Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Fireball Token
() (たま) トークン
English Fireball Token
French Jeton Boule de Feu
German Feuerball-Spielmarke
Italian Segna-Palla di Fuoco
Korean 파이어볼 토큰
Portuguese Ficha de Bola de Fogo
Spanish Ficha Bola de Fuego
Japanese (kana) ひのたまトークン
Japanese (base) 火の玉トークン
Japanese (rōmaji) Hi no Tama Tōkun
Card type Monster
Attribute FIRE
Types Pyro / Token
Level 1
ATK / DEF 100 / 100
Limitation text This card cannot be in a Deck.
Summoned by the effect of

Card effect types

Card descriptions
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Duel Arena2014-06-26Present