


非拉丁裔白人(英語:Non-Latino whites)也稱非西班牙裔白人(英語:Non-Hispanic whites),根據美國人口普查局的定義,這個族裔包括歐裔美國人、中東裔美國人以及北非裔美國人。[4][5]這一名詞的提出是為了對白人進行細分,與拉丁裔的白人進行區別。歐裔美國人代表着很多種族群體,包括德裔愛爾蘭裔英格蘭裔意大利裔以及波蘭裔。在美國,歐裔美國人最初是指歐洲殖民者及其後人。自19世紀以來,由於歐洲移民的輸入,歐裔美國人的數量一直以來都在不斷增長,特別是德國、愛爾蘭、英格蘭、意大利、希臘、荷蘭、法國、威爾斯、以及波蘭、俄羅斯等國家向美國輸出的移民。從文化的角度來說,非拉丁裔白人通常指使用英語的白人,而拉丁裔白人則指使用西班牙語的白人。[6]在美國的某些地區,有的時候會使用「盎格魯裔美國人」(英語:Anglo-American)一詞來指代那些以英語為母語的非拉丁裔白人。[7][8][9]


州/領地 1990年人口 % 2000年人口 % 2010年人口 % 2020年人口 % 2010年-2020年人口增長率 1990年-2020年人口佔比增長率
 亞拉巴馬州 2,960,167 73.3% 3,125,819 70.3% 3,204,402 67.0% 3,171,351 65.3% -1.0% -11.0%
 阿拉斯加州 406,722 73.9% 423,788 67.6% 455,320 64.1% 421,758 57.5% -7.4% -22.2%
 亞利桑那州 2,626,185 71.7% 3,274,258 63.8% 3,695,647 57.8% 3,816,547 53.4% +3.3% -25.5%
 阿肯色州 1,933,082 82.2% 2,100,135 78.6% 2,173,469 74.5% 2,063,550 68.5% -5.0% -16.7%
 加利福尼亞州 17,029,126 57.2% 15,816,790 46.7% 14,956,253 40.1% 13,714,587 34.7% -8.3% -39.3%
 科羅拉多州 2,658,945 80.7% 3,202,880 74.5% 3,520,793 70.0% 3,760,663 65.1% +6.8% -19.3%
 康涅狄格州 2,754,184 83.8% 2,638,845 77.5% 2,546,262 71.2% 2,279,232 63.2% -10.5% -24.6%
 特拉華州 528,092 79.3% 567,973 72.5% 586,752 65.3% 579,851 58.6% -1.2% -26.1%
 華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 166,131 27.4% 159,178 27.8% 209,464 34.8% 261,771 38.0% +25.0% +38.7%
 佛羅里達州 9,475,326 73.2% 10,458,509 65.4% 10,884,722 57.9% 11,100,503 51.5% +1.2% -29.6%
 喬治亞州 4,543,425 70.1% 5,128,661 62.6% 5,413,920 55.9% 5,362,156 50.1% -1.0% -28.5%
 夏威夷州 347,644 31.4% 277,091 22.9% 309,343 22.7% 314,365 21.6% +1.6% -31.2%
 愛達荷州 928,661 92.2% 1,139,291 88.0% 1,316,243 84.0% 1,450,523 81.7% +10.2% -11.4%
 伊利諾伊州 8,550,208 74.8% 8,424,140 67.8% 8,167,753 63.7% 7,472,751 58.3% -8.5% -22.1%
 印第安納州 4,965,242 89.6% 5,219,373 85.8% 5,286,453 81.5% 5,266,034 75.5% -0.4% -15.7%
 愛荷華州 2,663,840 95.9% 2,710,344 92.6% 2,701,123 88.7% 2,638,201 82.7% -6.8% -10.9%
 堪薩斯州 2,190,524 88.4% 2,233,997 83.1% 2,230,539 78.2% 2,122,575 72.2% -4.9% -18.3%
 肯塔基州 3,378,022 91.7% 3,608,013 89.3% 3,745,655 86.3% 3,664,764 81.3% -2.2% -11.3%
 路易斯安那州 2,776,022 65.8% 2,794,391 62.5% 2,734,884 60.3% 2,596,702 55.8% -5.1% -15.2%
 緬因州 1,203,357 98.0% 1,230,297 96.5% 1,254,297 94.4% 1,245,632 90.2% -2.1% -8.0%
 馬里蘭州 3,326,109 69.6% 3,286,547 62.1% 3,157,958 54.7% 3,035,979 47.2% -7.7% -32.2%
 馬薩諸塞州 5,280,292 87.8% 5,198,359 81.9% 4,984,800 76.1% 4,748,897 67.6% -4.7% -23.0%
 密歇根州 7,649,951 82.3% 7,806,691 78.6% 7,569,939 76.6% 7,295,651 72.4% -3.6% -12%
 明尼蘇達州 4,101,266 93.7% 4,337,143 88.2% 4,405,142 83.1% 4,353,880 79.4% -1.2% -15.3%
 密西西比州 1,624,198 63.1% 1,727,908 60.7% 1,722,287 58.0% 1,639,077 55.4% -4.8% -12.2%
 密蘇里州 4,448,465 86.9% 4,686,474 83.8% 4,850,748 81.0% 4,663,907 75.8% -3.9% -12.8%
 蒙大拿州 733,878 91.8% 807,823 89.5% 868,628 87.8% 901,318 83.1% +3.8% -9.5%
 內布拉斯加州 1,460,095 92.5% 1,494,494 87.3% 1,499,753 82.1% 1,484,687 75.7% -1.0% -28.2%
