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Trading Posts are recurring locations in The Legend of Zelda series.

Features and Overview[]

Majora's Mask[]

The Trading Post is located in West Clock Town and is open almost 24 hours a day, with the exception of 9 PM to 10 PM.[1] During the day, it is operated by the Man from Trading Post. At night and on the Final Day, it is staffed by the Part-Timer. The shop offers various restock items, such as Arrows and Deku Nuts, and it is one of the few places where Link can buy a Hero's Shield if he loses his prior one to a Like Like. The shop is also one of the two places where Link can encounter Pierre the Scarecrow.

Wares and Pricing[]

Item Price
File:MM3D Arrow Icon.png
Arrows (30)
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 30 Rupees
File:MM3D Arrow Icon.png
Arrows (50)
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 40 Rupees
MM3D Deku Nut Icon
Deku Nuts (10)
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 30 Rupees
MM3D Deku Stick Icon
Deku Stick
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 10 Rupees
MM3D Fairy Icon
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 50 Rupees
MM3D Green Potion Icon
Green Potion
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 30 Rupees
MM3D Hero's Shield Icon
Hero's Shield
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 80 Rupees
MM3D Red Potion Icon
Red Potion
OoT3D Green Rupee Icon 30 Rupees

Spirit Tracks[]

The Trading Post is situated in the southeast corner of the Forest Realm, serving as the home to Linebeck III and the resting place of his grandfather, Linebeck. Link is forced to make a stop at the Trading Post after he sees that the bridge leading to the Ocean Realm is broken. Here, he meets Linebeck III, owner of the Linebeck Trading Company and the only resident of the whole station. Linebeck III explains that the reason for the bridge being broken is due to the storms that have ravaged the area, and while he was meaning to call Kenzo, a bridge worker, he is more worried about the Spirit Tracks disappearing since it is affecting his business.[2] He then realizes that Link is a Royal Engineer and asks him to bring Kenzo so that they may both continue with their own business.[3] After the young hero brings Kenzo from the Snow Realm, he will offer to fix it for 5,000 Rupees, which includes the fee for the work he did to Linebeck III's house.[4] The trading company owner refuses to pay the bill, so the burden of paying the repair fee befalls Link, whom Linebeck III is quick to blame it on.[5] Kenzo then mentions that he does not care who pays him as long as the money is ready by the time the bridge is done.[6]

When Link goes to talk to Linebeck III, he mentions that his grandfather, Linebeck, left him a note on how to find a high-valued Treasure, known as the Regal Ring, that he hid somewhere near the Trading Post. Linebeck III hasn't been able to figure out the riddle, so he hands over the note to Link in hopes that he may find the 8,000-Rupee Treasure and thus pay off the bridge fee.[7]

To the left of Linebeck III's house is a small cave that is infested with Like Likes. After passing through the cave, the young hero will find himself in the back portion of the Trading Post, which is where the grave of Linebeck III's grandfather is located. Past the graveyard is an Air Stone where Link can learn the "Song of Light" and, after Link plays it, the Stone will blast off to reveal a light switch beneath it. Link must then hit another Switch with the Boomerang in the direction that the light is pointing to in order to make a small bridge appear that connects to a small island off the station. Once Link crosses the bridge and bombs the wall to reveal another cave, the young hero must play the "Song of Light" on the two light switches and play the "Song of Discovery" four stone tiles north and six stone tiles west to reveal a Treasure Chest containing the Regal Ring.

After Link shows the Regal Ring to Linebeck III, Kenzo will jump into the conversation and take the rare Treasure as payment.[8] From here on out, Link can bring and sell any Treasure to Linebeck III, and if he has enough Treasure, he can also trade it for new Train Cars.[9]

If Link brings five units of Dark Ore from the Dark Ore Mine in the Fire Realm to Linebeck III, he will reward the young hero with a Force Gem that restores the Spirit Tracks in the Ocean Realm, thus opening the Lost at Sea Station.


TMC Forest Minish Artwork Names in other regions TMC Jabber Nut Sprite
CanadaFrenchCAGare du pont[10]Bridge station
FranceFrenchEUGare du pont[11]Bridge station
GermanyGermanBahnhof an der Brücke[12]
ItalyItalianStazione del ponte[13]
Latin AmericaSpanishLAPuentebajo[15]
This table was generated using translation pages.
To request an addition, please contact a staff member with a reference.



  1. "On break. Back in 1 hour." — N/A (Majora's Mask)
  2. "But I agree that the bridge is a sad mess. The huge storms we had really did a number on it. I was going to call a bridge worker I know in the Snow Realm to fix the mess. But with the Spirit Tracks vanishing, I've got bigger fish to fry. See, I deal with merchants all over the world, and I can't get anywhere now!" — Linebeck III (Spirit Tracks)
  3. "Wait... You're an engineer, aren't you? Well, that's just perfect! Go fetch that bridge worker so we can both get on with our business." — Linebeck III (Spirit Tracks)
  4. "Course, course. Just leave it to me! Shouldn't be a problem. Assumin', of course, that you've got my repair fee on hand. Ya do, right? Ya also still owe me for the work I did on your house. So along with the bridge... Hmm, I'd say 5,000 Rupees oughta cover the bill nicely!" — Kenzo (Spirit Tracks)
  5. "Lucky for both of us, this young fellow has kindly agreed to foot the bill. He's the one who wanted the bridge fixed in the first place, after all. All I did was send him your way, friend!" — Linebeck III (Spirit Tracks)
  6. "Eh, I don't really care who pays me, so long as I get my 5,000 Rupees. I'll go fix that bridge, but that money better be ready for me when I'm done!" — Kenzo (Spirit Tracks)
  7. "Excellent! Now listen closely, as I only want to say this once. I've heard whispers about some high-value loot that was hidden here long ago. What loot, you ask? A gem of a treasure known as the Regal Ring! From what I can gather, the thing's got to be worth a cool 8,000 Rupees, easy! My grandfather left a letter detailing the ring's location shortly before his passing. I've read the clues he gave and looked all over, but I haven't hit pay dirt... This is where you come in. What say you find the ring for me and bring it back? Do that, and we'll generate more than enough Rupees to pay off your debt!" — Linebeck III (Spirit Tracks)
  8. "So this little doodad's worth 8,000 Rupees? Coulda fooled me. Still, it beats takin' another IOU! If you need anything else, just give me a holler!" — Kenzo (Spirit Tracks)
  9. "Still, you've got a real talent for sniffing out treasure. Ooh! Tell you what--from here on out, bring any treasure you find to me! If they impress me, I'll trade you some lovely new train cars for those trinkets! Sound like a sweet deal? That's 'cause it IS!" — Linebeck III (Spirit Tracks)
  10. "Gare du pont" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  11. "Gare du pont" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  12. "Bahnhof an der Brücke" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  13. "Stazione del ponte" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  14. "Puentebajo" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
  15. "Puentebajo" — Rail Map (Spirit Tracks)
Stations in Spirit Tracks
Aboda VillageTrading PostWhittletonForest SanctuaryRabbitland RescueHyrule CastleCastle TownForest TempleAnouki VillageAnouki VillageSnow SanctuaryBridge Worker's HomeWellspring StationSlippery StationSnowdrift StationSnow TempleSnow TempleTower of SpiritsPapuchia VillagePirate HideoutOcean SanctuaryOcean FloorLost at Sea StationOcean TempleSand SanctuarySand TempleGoron Target RangeFire SanctuaryGoron VillageFire TempleDisorientation StationDark Ore MineEnds of the Earth StationDark RealmHyrule Rail Map ST

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