Zelda Wiki

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Zelda Wiki
Zelda Wiki
This is the main module for the following templates: In addition, this module exports the following functions.


image(filename, [options])

A higher-level version of utilsMarkup.file with awareness of whether the file exists or not.


  • filename
    Filename of the image, with or without the namespace prefix.
  • [options]
    Image size in pixels.
    Image scaling factor — the original image size is multitplied by scale. If both scale and size are present, the value which results in the smaller image will be used. By default this uses an expensive parser function.
    If set to true, then a Cargo query is used to determine the original image size for the scale option above. You can use this to avoid hitting expensive parser function limit. This option has an additional performance cost of roughly 2-5 milliseconds per image.
    Name of a page on the wiki or an external URL for the image thumbnail to link to.
    Alt text for the image.
    If true, the image will never appear as the page's representative image in page previews.
    If set to false then the function skips the file existence check. A red link is returned instead of the 'please upload' placeholder.


  • Wikitext rendering an image thumbnail.
  • A boolean — true if the image exists, false otherwise.


  "File:TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model.png",
    size = "100px",
    link = "Great Fairy",
"[[File:TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model.png|100px|link=Great Fairy]]"
TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model
Green check
Green check
If file does not exist, show 'click to upload' thumbnail which links to Special:Upload.
  "File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png",
    size = "150px",
    link = "Great Fairy",
"[[File:No Image Upload.png|150px|link=https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Upload?wpDestFile=TWWHD+Great+Fairy+Figurine+Model.png|class=notpageimage]]"
No Image Upload
Green check
Green check
'No image' thumbnail has minimum 100px width, because it is illegible at smaller sizes.
  "File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png",
  { size = "64px" }
"[[File:No Image Upload.png|100px|link=https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Upload?wpDestFile=TWWHD+Great+Fairy+Figurine+Model.png|class=notpageimage]]"
No Image Upload
Green check
Green check
checkExists = false skips the existence check and simply render a red link
  "File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png",
    checkExists = false,
    size = "100px",
    link = "Great Fairy",
"[[File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png|100px|link=Great Fairy]]"
File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png
Green check
Green check
Scaling factor.
image("File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png", { scale = 2 })
"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|48x56px]]"
TMC Vaati Sprite
Green check
Green check
  "File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png",
    scale = 2,
    scaleUsingCargo = true,
"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|48x56px]]"
TMC Vaati Sprite
Green check
Green check
If both scale and size are specified, the one resulting in the smaller image is used.
  "File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png",
    scale = 2,
    size = "80px",
"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|48x56px]]"
TMC Vaati Sprite
Green check
Green check
  "File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png",
    scale = 10,
    size = "80px",
"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|80px]]"
TMC Vaati Sprite
Green check
Green check
Applying notpageimage.
  "File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png",
  { notPageImage = true }
"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|class=notpageimage]]"
TMC Vaati Sprite
Green check
Green check


gameImage(game, subject, type, [options])

A specialized version of image that infers the filename from game, subject, and type.


  • game
    A franchise code.
  • subject
  • type
  • [options]
    Image size in pixels.
    Image scaling factor — the original image size is multitplied by scale. If both scale and size are present, the value which results in the smaller image will be used. By default this uses an expensive parser function.
    If set to true, then a Cargo query is used to determine the original image size for the scale option above. You can use this to avoid hitting expensive parser function limit. This option has an additional performance cost of roughly 2-5 milliseconds per image.
    Name of a page on the wiki or an external URL for the image thumbnail to link to.
    Alt text for the image.
    If true, the image will never appear as the page's representative image in page previews.
    If set to false then the function skips the file existence check. A red link is returned instead of the 'please upload' placeholder.


  • A string of wikitext that renders a thumbnail.
  • A boolean — true if the image exists, false otherwise.


