
Pang-bô͘:Infobox film

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Documentation icon Pang-bô͘ bûn-su[chhâ-khòaⁿ] [pian-chi̍p] [le̍k-sú] [kun-sin]
{{{film name}}}
Kàm-tok {{{director}}}
Chè-chok {{{producer}}}
Kio̍k-chok-ka {{{writer}}}
Pian-kio̍k {{{screenplay}}}
Kò͘-sū {{{story}}}
Goân-tio̍h {{{based on}}}
Chú-ián {{{starring}}}
Sū-su̍t-chiá {{{narrator}}}
Phòe-ga̍k {{{music}}}
Liap-iáⁿ-su {{{cinematography}}}
Chián-chip {{{editing}}}
Chhut-phìⁿ {{{distributor}}}
Chiūⁿ-èng {{{released}}}
Phìⁿ-tn̂g {{{runtime}}}
Kok-ka {{{country}}}
Gí-giân {{{language}}}
Ū-sǹg {{{budget}}}
Phiò-pâng {{{gross}}}
{{Infobox film
| name           = 
| image          = 
| alt            = 
| caption        = 
| film name      = <!--(for non-English films: film's name in its native language)-->
| director       = <!-- or: |directors = -->
| producer       = <!-- or: |producers = -->
| writer         = <!-- or: |writers = -->
| screenplay     = 
| story          = 
| based on       = <!-- {{based on|title of the original work|writer of the original work}} -->
| starring       = 
| narrator       = <!-- or: |narrators = -->
| music          = 
| cinematography = 
| editing        = 
| studio         = <!-- or: |production companies = -->
| distributor    = <!-- or: |distributors = -->
| released       = <!-- {{film date|year|month|day|location}} -->
| runtime        = 
| country        = 
| language       = 
| budget         = 
| gross          = <!--(please use condensed and rounded values, e.g. "£11.6 million" not "£11,586,221")-->