Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Temperance of Prophecy
() (どう) (しょう) (かん) () テンペル
English Temperance of Prophecy
Chinese 魔導召喚士 坦普爾
French Tempérance de la Prophétie
German Die Mäßigkeit der Prophezeiung
Italian Temperanza della Profezia
Korean 마도소환사 템페르
Portuguese Temperança da Profecia
Spanish La Templanza de la Profecía
Japanese (kana) まどうしょうかんし テンペル
Japanese (base) 魔導召喚士 テンペル
Japanese (rōmaji) Madōshōkanshi Tenperu
Japanese (translated) Temper the Magical Summoner
Card type Monster
Attribute EARTH
Types Spellcaster / Effect
Level 3
ATK / DEF 1000 / 1000
Passcode 87608852
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