  "Great Fairy Figurine",
    size = "100px",
    link = "Great Fairy",
"[[File:TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model.png|100px|link=Great Fairy]]"
TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model
Green check
Green check


icon(game, subject, [options])


  • game
    A franchise code.
  • subject
  • [options]
    Image size in pixels.
    Image scaling factor — the original image size is multitplied by scale. If both scale and size are present, the value which results in the smaller image will be used. By default this uses an expensive parser function.
    If set to true, then a Cargo query is used to determine the original image size for the scale option above. You can use this to avoid hitting expensive parser function limit. This option has an additional performance cost of roughly 2-5 milliseconds per image.
    Name of a page on the wiki or an external URL for the image thumbnail to link to.
    Alt text for the image.
    If true, the image will never appear as the page's representative image in page previews.
    If set to false then the function skips the file existence check. A red link is returned instead of the 'please upload' placeholder.


  • An icon thumbnail for the subject in the given game.


icon("LANS", "Pineapple")
"[[File:LANS Pineapple Icon.png]]"
LANS Pineapple Icon
Green check
icon("LADX", "Pineapple")
"[[File:LADX Pineapple Sprite.png]]"
LADX Pineapple Sprite
Green check

logo(code, options)



  • Given a valid franchise code, returns a logo thumbnail.
  • A boolean indicating whether a logo exists for the game yet.


logo("TWW", { size = "200px" })
"[[File:TWW English Logo.png|200px]]"
TWW English Logo
Green check
Green check
logo("SSB4", { size = "200px" })
"[[File:SSB4 Logo.png|200px]]"
SSB4 Logo
Green check
Green check
logo("SS (Himekawa)", { size = "200px" })
"[[File:Viz Media Logo.svg|200px]]"
Viz Media Logo
Green check
Green check
logo("TLoZ (Mishouzaki)", { size = "200px" })
"[[File:TLoZ (Mishouzaki) Manga Cover Artwork.png|200px]]"
TLoZ (Mishouzaki) Manga Cover Artwork
Green check
Green check
logo("TAoL (Mishouzaki)", { size = "200px" })
"[[File:No Image Upload.png|200px|link=https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Upload?wpDestFile=TAoL+%28Mishouzaki%29+Manga+Cover+Artwork.png|class=notpageimage]]"
No Image Upload
Green check
Green check
logo("E", { size = "200px" })
"[[File:The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia Cover.png|200px]]"
The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia Cover
Green check
Green check
logo("TMoL", { size = "200px" })
"[[File:Misadventures Link logo2.png|200px]]"
Misadventures Link logo2
Green check
Green check

local p = {}
local h = {}

local Franchise = require("Module:Franchise")
local Term = require("Module:Term")
local utilsArg = require("Module:UtilsArg")  
local utilsCargo = require("Module:UtilsCargo")
local utilsError = require("Module:UtilsError")
local utilsLayout = require("Module:UtilsLayout")
local utilsMarkup = require("Module:UtilsMarkup")
local utilsPage = require("Module:UtilsPage")
local utilsString = require("Module:UtilsString")
local utilsTable = require("Module:UtilsTable")

local Constants = mw.loadData("Module:Constants/Data")
local data = mw.loadData("Module:File/Data")
local CARGO_TABLE = "Files" 

-- [[Template:File Redirect]]
function p.FileRedirect(frame)
	-- We should consider making the types uppercase in /Data so that we don't have to do this
	local args = utilsTable.clone(frame:getParent().args)
	args[2] = args[2] and string.lower(args[2])

	local args, err = utilsArg.parse(args, p.Templates["File Redirect"])
	local categories = ""
	if err then
		categories = categories..utilsMarkup.categories(err.categories)
	if not args.game and not args.type then
		categories = categories.."[[Category:File Redirects]]"
	if args.game and not args.type then
		utilsError.warn("<code>type</code> must be set when <code>game</code> is set.")
		categories = categories.."[[Category:"..Constants.category.invalidArgs.."]]"
	local gameName = args.game and Franchise.shortName(args.game)
	if gameName then
		categories = categories.."[[Category:"..gameName.." File Redirects]]"
	local type = args.type
	local typeCategory = data.typesByKey[type] and data.typesByKey[type].cat
	if gameName and typeCategory then
		categories = categories..string.format("[[Category:%s %s]]", gameName, typeCategory)
	return categories

