House Tyrell
House Tyrell of Highgarden | |
![]() Growing Strong
| |
Coat of arms |
A golden rose on green (Vert, a rose or) |
Seat | Highgarden |
Head | Lord Mace Tyrell |
Region | The Reach |
Titles | |
Heir | Willas Tyrell |
Overlord | House Baratheon of King's Landing |
Cadet branch | House Tyrell of Brightwater Keep |
Founder | Ser Alester Tyrell |
House Tyrell of Highgarden is one of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms, being Lords Paramount of the Mander and the liege lords of the Reach. A large, wealthy house, its wealth is only surpassed among the Great Houses by House Lannister, and the Tyrells can field the greatest armies. Additionally, if they call the ships of the Redwyne fleet, the lords of the Shield Islands, and the coastal lords, they can command a navy that equals if not surpasses the royal fleet of King's Landing.
Highgarden is an ancient seat of rule and the heart of chivalry in the Seven Kingdoms;[1] the Tyrells style themselves 'Defenders of the Marches' and 'High Marshals of the Reach', and traditionally, they have been Wardens of the South in addition to Lords Paramount of the Mander. Their sigil is a golden rose on a green field, and their words are "Growing Strong".[2] Members of the family tend to have curly brown hair[2][3][4] and brown eyes.[5][4]
Kingdom of the Reach
Unlike most other Great Houses, the Tyrells never ruled as kings.[5] Instead, they trace their line of descent through the female line to the legendary Garth the Gardener, the mythical first King of the Reach reigning in the Age of Heroes, and the son of the equally mythic Garth Greenhand.[6] Members of House Gardener, the ruling house of the Kingdom of the Reach, periodically intermarried with lower ranking houses of the Reach such as House Tyrell.[7]
The Tyrells served as stewards to House Gardener.[8] Ser Alester Tyrell, the founder of the house, was an Andal knight and adventurer who showed such prowess at arms that he was named the champion and sworn shield of King Gwayne V Gardener, the last of the Three Sage Kings.[8][7] Ser Alester's eldest son also became a notable knight, but died in a tourney. Alester's second son, Gareth, was of a more bookish bent and never achieved knighthood, choosing instead to serve as a royal steward. He and his son Leo performed their duties so well, the Gardeners made the office of High Steward hereditary. It is from Gareth that today’s Tyrells descend.[7]
During the minority of King Garland VI Gardener, a member of House Tyrell ruled the Reach in his name as Regent.[7]
When Lords Manderly and Peake instigated a civil war to see their respective wives, both daughters to the senile old King Garth X Gardener, succeed as Queen of the Reach, Ser Osmund Tyrell, the High Steward of Highgarden, led an alliance of twoscore houses to put down the rebels and reclaimed the ruins of Highgarden which had been sacked by a Dornish king and his raiders. Ser Osmund placed a second cousin of the late Garth X, who has been killed by the raiders, upon the new throne as King Mern VI Gardener.[8]
Relying on the able counsel of Ser Osmund, and later Osmund's son Ser Robert Tyrell, and finally Robert's son Lorent Tyrell, King Mern ruled well, rebuilding Highgarden and doing much and more to restore the power of the Reach and House Gardener.[8] Mern VI was so pleased with them that he gave Ser Robert the hand of his youngest daughter in marriage, thereby allowing the following generations of Tyrells to claim decent from Garth Greenhand.[7] That was the first marriage between the two houses, and nine more unions followed in the passing centuries.[7]
Targaryen Era
