Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue
(きん) (きゅう) (きゅう) (きゅう) (きゅう) (めい) レスキュー
English Emerging Emergency Rescute Rescue
French Sauvetage Sauvetadorable D’Urgence Urgente
German Nötige Notfallrettungsrunde
Italian Soccorso Soccorcarino di Emergenza Emergente
Korean 긴급구급구명 레스큐
Portuguese Socorro Formoso de Emergência Emergente
Spanish Socorro Hermoso de Emergencia Emergente
Japanese (kana) きんきゅうきゅうきゅうきゅうめいレスキュー
Japanese (base) 緊急救急救命レスキュー
Japanese (rōmaji) Kinkyū Kyūkyū Kyūmei Resukyū
Japanese (translated) Urgent Emergency Assistance Rescue
Card type Spell
Property Normal
Passcode 97926515
Card effect types

Card descriptions
TCG sets
OCG sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