-- Various templates
function p.Icon(frame)
	local args = frame.args
	local img = p.icon(args[1], args[2], {
		size = args.size
	return img

-- Template:FileInfo
function p.StoreWidth(frame)
	return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().file.width
function p.StoreHeight(frame)
	return mw.title.getCurrentTitle().file.height
function p.FileInfo(frame)
	local args, err = utilsArg.parse(frame:getParent().args, p.Templates.FileInfo)
	local result = p.printFileInfo(args)
	if err then
		return result .. utilsMarkup.categories(err.categories)
		return result
function p.printFileInfo(args)
	return h.printFileInfoTable(args) .. h.categories(args.type, args.game, args.subject)
function h.printFileInfoTable(args)
	local gameDisplay
	if args.game then
		local gameLogo = Franchise.logo(args.game)
		local gameImage = gameLogo and utilsPage.exists(gameLogo) and utilsMarkup.file(gameLogo, { size = "130x130px" })
		local gameLink = Franchise.link(args.game)
		local gameText = gameLink and string.format("This is a file pertaining to %s.", gameLink)
		if gameImage and gameText then
			gameDisplay = gameImage .. " " .. gameText
		elseif gameText then
			gameDisplay = gameText
			gameDisplay = ""
	local type = args.type and data.typesByKey[args.type]
	type = type and type.cat

	local license
	if args.licensing and utilsTable.includes(data.licenses, args.licensing) then
		license = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({
			title = "FileInfo/" .. args.licensing,
			args = {
				trademark = args.trademark
		license = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({ title = "FileInfo/Unsure" })

	local html = mw.html.create("table"):addClass("wikitable fileinfo")
	h.row(html, "Summary", args.summary)
	h.row(html, "Type", type)
	h.row(html, "Source", args.source)
	h.row(html, "Game", gameDisplay)
	h.row(html, "Licensing", license, {
		rowspan = args.trademark and "2" or "1" 
	h.row(html, "Trademark", args.trademark and mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({ title = "FileInfo/Trademark" }))
	return tostring(html)
function h.row(html, field, value, attributes)
	if value then
		return html
function h.categories(type, game, subjects)
	local gameName = game and Franchise.shortName(game)
	local typeCat = type and data.typesByKey[type] and data.typesByKey[type].cat
	local categories = {}
	if typeCat and not typeCat.nogame and gameName and game ~= "Series" then
		table.insert(categories, gameName .. " " .. typeCat)
	elseif typeCat then
		table.insert(categories, typeCat)
	elseif gameCat then
		table.insert(categories, gameName .. " Files")
	if subjects then
		categories = utilsTable.concat(categories, h.subjectCategories(subjects, game))
	if type == "sprite" and utilsString.endsWith(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, ".gif") then
		table.insert(categories, "GIF Sprites")
	if nsText == "File" and h.isUnused(title.text) then
		table.insert(categories, "Unused files")
	if not game then -- not necessarily invalid but worth tracking
		table.insert(categories, "Files without Game")
	return utilsMarkup.categories(categories)
function h.subjectCategories(subjects)
	local categories = utilsTable.flatMap(subjects, function(subject)
		local term, errCategories = Term.fetchTerm(subject, "Series")
		if not term then
			utilsError.warn(string.format("subject <code>%s</code> is not a valid [[Template:Term|term]]", subject))
			return errCategories -- add term-related maintenance categories, if any
		term = string.gsub(term, "#", "") -- strip # from term because categories can't have them in their name
		local category = "Images of "..term
		 -- only add subject-based categories if they already exist, to avoid spamming Special:WantedCategories
		if utilsPage.exists("Category:" .. category) then
			return {category}
			return {}
	return categories