Following the defeat and death of King Mern IX Gardener and his other kin at the Field of Fire during Aegon's Conquest, Harlan Tyrell, hereditary high steward of the Reach, surrendered Highgarden to Aegon the Conqueror. As a reward, Harlan was granted the castle along with dominion of the Reach as Lord Paramount of the Mander. As Wardens of the South they frequently warred with the Dornishmen, who remained independent. Harlan disappeared in the Dornish sands during the First Dornish War.[9]
During the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, the Tyrells hosted the famed Tourney of the Field of Roses.[10]
As the Dance of the Dragons began, Lord Lyonel Tyrell was an infant, and his regent mother was judged likely to align the Reach with the House's "overmighty" bannermen, the Hightowers, and the greens.[11] However, House Tyrell decided to take no part in the war.[12][7] The Tyrell bannermen, on the other hand, were split during the war, with men of the Reach fighting on both sides. Later Ser Ulf White attempted to claim Highgarden for himself, as House Tyrell had taken no part in the Dance and he believed they should be considered traitors.[13]
When Daeron I Targaryen, the Young Dragon, attempted the conquest of Dorne, Lord Lyonel commanded the army that invaded via Prince's Pass. After the initial victory, Daeron appointed Lord Tyrell as governor of Dorne. Lord Tyrell liked Dornish women and one night he pulled the rope that would signal for a wench to come to his bed, and a hundred scorpions fell from the canopy instead. His death sparked new revolts, and the conquest was undone in a fortnight.[7][14]
Lord Leo "Longthorn" Tyrell participated in the tourney at Ashford Meadow, beginning the tourney as one of the champions. Both Prince Aegon Targaryen and Ser Duncan recognized him as a formidable opponent, one that Duncan would better avoid.[15]
During Robert's Rebellion, House Tyrell stayed loyal to King Aerys II Targaryen. Lord Mace Tyrell's forces achieved victory against Lord Robert Baratheon at the Battle of Ashford. Mace likes to take credit for the success,[16][7][3][17] but it was the van under command of Lord Randyll Tarly that put Robert to flight.[3] Mace's cousin, Ser Quentin Tyrell, died in the battle.[18] Mace went on to besiege Storm's End[7] for almost a year.[19] He bent the knee to Lord Eddard Stark after King Aerys II Targaryen had been killed in the Sack of King's Landing.[20] The new King Robert I Baratheon accepted the Tyrells back into the king's peace.
Recent Events
A Game of Thrones

House Tyrell is among the houses that Viserys Targaryen believes will rise for him if he lands in Westeros.[21]
Ser Loras Tyrell resides at King's Landing with his own retinue.[22] Loras participates in the Hand's tourney, defeating Ser Gregor Clegane but yielding the final tilt to Sandor Clegane after the latter rescues him from Gregor's wrath.[23] He asks the honor of taking the place of the injured Hand of the King, Lord Eddard Stark, in leading a force to bring Gregor to justice for pillaging the riverlands, but Eddard refuses him.[24]
When King Robert I Baratheon lays dying, Loras flees King's Landing with Lord Renly Baratheon after Eddard rebuffs Renly's request for his aid in taking Robert's children into custody.[25] After Robert's death, the new king, Joffrey I Baratheon, has Loras, Lord Mace Tyrell, his brothers (of which he has none), uncles, and other two sons Willas and Garlan named among the nobles whom must swear fealty to him or be attainted as traitors.[26] However, no Tyrell travels to King's Landing. Instead, Joffrey's uncle Renly claims the Iron Throne and marries Mace's daughter Margaery at Highgarden.[27]
A Clash of Kings
Ser Loras Tyrell is named the Lord Commander of Renly Baratheon's own bodyguards, the Rainbow Guard, while Lord Mace Tyrell is named Renly's Hand of the King.[28] Most of the Tyrell bannermen join them in supporting Renly, giving him the strongest army in the War of the Five Kings.