 內華達州 946,357 78.7% 1,303,001 65.2% 1,462,081 54.1% 1,425,952 45.9% -3.5% -41.7%
 新罕布什爾州 1,079,484 97.3% 1,175,252 95.1% 1,215,050 92.3% 1,200,649 87.2% -1.2% -10.4%
 新澤西州 5,718,966 74.0% 5,557,209 66.0% 5,214,878 59.3% 4,863,535 51.8% -7.6% -30%
 新墨西哥州 764,164 50.4% 813,495 44.7% 833,810 40.5% 772,952 36.5% -7.3% -26.6%
 紐約州 12,460,189 69.3% 11,760,981 62.0% 11,304,247 58.3% 10,598,907 52.5% -6.4% -24.2%
 北卡羅萊納州 4,971,127 75.0% 5,647,155 70.2% 6,223,995 65.3% 6,312,148 60.5% +1.4% -19.3 pp
 北達科他州 601,592 94.2% 589,149 91.7% 598,007 88.9% 636,160 81.7% +6.4% -13.1%
 俄亥俄州 9,444,622 87.1% 9,538,111 84.0% 9,359,263 81.1% 8,954,135 75.9% -4.3% -12.9%
 奧克拉荷馬州 2,547,588 81.0% 2,556,368 74.1% 2,575,381 68.7% 2,407,188 60.8% -6.5% -25%
 俄勒岡州 2,579,732 90.8% 2,857,616 83.5% 3,005,848 78.5% 3,036,158 71.7% +1.0% -21.0%
 賓夕法尼亞州 10,422,058 87.7% 10,322,455 84.1% 10,094,652 79.5% 9,725,769 73.5% -5.4% -16.2%
 羅德島州 896,109 89.3% 858,433 81.9% 803,685 76.4% 754,050 68.7% -6.2% -23.1%
 南卡羅萊納州 2,390,056 68.5% 2,652,291 66.1% 2,962,740 64.1% 3,178,552 62.1% +7.3% -9.3%
 南達科他州 634,788 91.2% 664,585 88.0% 689,502 84.7% 705,583 79.6% +2.3% -12.7%
 田納西州 4,027,631 82.6% 4,505,930 79.2% 4,800,782 75.6% 4,900,246 70.9% +2.1% -14.2%
 德克薩斯州 10,291,680 60.6% 10,933,313 52.4% 11,397,345 45.3% 11,884,773 39.7% +1.6% -34.5%
 猶他州 1,571,254 91.2% 1,904,265 85.3% 2,221,719 80.4% 2,465,355 75.4% +11.0% -17.3%
 佛蒙特州 552,184 98.1% 585,431 96.2% 590,223 94.3% 573,201 89.1% -2.9% -9.2%
 維珍尼亞州 4,701,650 76.0% 4,965,637 70.2% 5,186,450 64.8% 5,058,363 58.6% -2.5% -29.9%
 華盛頓州 4,221,622 86.7% 4,652,490 78.9% 4,876,804 72.5% 4,918,820 63.8% +0.9% -26.4%
 西弗吉尼亞州 1,718,896 95.8% 1,709,966 94.6% 1,726,256 93.2% 1,598,834 89.1% -7.4% -7.0%
 威斯康辛州 4,464,677 91.3% 4,681,630 87.3% 4,738,411 83.3% 4,634,018 78.6% -2.2% -13.9%
 懷俄明州 412,711 91.0% 438,799 88.9% 483,874 85.9% 469,664 81.4% -2.9% -10.5%
 美屬薩摩亞 682 1.2% 611 1.1%
 關島 10,666 6.9% 11,001 6.9%
 北馬利安納群島 1,274 1.8% 916 1.7%
 波多黎各 33,966 0.9% 26,946 0.7% 24,548 0.8% -8.9%
 美屬維爾京群島 8,580 7.9% 3,830 3.6%
美國 全美 188,128,296 75.6% 194,552,774 69.1% 196,817,552 63.7% 191,697,647 57.8% -2.6% –23.5%


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Race and Ethnicity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 Census. United State census bureau. [2022-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-15). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 HANSI LO WANG. This Is How The White Population Is Actually Changing Based On New Census Data. NPR. [2022-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-15). 
  3. ^ Table 53. Languages Spoken At Home by Language: 2009, The 2012 Statistical Abstract (U.S. Census Bureau), [2011-12-27], (原始內容存檔於2007-12-25) 
  4. ^ White persons, percent, 2000. 4 January 2011 [19 August 2017]. (原始內容存檔於4 January 2011). 