-- Module:File/Data
function p.Data(frame)
	local result = ""
	result = result .. utilsMarkup.heading(2, "Types")
	result = result .. utilsLayout.table({
		sortable = true,
		headers = {"Type", "Category"},
		rows = utilsTable.map(data.types, function(type)
			local key = utilsMarkup.code(type.key)
			local cat = "[[:Category:"..type.cat.."]]"
			return {key, cat}
	result = result .. utilsMarkup.heading(2, "Licenses")
	result = result .. utilsLayout.table({
		sortable = true,
		headers = {"License", "Template", "Output"},
		rows = utilsTable.map(data.licenses, function(license)
			local template = "FileInfo/"..license
			local templateLink = "[[Template:"..template.."]]"
			local templateOutput = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({title = template})
			return {utilsMarkup.code(license), templateLink, templateOutput} 

	return result

-- Queries Cargo for the 100 most-used subjects, uses DPL to determine which ones don't exist as categories yet.
-- Repeat for the next 100 subjects, and so on until there are ~100 table rows or no more subjects to process.
function p.WantedSubjectCategories(frame)
	local BATCH_SIZE = 100
	local MAX_ROWS = 100
	local offset = 0
	local rows = {}
	local listedCategories = {} 
	local cargoResults
		cargoResults = utilsCargo.query("Files, Files__subject", "Files._pageName=page, Files__subject._value=subject, COUNT(*)=count", {
			groupBy = "_value",
			orderBy = "COUNT(*) DESC",
			join = "Files._ID = Files__subject._rowID",
			where = " Files__subject._value != ''",
			limit = BATCH_SIZE,
			offset = offset
		offset = offset + BATCH_SIZE
		local dplArgs = utilsTable.map(cargoResults, function(result)
			return {
				param = "titlematch",
				value = "Images of "..result.subject
		dplArgs.namespace = "Category"
		dplArgs.redirects = "include" -- some "Images of X" categories are redirects to synonymous terms (see Category:Synonymous Files)
		local existingCategories = utilsPage.dpl(dplArgs)
		local existingCategoryLookup = utilsTable.invert(existingCategories)
		for _, result in ipairs(cargoResults) do
			local cat = "Category:Images of "..result.subject
			if not listedCategories[cat] and not existingCategoryLookup[cat] then
				table.insert(rows, { utilsMarkup.link(cat), result.count, utilsMarkup.link(result.page)})
				listedCategories[cat] = true -- because of the way we batch the cargo queries, we need keep track of results that were already added
	until #rows >= MAX_ROWS or #cargoResults == 0
	return utilsLayout.table({
		sortable = true,
		headers = {"Category", "Count", "Sample File"},
		rows = rows

-- Utilities
function p.image(filename, options)
	filename = utilsPage.stripNamespace(filename)
	options = options or {}
	local sizeWidth, sizeHeight = p.dimensions(options.size)
	local checkExists = options.checkExists ~= false
	-- If the file is a redirect and we are doing an existence check or getting width/height from Cargo, then we need to get the redirectTarget.
	-- This is a somewhat expensive operation to do at scale so we only do it when needed
	local originalFilename = filename
	if checkExists or options.scale then
		local redirectTarget = mw.title.new("File:"..filename).redirectTarget
		redirectTarget = redirectTarget and redirectTarget.text
		if redirectTarget then
			filename = redirectTarget
	if checkExists and not utilsPage.exists("File:" .. filename, true) then
		-- We check again with mw.title To work around a bug where moved files are marked non-existant until null-edited
		-- This happens because of how we use Cargo to query for existence to save on expensive parser functions
		local title = mw.title.new(filename, "File")
		if not title.fileExists then
			return h.noimage(filename, sizeWidth, sizeHeight, options), false
	if options.scale then
		local file
		if options.scaleUsingCargo then
			results = utilsCargo.query(CARGO_TABLE, "width, height", {
				where = utilsCargo.allOf({
					["_pageName"] = "File:"..filename,
				limit = 1,
			file = results[1]
		if not file or utilsString.isEmpty(file.width) or utilsString.isEmpty(file.height) then -- if scaleUsingCargo = false or data does not return from Cargo query for some reason, then use the title object (an expensive parser function)
			file = mw.title.new("File:"..filename).file

