AA树在电脑科学一种形式的自平衡二叉查找树用于高效存储和检索序数据。AA树的名称是由它的发明者阿尔尼·安德森(Arne Andersson)而来。
AA树是红黑树的一种变种,是安德森教授在1993年年在他的论文《Balanced search trees made simple》中介绍,设计的目的是减少红黑树考虑的不同情况,区别于红黑树的是,AA树的红节点只能作为右叶子,从而大大简化了维护2-3树的模拟。维护红黑树的平衡需要考虑7种不同的情况:
- 所有叶节点的level都是1
- 每个左孩子的level恰好为其父亲的level减一
- 每个右孩子的level等于其父亲的level或为其父亲的level减一
- 每个右孙子的level严格小于其祖父节点的level
- 每一个level大于1的节点有两个子节点
插入和删除会让AA树变的不平衡(即违反它的性质)。恢复平衡只需两种操作:"skew"和"split". Skew是一个右旋转使得子树中向左的水平边变成向右的水平边;Split是一个左旋并增加子树根节点的level(请看范例)使得连续向右的水平边消失。平衡插入和删除操作的实现是由skew及split决定是否旋转,而不是在主程式中判断。
function skew is input: T, a node representing an AA tree that needs to be rebalanced. output: Another node representing the rebalanced AA tree. if nil(T) then return Nil else if nil(left(T)) then return T else if level(left(T)) == level(T) then Swap the pointers of horizontal left links. L = left(T) left(T) := right(L) right(L) := T return L else return T end if end function
function split is input: T, a node representing an AA tree that needs to be rebalanced. output: Another node representing the rebalanced AA tree. if nil(T) then return Nil else if nil(right(T)) or nil(right(right(T))) then return T else if level(T) == level(right(right(T))) then We have two horizontal right links. Take the middle node, elevate it, and return it. R = right(T) right(T) := left(R) left(R) := T level(R) := level(R) + 1 return R else return T end if end function
function insert is input: X, the value to be inserted, and T, the root of the tree to insert it into. output: A balanced version T including X. Do the normal binary tree insertion procedure. Set the result of the recursive call to the correct child in case a new node was created or the root of the subtree changes. if nil(T) then Create a new leaf node with X. return node(X, 1, Nil, Nil) else if X < value(T) then left(T) := insert(X, left(T)) else if X > value(T) then right(T) := insert(X, right(T)) end if Note that the case of X == value(T) is unspecified. As given, an insert will have no effect. The implementor may desire different behavior. Perform skew and then split. The conditionals that determine whether or not a rotation will occur or not are inside of the procedures, as given above. T := skew(T) T := split(T) return T end function
[编辑]在大部分的二叉查找树,删除一个内部节点可以转换成交换内部节点及其最接近的前驱或后继节点,这取决于使用者。 为了平衡这颗树,有几中方法,Andersson教授描述的original paper(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)是最基本的,尽管它还能再被优化。删除后第一件事是降低其level(如果可以),于是,整个level必须skew和split,这个方法最受到欢迎的,因为它的概念易懂,可以列举成下列三个简单步骤:
- 如果可以的话,减少其level
- Skew其level.
- Split其level.
function delete is input: X, the value to delete, and T, the root of the tree from which it should be deleted. output: T, balanced, without the value X. if nil(T) then return T else if X > value(T) then right(T) := delete(X, right(T)) else if X < value(T) then left(T) := delete(X, left(T)) else If we're a leaf, easy, otherwise reduce to leaf case. if leaf(T) then return Nil else if nil(left(T)) then L := successor(T) right(T) := delete(value(L), right(T)) value(T) := value(L) else L := predecessor(T) left(T) := delete(value(L), left(T)) value(T) := value(L) end if end if Rebalance the tree. Decrease the level of all nodes in this level if necessary, and then skew and split all nodes in the new level. T := decrease_level(T) T := skew(T) right(T) := skew(right(T)) if not nil(right(T)) right(right(T)) := skew(right(right(T))) end if T := split(T) right(T) := split(right(T)) return T end function
function decrease_level is input: T, a tree for which we want to remove links that skip levels. output: T with its level decreased. should_be = min(level(left(T)), level(right(T))) + 1 if should_be < level(T) then level(T) := should_be if should_be < level(right(T)) then level(right(T)) := should_be end if end if return T end function
这个网站展示了良好的删除示���Andersson paper(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
[编辑]- ^ A Disquisition on The Performance Behavior of Binary Search Tree Data Structures (pages 67-75) (PDF). [2015-03-17]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2014-03-27).
[编辑]- A. Andersson. Balanced search trees made simple(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- A. Andersson. A note on searching in a binary search tree(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- AA-Tree Applet(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by Kubo Kovac
- BSTlib - Open source AA tree library for C by trijezdci
- AA Visual 2007 1.5 - OpenSource Delphi program for educating AA tree structures
- Thorough tutorial Julienne Walker with lots of code, including a practical implementation
- Object Oriented implementation with tests(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- A Disquisition on The Performance Behavior of Binary Search Tree Data Structures (pages 67-75) - Comparison of AA trees, red-black trees, treaps, skip lists, and radix trees
- An example C implementation
- An Objective-C implementation(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)