Mace Tyrell closes off the roseroad, resulting in famine in King's Landing.[29]
Renly is murdered at Storm's End. When he sees his lover's body, an enraged Loras kills three of Renly's guards, including Emmon Cuy and Robar Royce, two knights of the Rainbow Guard.[30] Loras returns to Bitterbridge, where Renly's remaining sixty thousand men are located, with some four thousand of Renly's knights.[30] In King's Landing, the small council attempts to make an alliance with the Tyrells by offering to marry Joffrey I Baratheon to Lady Margaery Tyrell. Petyr Baelish, representing Joffrey,[30] travels to Bitterbridge and Highgarden[31] to negotiate the allegiance of the Tyrells. Riders are sent north to warn Lord Tywin Lannister of Stannis's threat to the capital.[32]
The new alliance between House Tyrell and House Lannister joins forces to battle Stannis Baratheon in the Battle of the Blackwater at King's Landing. Mace and two sons, Garlan and Loras, await Lord Tywin Lannister and his army at Tumbler's Falls. From there, they float down the Blackwater Rush upon a fleet of barges, disembarking half a day's ride from King's Landing.[32] They arrive at the city at dusk,[33] taking Stannis's army from the rear. Lord Tyrell commands the left,[34] and Ser Garlan the vanguard.[4] The van plunges through Stannis's army, while Garlan dresses in the recognizable green armor of the deceased Renly Baratheon, which causes Renly's former supporters, convinced Renly has risen from the grave, to abandon Stannis.[34]
Mace is granted a seat on the small council as a reward for his participation in the battle.[35] His son Loras is named to Joffrey's Kingsguard, and his daughter Margaery is betrothed to Joffrey.[35]
A Storm of Swords

The Tyrells's lack of a royal history, unlike other great houses, causes them to seek more status and power. Prior to Margaery's arrival in King's Landing, wagons of food are sent to the capital for the starving population in her name. When she arrives in the city, she is greeting by cheering crowds. Margaery and her grandmother, Lady Olenna, inquire with Sansa Stark about King Joffrey I Baratheon's nature, and learn how both Joffrey and his mother Cersei have been treating the Stark girl. When Sansa expresses fear that Margaery will refuse the marriage due to the revelation, Margaery and Olenna confide in Sansa that Mace is determined to see Margaery become a queen, while simply calling Joffrey's nature "a pity". Margaery and Olenna suggest to Sansa that she travel to Highgarden after Margaery's wedding, secretly plotting to marry Sansa to Margaery's eldest brother, Willas.[5] Margaery and her ladies take Sansa in, taking her hawking, doing needlework with her, and other such pastimes.[36]
Ser Garlan Tyrell is granted the titles, lands and incomes of House Florent, including lordship of Brightwater Keep.[3] Mace is named master of ships.[37]
On the first day of 300 AC, Margaery marries King Joffrey at the Great Sept of Baelor in King's Landing.[38] During the wedding feast, however, Joffrey dies from poison.[38] Lord Petyr Baelish later reveals to Sansa that Joffrey's death was arranged by himself and Lady Olenna.[31] When Joffrey's uncle, Tyrion Lannister, is falsely accused of the king's murder, Mace serves as one of the judges at his trial.[14] Mace, unaware of his mother Olenna's involvement in the poisoning, is convinced of Tyrion's guilt, and wants him dead, as Margaery had been drinking from the same cup of wine as Joffrey.[14]
Loras attempts to attack Brienne of Tarth, whom he holds responsible for Renly Baratheon's death, when she arrives in King's Landing.[39] To protect her, Ser Jaime Lannister has her arrested.[39] He later discusses Renly's death with Loras and commands Loras to speak with Brienne about what happened,[4] which he does.[40]
After Joffrey's death, the Tyrells insist that Margaery is wed to his younger brother Tommen I, the new king.[39][40] Lord Tywin Lannister suggests offering Jaime as a husband for Margaery instead, intending to have Jaime abdicate his place in the Kingsguard. Jaime refuses.[39] Tywin eventually agrees to betroth Tommen to Margaery.[41]
A Feast for Crows
After the death of Lord Tywin Lannister, Tommen's Hand of the King, Dowager Queen Cersei Lannister takes over the regency. Cersei is mistrustful of the Tyrells, feeling they overreach themselves.[42] She suspects that they are trying to seize control of the kingdom, and her suspicion grows when Qyburn finds a Gardener coin in the cell where Tyrion Lannister had been held before his escape.[42] Qyburn tells her that the coin is similar to the ones Lady Olenna Tyrell carries with her when traveling, causing Cersei to wrongfully suspect a Tyrell involvement in Tyrion's escape.[43] Cersei commences a campaign of intrigue to remove Tyrells in King's Landing from positions of influence and authority, including Margaery and her brother Loras, a knight of the Kingsguard.[44]
