These are the Forbidden and Limited Lists exclusively for Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction.
- Monster Cards
- Black Luster Soldier
- Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
- Castle of Dark Illusions
- Chakra
- Cocoon of Evolution
- Cosmo Queen
- Crab Turtle
- Dark Flare Knight
- Dokurorider
- Exodia the Forbidden One
- F.G.D.
- Fiend's Mirror
- Fortress Whale
- Garma Sword
- Gate Guardian
- Great Moth
- Helpoemer
- Hungry Burger
- Javelin Beetle
- Larvae Moth
- Left Arm of the Forbidden One
- Left Leg of the Forbidden One
- Magician of Black Chaos
- Mask of Shine & Dark
- Master of Dragon Soldier
- Millennium Shield
- Newdoria
- Obelisk the Tormentor
- Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth
- Performance of Sword
- Psycho-Puppet
- Relinquished
- Right Arm of the Forbidden One
- Right Leg of the Forbidden One
- Sengenjin
- Serpent Night Dragon
- Skull Guardian
- Slifer the Sky Dragon
- Super War-Lion
- The Winged Dragon of Ra (Battle Mode)
- The Winged Dragon of Ra (Phoenix Mode)
- The Winged Dragon of Ra (Sphere Mode)
- Thousand-Eyes Restrict
- Tri-Horned Dragon
- Yamadron
- Zera the Mant
- Spell Cards
- Brain Control
- Change of Heart
- Dark Hole
- Dian Keto the Cure Master
- Harpie's Feather Duster
- Heavy Storm
- Megamorph
- Messenger of Peace
- Monster Reborn
- Multiply
- Ookazi
- Raigeki
- Pot of Greed
- Swords of Revealing Light
- Tremendous Fire
- Trap Cards
- Dragon Capture Jar
- Destiny Board
- Spirit Message "A"
- Spirit Message "I"
- Spirit Message "L"
- Spirit Message "N"
- Torrential Tribute
- Spell Cards
- Trap Cards