Found 10 Documents (Results 1–10)
Algorithms and programs for calculating the roots of polynomial of one or two variables. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1483.68500
Program. Comput. Softw. 47, No. 5, 353-373 (2021); translation from Programmirovanie 47, No. 5, 22-43 (2021).
Projective polynomials, a projection construction and a family of semifields. (English) Zbl 1338.12008
The rise of non-Archimedean mathematics and the roots of a misconception. I: The emergence of non-Archimedean systems of magnitudes. (English) Zbl 1086.01024
Reviewer: Ülo Lumiste (Tartu)
Symplectic groups and permutation polynomials. II. (English) Zbl 1014.12003
Reviewer: Andrzej Sładek (Katowice)
Resolution of singularities and modular Galois theory. (English) Zbl 0999.12003
Reviewer: Robert Guralnick (Los Angeles)
Galois embeddings for linear groups. (English) Zbl 0999.12005
Reviewer: Michael Dettweiler (Heidelberg)
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- Open Access (3)