Mace refuses to leave King's Landing until Margaery and Tommen are wed.[45] As such, Margaery marries King Tommen I Baratheon in a small ceremony in the Red Keep's royal sept, followed by a small feast.[46] His daughter now wed, Mace leaves King's Landing with Lord Mathis Rowan and half of the Tyrell strength to take Storm's End from Ser Gilbert Farring, while Ser Garlan takes the other half of the Tyrell forces back to the Reach to claim Brightwater Keep.[46] Lord Paxter Redwyne uses the Redwyne fleet to transport Lannister soldiers to Dragonstone, which is held by Rolland Storm.[43]
Taena of Myr claims to the queen regent that Margaery is paying Cersei's maid Senelle to spy on Cersei for her.[46] Cersei asks Margaery leave to take Taena on as her own companion, and uses Taena to feed Margaery only the information she wants her to know, with most of it being untrue. Additionally, Taena informs Cersei of everything Margaery does.[43]
Margaery begins to instruct Tommen on his kingship, telling him he should sit on the Iron Throne and attend the small council meetings,[47] which earns her further hatred of Cersei, who plans to rule herself until Tommen comes of age.[44] Cersei becomes convinced that Margaery is attempting to steal Tommen from her.[48] Meanwhile, Margaery does much to gain favor with the residents of King's Landing by visiting local markets to buy fresh fruits, bread, and fish, ordering dresses from local seamstresses, and making great public shows of charity.[48]
After the taking of the Shields by the ironborn, Margaery insists that her father and his forces be allowed to return to the Reach, thereby abandoning the siege of Storm's End, and is shocked when Cersei seems to lack understanding for the threat posed by the ironborn. Ser Loras asks permission to take command of the siege of Dragonstone from Lord Redwyne, so the Redwyne fleet is no longer needed at the island and can return to the Reach to face the ironborn.[49] Although Loras is successful in taking Dragonstone, he is severely injured.[47]
In order to get rid of Margaery, Cersei attempts to frame her for adultery and treason.[50] When Margaery does not respond to the advances of Cersei's agent, Ser Osney Kettleblack,[44][48] Cersei has him falsely confess to the High Sparrow that he had intercourse with Margaery and her cousins, Elinor and Megga Tyrell.[51] Margaery and her cousins are subsequently arrested by the Faith and confined in the Great Sept. When Septa Moelle reports at court that Margaery's maidenhead has been broken, Grand Maester Pycelle reveals how he provided Margaery with moon tea on several occasions (as per Cersei's instructions). While she is confined by the Faith, Margaery is visited by Cersei and scolds her for framing her. A mob forms in front of the Great Sept, calling out Margaery's name.[52]
When he learns about his daughter's arrest, Lord Mace abandons the siege of Storm's End and marches most of his force back to King's Landing. His bannerman, Lord Randyll Tarly, leaves Maidenpool with his own army to give Margaery his aid.[52]
A Dance with Dragons
The evidence against Margaery and her cousins is weak. As such, the High Sparrow agrees to hand them over into the custody of Lord Randyll Tarly, who has arrived in King's Landing.[53] Lord Mace Tyrell arrives next with his force, and refuses to leave the city until Margaery's trial is over and she is declared innocent, despite the Golden Company having landed in the stormlands.[53] Margaery plans to let the Faith sit in judgement of her.[54] Ser Kevan Lannister, King Tommen I Baratheon's new regent, names Mace the Hand of the King, while Mace's bannermen Randyll Tarly and Paxter Redwyne are made masters of justiciar and lord admiral, respectively.[53]
Kevan wonders why Mace insists on having his army present when Margaery faces her accusers, if she is as innocent as Mace would have them all believe.[55]
House Tyrell at the end of the third century
The known Tyrells during the timespan of the events described in A Song of Ice and Fire are:
- Lord Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Mander, Defender of the Marches, High Marshal of the Reach, Warden of the South, and Hand of the King.
