亿奥斯岛 Yìàosī Dǎo From 億 / 亿 yì / yīk (hundred million) and 艾奧斯 / 艾奥斯 Ài'àosī / Ngaaih'ousī (Eos)
Chinese (Cantonese) 億奧斯島 Yīk'ousī Dóu
Brazilian Portuguese Ilha de Aeos From its English name


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