		local width = math.floor(tonumber(file.width) * options.scale)
		local height = math.floor(tonumber(file.height) * options.scale)
		if (sizeWidth and sizeWidth < width) or (sizeHeight and sizeHeight < height) then
			width = sizeWidth
			height = sizeHeight
		size = ""
		if width then
			size = width
		if height then
			size = size .. "x" .. height
		size = size .. "px"
		options = utilsTable.merge({}, options, {
			size = size,
	options.class = options.notPageImage and "notpageimage" or nil
	return utilsMarkup.file(originalFilename, options), checkExists and true or nil
function p.dimensions(size)
	if not size then
		return nil
	local s, e
	s, e = size:find("^[0-9]+")
	local width = s and size:sub(s, e) or ""
	s, e = size:find("x[0-9]+")
	local height = s and size:sub(s+1, e) or ""
	return tonumber(width), tonumber(height)
function h.noimage(filename, sizeWidth, sizeHeight, options)
	local uploadUrl = mw.uri.fullUrl("Special:Upload")
		wpDestFile = filename
	local options = utilsTable.merge({}, options, {
		link = tostring(uploadUrl),
		class = "notpageimage",
	-- Make sure thumbnail for 'no image' is no less than 100x100px
	if (sizeWidth and sizeWidth < 100) or (sizeHeight and sizeHeight < 100) then
		options.size = "100px"
	return utilsMarkup.file("File:No Image Upload.png", options)

function p.gameImage(game, subject, type, options)
	local parts = utilsTable._filter(utilsString.notEmpty)({game, subject, type})
	local filename = table.concat(parts, " ") .. ".png"
	return p.image(filename, options)

function p.icon(game, subject, options)
	local type = "Icon"
	if Franchise.graphics(game) == "2D" then
		type = "Sprite"
	return p.gameImage(game, subject, type, options)

function p.logo(code, options)
	local filename = Franchise.logo(code)
	return p.image(filename, options)
function h.isUnused(filename)
	local separator = "$separator$"
	local dplQuery = string.format("{{#dpl:|imageused=%s|count=2}}", filename, separator)
	local dplResult = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(dplQuery)
	return dplResult == ""