- Lady Alerie Hightower, his wife.
- Willas Tyrell, his eldest son and heir. He has a crippled leg.
- Lord Garlan Tyrell, his second son. Called Garlan the Gallant. Married to Leonette Fossoway. Titular Lord of Brightwater Keep.
- Ser Loras Tyrell, his third son. Called 'the Knight of Flowers'. A brother of the Kingsguard. Former Lord Commander of the Rainbow Guard to Renly I.
- Queen Margaery Tyrell, his daughter, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. Widow of Renly I and Joffrey I, now married to King Tommen I.
- Lady Alerie Hightower, his wife.
- Lady Olenna Redwyne, his mother. She is known as the 'Queen of Thorns.'
- Lady Mina Tyrell, his sister. Married to Lord Paxter Redwyne.
- Lady Janna Tyrell, his sister. Married to Ser Jon Fossoway.
- Garth Tyrell, his uncle. Called 'Garth the Gross'. Lord Seneschal of Highgarden.
- Garse Flowers, Garth's bastard son.
- Garrett Flowers, Garth's bastard son.
- Ser Moryn Tyrell, his uncle. Lord Commander of the City Watch of Oldtown.
- Ser {Luthor Tyrell}, Moryn's eldest son. Married to Elyn Norridge.
- Ser Theodore Tyrell, Luthor's eldest son. Married to Lia Serry.
- Elinor Tyrell, Theodore's daughter. Handmaiden to Queen Margaery.
- Luthor Tyrell, Theodore's son. A squire.
- Maester Medwick, Luthor's second son. A Maester.
- Olene Tyrell, Luthor's daughter. Married to Ser Leo Blackbar.
- Ser Theodore Tyrell, Luthor's eldest son. Married to Lia Serry.
- Leo Tyrell, Moryn's second son. Called 'Leo the Lazy'. Studying at the Citadel.
- Ser {Luthor Tyrell}, Moryn's eldest son. Married to Elyn Norridge.
- Maester Gormon, his uncle. A Maester.
Distant relations of the main branch are:
- Ser {Quentin Tyrell}, a cousin of Lord Mace. Slain at the Battle of Ashford.
- Ser Olymer Tyrell, Quentin's son. Married to Lysa Meadows.
- Raymund Tyrell, Olymer's eldest son.
- Rickard Tyrell, Olymer's second son.
- Megga Tyrell, Olymer's daughter. Handmaiden to Queen Margaery.
- Ser Olymer Tyrell, Quentin's son. Married to Lysa Meadows.
- Maester Normund, a cousin of Lord Mace. He is in service at Blackcrown.
- Ser {Victor Tyrell}, a cousin of Lord Mace. Slain by the Smiling Knight of the Kingswood Brotherhood.
- Victaria Tyrell, Victor's daughter. Widow of Lord Jon Bulwer.
- Alysanne Bulwer, Victaria's daughter. The Lady of Blackcrown.
- Ser Leo Tyrell, Victor's son. Married to Alys Beesbury.
- Alla Tyrell, Leo's eldest daughter. Handmaiden to Queen Margaery.
- Leona Tyrell, Leo's second daughter.
- Lyonel Tyrell, Leo's eldest son.
- Lucas Tyrell, Leo's second son.
- Lorent Tyrell, Leo's third son.
- Victaria Tyrell, Victor's daughter. Widow of Lord Jon Bulwer.
Margaery's companions and ladies-in-waiting:
- Megga, Alla, and Elinor Tyrell, Margaery's cousins.
- Elinor's betrothed, Alyn Ambrose, a squire.
- Lady Alysanne Bulwer, a girl, Meredyth Crane, called 'Merry', Lady Alyce Graceford, Lady Taena Merryweather, late of Myr and wife of Lord Orton Merryweather, Lady Leonette Fossoway, wife of Lord Garlan Tyrell.
- Septa Nysterica, a sister of the Faith.
