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Test of Strength is a Mini-Game in Tears of the Kingdom.[1]

Location and Rules[]

The Test of Strength can be found at the small mountain just next of the Coliseum Ruins, southwest. It is located on top of the mountain just overlooking the Outskirt Stable.

There is a Goron named Strade who hosts the minigame. <MISSING> It cost 30 Rupees to play.

The objective is to hit the bell on top of the tower as hard as possible.[2] There is no time limit, but Link must stay within the play area lest he forfeit the game.[verification needed] Link is allowed to use whatever he can use to ring the bell.[3] There are several Zonai Devices and objects next to the tower that Link may use[4] to build a contraption capable of striking the bell. The game ends once the bell is struck.[5]

The intensity of the ring is determined by the speed and weight of the object that struck the bell, measured in "mega-ding scale." The higher the speed and weight of the striking object, the louder the bell rings.[6] If the bell rings at least over 75 dings, Link receives a Jewel as a reward.


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  1. "Heh, I made myself quite the tower, eh? Just look at that. And! I put that bell right on top. Why, you ask? Because I thought up a great new game—a test of strength!" — Strade (Tears of the Kingdom)
  2. "Yup! Your goal is to make the bell at the top of this here tower ring as loud as ya can." — Strade (Tears of the Kingdom)
  3. "Throw something at it with as much force as you can. Do that, and the bell will answer." — Strade (Tears of the Kingdom)
  4. "You're welcome to all the stuff over there. Some of it's left over from when I built the tower." — Strade (Tears of the Kingdom)
  5. "Once you ring the bell, the game ends. And you only get one ring per round." — Strade (Tears of the Kingdom)
  6. "The trick to really ring it is to throw somethin' real heavy, real fast." — Strade (Tears of the Kingdom)