Stairway to the Underworld
- Japanese: 冥府につづく階段
- Kana: めいふにつづくかいだん
- Romaji: Meifu ni Tsuzuku Kaidan
Card type | |
Property | |
Activate only when you take a direct attack from your opponent. If there is no monster on your side of the field as well, Special Summon 2 Emissaries of Darkness from your Deck. Viz Media lore<nomobile>?:</nomobile> <mobile>(The English manga by Viz Media sometimes uses lores which are inconsistent with the Japanese lore or how the card worked.):</mobile> Activate only when you take Battle Damage to your Life Points from a direct attack, and you do not control any monster on your side of the field. Special Summon 1 each of "Gorz the Emissary of Darkness" and "Kaien the Emissary of Darkness" from your Deck to your side of the field. | |
Appearances |
Manga cards (Galleries: R)
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Other languages
Name | Lore | |
Japanese | 相手からダイレクトアタックを受けた時に発動 自分の場にモンスターが1体も存在しない場合、デッキより2体の冥府の使者を特殊召喚する。 |
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