At Highgarden:
- Maester Lomys, counselor, healer, and tutor.
- Igon Vyrwel, captain of the guard.
- Ser Vortimer Crane, master-at-arms.
- Butterbumps, fool and jester, hugely fat.
- Arryk and Erryk, called 'Left' and 'Right', twin guardsmen to Lady Olenna.
Knights and sworn swords:
- Ser Mark Mullendore, a knight. Crippled during the Battle of the Blackwater.
- Ser Willam Wythers, captain of Queen Margaery's guard in King's Landing.
- Ser Bayard Norcross and Ser Hugh Clifton, household knights in King's Landing.
At King's Landing
- The Blue Bard, whose real name is Wat, a singer. Gone mad from torture at the hands of Qyburn and, later, the Faith of the Seven.
Historical Members
- Ser Alester Tyrell, founder of the House. An Andal knight and sworn shield to King Gwayne V Gardener.
- Gareth Tyrell, Alester's second son.
- Leo Tyrell, Gareth's son.
- Gareth Tyrell, Alester's second son.
- Unnamed Tyrell, regent during the minority of King Garland VI Gardener.[7]
- Ser Osmund Tyrell, High Steward of Highgarden during the reign of King Garth X Gardener.
- Ser Robert Tyrell, his son, High Steward to King Mern VI Gardener
- Lorent Tyrell, his grandson, High Steward to Mern VI
- Ser Robert Tyrell, his son, High Steward to King Mern VI Gardener
- Lord Harlan Tyrell, first Tyrell Lord of Highgarden.
- Lord Theo Tyrell, Harlan's son and successor. Consolidated Tyrell power over the Reach.
- Lord Bertrand Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden at the beginning of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen's reign.
- Martyn Tyrell, Bertrand's younger son, master of coin for Jaehaerys I Targaryen.
- Bastard sons, known to be unruly.
- Lord Matthos Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden during the Great Council of 101 AC.
- When Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen toured the south in 112 AC, she was courted by the son of Lord Tyrell, among many others.[56]
- Lord Lyonel Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden during the Dance of the Dragons and a major participant serving under King Daeron I in the conquest of Dorne.
- Lord Leo Tyrell, known as "Leo Longthorn", a renowned jouster and participant in the Ashford tourney; head of the House during the reigns of kings Daeron II and Aerys I.
- Lord Luthor Tyrell, father of Mace Tyrell. He rode off a cliff to his death while hawking.
Sworn Houses
- House Ambrose
- House Appleton of Appleton
- House Ashford of Ashford
- House Ball
- House Blackbar of Bandallon
- House Bridges
- House Bushy
- House Caswell of Bitterbridge
- House Chester of Greenshield
- House Cockshaw
- House Conklyn
- House Cordwayner of Hammerhal
- House Crane of Red Lake
- House Dunn
- House Durwell
- House Florent of Brightwater Keep
- House Footly of Tumbleton
- House Fossoway of Cider Hall, the "red apple Fossoways"
- House Fossoway of New Barrel, the "green apple Fossoways"
- House Graceford of Holyhall
- House Graves
- House Grimm of Grimston
- House Hastwyck
- House Hewett of Oakenshield
- House Hightower of the Hightower
- House Hutcheson
- House Inchfield
- House Kidwell of Ivy Hall
- House Leygood
- House Lowther
- House Lyberr
- House Meadows of Grassy Vale
- House Merryweather of Longtable
- House Middlebury
- House Norcross
- House Norridge
- House Oakheart of Old Oak
- House Oldflowers
- House Orme
- House Peake of Starpike
- House Pommingham
- House Redding
- House Redwyne of the Arbor
- House Rhysling
- House Risley
- House Rowan of Goldengrove
- House Roxton of the Ring
- House Serry of Southshield
- House Shermer of Smithyton
- House Sloane
- House Stackhouse
- House Tarly of Horn Hill
- House Tyrell of Brightwater Keep
- House Uffering
- House Varner
- House Vyrwel of Darkdell
- House Westbrook
- House Willum
- House Woodwright
- House Wythers
- House Yelshire
My most leal servants.[7]
The Tyrells are dolts.[57]
Tyrell swords will make me king.[2]
If truth be told, even our claim to Highgarden is a bit dodgy, just as those dreadful Florents are always whining.[5]
I tell you, these Tyrells are only Lannisters with flowers.[36]
The Tyrells were only stewards that the dragon-kings had upjumped far above their station. Their vanity was exceeded only by their ambition.[41]
—thoughts of Cersei Lannister
The more we give these Tyrells, the more they demand of us.[46]
—thoughts of Cersei Lannister
Rodrik: We have won some stones and trees and trinkets, and the enmity of House Tyrell.