p.Templates = {
	FileInfo = {
		purpose = "Displays, categorizes, and stores file information. See [[Guidelines:Files]] for further guidance.",
		format = "block",
		paramOrder = {"summary", "subject", "type", "source", "game", "licensing", "trademark"},
		params = {
			summary = {
				--required = true,
				type = "content",
				desc = "A short description of the file.",
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
			type = {
				required = "Category:Files Lacking Type",
				type = "string",
				desc = "The type of file, which determines how it is [[:Category:Files by Type|categorized]].",
				enum = data.typesEnum,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
			source = {
				required = "Category:Files Lacking Sources",
				type = "string",
				desc = "The original source of the file. It may be in the form of a URL or author recognition. [[Template:Source]] exists for this purpose.",
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
			subject = {
				type = "string",
				desc = "Wiki article names of all the subjects depicted in the file. A comma-separated list.",
				split = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
			game = {
				--required = true,
				type = "string",
				desc = "A valid [[Data:Franchise|code]] for a game, book, comic, manga, or TV show (or <code>Series</code>).",
				enum = Franchise.enum({ 
					includeSeries = true,
					includeGroups = true,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
			licensing = {
				required = "Category:Unlicensed Files",
				type = "string",
				desc = "The copyright licensing for the file. For the vast majority of files, <code>Copyright</code> is the correct value here.",
				enum = data.licenses,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
			trademark = {
				type = "boolean",
				desc = "Enter any text to add a trademark notice to the licensing. Use on all [[:Category:Trademarks|trademarks]] (usually denoted by an ® or ™ symbol).",
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
		examples = {
				summary = "{{Term|LADX|Animal Village|link}}",
				subject = "Animal Village, Rabbit",
				type = "map",
				source = "{{Source|Original|MannedTooth}}",
				game = "LADX",
				licensing = "Copyright",
				summary = "The [[Timeline]]",
				source = "{{Cite Book|book= E |page= 10}}",
				type = "print",
				game = "Series",
				licensing = "Copyright"
				summary = "Nintendo's current logo.",
				type = "logo",
				source = "",
				licensing = "PD-Simple",
				trademark = "yes",
				summary = "File missing required info"
	["File Redirect"] = {
		purpose = "This template is added to [[Guidelines:Redirects#File Redirects|file redirects]] to properly categorize them.",
		params = {
			[1] = {
				name = "game",
				desc = "A [[Data:Franchise|game code]].",
				type = "string",
				enum = Franchise.enum({ includeSeries = true }),
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
			[2] = {
				name = "type",
				desc = "The [[Guidelines:Files#Filename|file type]]. This should be set if <code>game</code> is set.",
				type = "string",
				enum = data.typesEnum,
				trim = true,
				nilIfEmpty = true,
		examples = {
			{"MM", "Model"},
				desc = "Error handling",
				args = {"not a game", "Model"},
			{"MM", "not a type"},

local optionsSchema =  {
	type = "record",
	properties = {
			name = "size",
			type = "string",
			desc = "Image size in pixels.",
			name = "scale",
			type = "number",
			desc = "Image scaling factor — the original image size is multitplied by <code>scale</code>. If both <code>scale</code> and <code>size</code> are present, the value which results in the smaller image will be used. <b>By default this uses an {{Mediawiki|Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit|expensive parser function}}</b>.",
			name = "scaleUsingCargo",
			type = "boolean",
			desc = "If set to true, then a Cargo query is used to determine the original image size for the <code>scale</code> option above. You can use this to avoid hitting expensive parser function limit. This option has an additional performance cost of roughly 2-5 milliseconds per image.",
			name = "link",
			type = "string",
			desc = "Name of a page on the wiki or an external URL for the image thumbnail to link to.",
			name = "caption",
			type = "string",
			desc = "[https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/img Alt text] for the image.",
			name = "notPageImage",
			type = "boolean",
			desc = "If true, the image will never appear as the page's representative image in [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Page_Previews page previews].",
			name = "checkExists",
			type = "boolean",
			default = "true",
			desc = "If set to <code>false</code> then the function skips the file existence check. A red link is returned instead of the 'please upload' placeholder.",
local franchiseCode = {
	required = true,
	type = "string",
	desc = "A [[Data:Franchise|franchise code]]."

p.Schemas = {
	image = {
		filename = {
			required = true,
			type = "string",
			desc = "Filename of the image, with or without the namespace prefix.",
		options = optionsSchema,
	gameImage = {
		game = franchiseCode,
		subject = {
			type = "string",
			required = true,
		type = {
			type = "string",
			required = true,
			enum = {"", "Artwork", "Icon", "Model", "Render", "Screenshot", "Sprite", "Texture"},
		options = optionsSchema,
	icon = {
		game = franchiseCode,
		subject = {
			type = "string",
			required = true,
		options = optionsSchema,
	logo = {
		code = franchiseCode,
		optons = optionsSchema,

