Zootopia Wiki
Zootopia Wiki
Dancing with Gazelle

Wow, you are one hot dancer, (user's name)!
―Gazelle in the game

Dancing with Gazelle is an app in Zootopia.


Dancing with Gazelle is a phone application in which the user can place a picture of their face over the face of a tiger dancer in a video of him dancing alongside Gazelle.

Role in the Film[]

The app is used in the film by Officer Clawhauser and Chief Bogo.

Clawhauser shows the app to a wolf criminal and laments that it's not real.

When Clawhauser runs to Bogo's office to tell him about Judy's discovery about the missing mammals case, he finds out about Bogo's love for Gazelle when he catches him using the app, much to Clawhauser's joy and Bogo's embarrassment.


A real life version of the app was published by Disney in the form of an online game and had its own website under the address, https://dancingwithgazelle.com/intl/. However, this site can no longer be reached due to the page being closed down.


  1. Insert name
  2. Upload photo
  3. Adjust photo's brightness, size, and angle to fit the shape
  4. Watch video


  • When entering your age, if you put in that you were under 18 years old, you would not be able to upload and edit photos. Instead, the website would play a stock video of Gazelle dancing with a tiger dancer.


Zootopia Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Dancing with Gazelle which can be found at
Dancing with Gazelle/Gallery.

v - e - dObjects
BlueberriesBogberriesCannolisCarrotsDonutsJumbo-popPawpsiclesSunflower Soda
Doug's labFinnick's vanHopps Family Farm truckJudy's meter maid cartJudy and Nick's police carRainforest District gondolasZootopia Express
Carrot penFox repellentMuzzleNight howler dart gunNight howler serumTame collarTranquilizer gun
Dancing with GazelleEucalyptus caffeine pillsJeweled acornNight howlersZootopia Police badgeZootopia Transit Authority

v - e - dGame Navbox
Dancing with GazelleDisney Crossy RoadDisney Emoji BlitzDisney InfinityClub Penguin Zootopia TakeoverGearshift PuzzleHopps PursuitList of Cases in Zootopia: Crime FilesJumbo Playing CardsMemory Match GameRobber Hunt!Suspect SearchZootopia: Crime FilesZootopia DashZootopia Puzzle Slider