Nute: The roses? What rose can harm the krakens of the deep? We have taken their shields from them, and smashed them all to pieces. Who will protect them now?
Rodrik: Highgarden. Soon enough all the power of the Reach will be marshaled against us, Barber, and then you may learn that some roses have steel thorns.[58]
—thoughts of Kevan Lannister
- ↑ The World of Ice & Fire, The Reach.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 22, Catelyn II.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 19, Tyrion III.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 67, Jaime VIII.
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 6, Sansa I.
- ↑ The World of Ice & Fire, The Reach: Garth Greenhand.
- ↑ 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 The World of Ice & Fire, The Reach: House Tyrell.
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 The World of Ice & Fire, The Reach: Andals in the Reach.
- ↑ The World of Ice & Fire, Dorne: Dorne Against the Dragons.
- ↑ The World of Ice & Fire, The Reach: Highgarden.
- ↑ Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons - The Red Dragon and the Gold.
- ↑ The World of Ice & Fire, The Targaryen Kings: Aegon II.
- ↑ Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons - Rhaenyra Triumphant.
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 66, Tyrion IX.
- ↑ The Hedge Knight.
- ↑ A Storm of Swords, Chapter 54, Davos V.
- ↑ A Storm of Swords, Chapter 78, Samwell V.
- ↑ A Feast for Crows, Appendix.
- ↑ A Clash of Kings, Prologue.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 39, Eddard X.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 3, Daenerys I.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 47, Eddard XIII.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 30, Eddard VII.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 43, Eddard XI.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 49, Eddard XIV.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 57, Sansa V.
- ↑ A Game of Thrones, Chapter 69, Tyrion IX.
- ↑ A Clash of Kings, Appendix.
- ↑ A Clash of Kings, Chapter 17, Tyrion IV.
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 36, Tyrion VIII.
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 68, Sansa VI.
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 14, Catelyn II.
- ↑ A Clash of Kings, Chapter 61, Tyrion XIV.
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 62, Sansa VII.
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 A Clash of Kings, Chapter 65, Sansa VIII.
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 16, Sansa II.
- ↑ A Storm of Swords, Appendix.
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 60, Tyrion VIII.
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 62, Jaime VII.
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 A Storm of Swords, Chapter 72, Jaime IX.
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 3, Cersei I.
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 7, Cersei II.
- ↑ 43.0 43.1 43.2 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 16, Jaime II.
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 44.2 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 24, Cersei V.
- ↑ A Feast for Crows, Chapter 8, Jaime I.
- ↑ 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 12, Cersei III.
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 36, Cersei VIII.
- ↑ 48.0 48.1 48.2 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 28, Cersei VI.
- ↑ A Feast for Crows, Chapter 32, Cersei VII.
- ↑ A Feast for Crows, Chapter 17, Cersei IV.
- ↑ A Feast for Crows, Chapter 39, Cersei IX.
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 A Feast for Crows, Chapter 43, Cersei X.
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 53.2 A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 54, Cersei I.
- ↑ A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 65, Cersei II.
- ↑ 55.0 55.1 A Dance with Dragons, Epilogue.
- ↑ Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon - A Question of Succession.
- ↑ Fire & Blood, The Long Reign - Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Policy, Progeny, and Pain.
- ↑ A Feast for Crows, Chapter 29, The Reaver.