p.Documentation = {
	image = {
		desc = "A higher-level version of [[Module:UtilsMarkup#file|utilsMarkup.file]] with awareness of whether the file exists or not.",
		params = {"filename", "options"},
		returns = {
			"Wikitext rendering an image thumbnail.",
			"A boolean — true if the image exists, false otherwise.",
		cases = {
				args = {"File:TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model.png", { 
					link = "Great Fairy", 
					size = "100px"
				expect = {"[[File:TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model.png|100px|link=Great Fairy]]", true}
				desc = "If file does not exist, show 'click to upload' thumbnail which links to [[Special:Upload]].",
				args = {"File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png", {
					link = "Great Fairy", 
					size = "150px",
				expect = {"[[File:No Image Upload.png|150px|link=https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Upload?wpDestFile=TWWHD+Great+Fairy+Figurine+Model.png|class=notpageimage]]", false}
				desc = "'No image' thumbnail has minimum 100px width, because it is illegible at smaller sizes.",
				args = {"File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png", {
					size = "64px",
				expect = {"[[File:No Image Upload.png|100px|link=https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Upload?wpDestFile=TWWHD+Great+Fairy+Figurine+Model.png|class=notpageimage]]", false},
				desc = "<code>checkExists = false</code> skips the existence check and simply render a red link",
				args = {"File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png", {
					link = "Great Fairy", 
					size = "100px",
					checkExists = false,
				expect = {"[[File:TWWHD Great Fairy Figurine Model.png|100px|link=Great Fairy]]", nil}
				desc = "Scaling factor.",
				args = {"File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png", { scale = 2 }},
				expect = {"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|48x56px]]", true}
				args = {"File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png", { scale = 2, scaleUsingCargo = true }},
				expect = {"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|48x56px]]", true},
				desc = "If both <code>scale</code> and <code>size</code> are specified, the one resulting in the smaller image is used.",
				args = {"File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png", { scale = 2, size = "80px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|48x56px]]", true},
				args = {"File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png", { scale = 10, size = "80px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|80px]]", true},
				desc = "Applying <code>notpageimage</code>.",
				args = {"File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png", { notPageImage=true }},
				expect = {"[[File:TMC Vaati Sprite.png|class=notpageimage]]", true},
	gameImage = {
		desc = "A specialized version of [[Module:File#image|image]] that infers the filename from game, subject, and type.",
		params = {"game", "subject", "type", "options"},
		returns = {
			"A <code>string</code> of wikitext that renders a thumbnail.",
			"A boolean — true if the image exists, false otherwise.",
		cases = {
				args = {"TWW", "Great Fairy Figurine", "Model", { 
					link = "Great Fairy", 
					size = "100px"
				expect = {"[[File:TWW Great Fairy Figurine Model.png|100px|link=Great Fairy]]", true}
	icon = {
		params = {"game", "subject", "options"},
		returns = "An icon thumbnail for the subject in the given game.",
		cases = {
				args = {"LANS", "Pineapple"},
				expect = "[[File:LANS Pineapple Icon.png]]"
				args = {"LADX", "Pineapple"},
				expect = "[[File:LADX Pineapple Sprite.png]]"
	logo = {
		params = {"code", "options"},
		returns = {
			"Given a valid [[Data:Franchise|franchise code]], returns a logo thumbnail.",
			"A boolean indicating whether a logo exists for the game yet.",
		cases = {
				args = {"TWW", { size = "200px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:TWW English Logo.png|200px]]", true}
				args = {"SSB4", { size = "200px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:SSB4 Logo.png|200px]]", true},
				args = {"SS (Himekawa)", { size = "200px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:Viz Media Logo.svg|200px]]", true}
				args = {"TLoZ (Mishouzaki)", { size = "200px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:TLoZ (Mishouzaki) Manga Cover Artwork.png|200px]]", true},
				args = {"TAoL (Mishouzaki)", { size = "200px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:No Image Upload.png|200px|link=https://zelda.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Upload?wpDestFile=TAoL+%28Mishouzaki%29+Manga+Cover+Artwork.png|class=notpageimage]]", false},
				args = {"E", { size = "200px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia Cover.png|200px]]", true},
				args = {"TMoL", { size = "200px" }},
				expect = {"[[File:Misadventures Link logo2.png|200px]]", true},

return p