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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju
(らい) (げき) (かい) (じゅう) サンダー・ザ・キング
English Thunder King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju
French Roi du Tonerre, le Kaiju Coup d'Éclair
German Donnerkönig, der Blitzschlag-Kaiju
Italian Re Tuono, Il Kaiju Colpodifulmine
Korean 뇌격파괴수 썬더 더 킹
Portuguese Rei Trovão, o Kaiju do Golpe Relâmpago
Spanish Rey Trueno, el Kaiju del Golpe del Rayo
Japanese (kana) らいげきかいじゅうサンダー・ザ・キング
Japanese (base) 雷撃壊獣サンダー・ザ・キング
Japanese (rōmaji) Raigeki Kaijū Sandā za Kingu
Japanese (translated) Thunder the King, the Lightningstrike Kaiju
Card type Monster
Attribute LIGHT
Types Thunder / Effect
Level 9
ATK / DEF 3300 / 2100
Passcode 48770333
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
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Other card information
External links