  5. ^ Bureau, U.S. Census. U.S. Census website. United States Census Bureau. [19 August 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-09). 
  6. ^ ROACH v. DRESSER IND. VALVE & INSTRUMENT DIVISION – 494 F.Supp. 215 (1980) – Leagle.com. leagle.com. [2022-07-29]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-25). 
  7. ^ Oxford English Dictionary: "Anglo"頁面存檔備份,存於互聯網檔案館North American A white English-speaking person of British or northern European origin, in particular (in the U.S.) as distinct from a Hispanic American or (in Canada) as distinct from a French-speaker.
  8. ^ Mish, Frederic C., Editor in Chief Webster's Tenth New Collegiate Dictionary Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.:1994--Merriam-Webster See original definition (definition #1) of Anglo in English: It is defined as a synonym for Anglo-American--Page 86
  9. ^ Anglo - Definitions from Dictionary.com; American Heritage Dictionary. Lexico Publishing Group. [2008-03-29]. (原始內容存檔於15 March 2008). Usage Note: In contemporary American usage, Anglo is used primarily in direct contrast to Hispanic or Latino. In this context it is not limited to persons of English or even British descent, but can be generally applied to any non-Hispanic white person, making mother tongue (in this case English) the primary factor. Thus in parts of the United States such as the Southwest United States with large Hispanic populations, an American of Polish, Irish, or German heritage might be termed an Anglo just as readily as a person of English descent. However, in parts of the country where the Hispanic community is smaller or nonexistent, or in areas where ethnic distinctions among European groups remain strong, Anglo has little currency as a catch-all term for non-Hispanic whites. Anglo is also used in non-Hispanic contexts. In Canada, where its usage dates at least to 1800, the distinction is between persons of English and French descent. And in American historical contexts Anglo is apt to be used more strictly to refer to persons of English heritage, as in this passage describing the politics of nation-building in pre-Revolutionary America: "The 'unity' of the American people derived ... from the ability and willingness of an Anglo elite to stamp its image on other peoples coming to this country" (Benjamin Schwarz). 
  10. ^ 2012 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates. American FactFinder, U.S. Census Bureau. [23 March 2014]. (原始內容存檔於12 February 2020). 
  11. ^ 2010 Census. Census.gov. [2017-08-19]. (原始內容存檔於2017-05-22). 
  12. ^ Data. data.census.gov. [2020-04-29]. (原始內容存檔於2022-01-01). 
  13. ^ 2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer. US Census Bureau. [24 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-12). 
  14. ^ Race and Ethnicity in the United States: 2010 Census and 2020 Census. US Census Bureau. [24 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2021-08-15).