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Duel Starter Deck is a Starter Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game (OCG). It is the first Starter Deck to be printed in Traditional Chinese, marking the debut of Traditional Chinese sets in the OCG.[1]

Despite sharing the same set ID prefix with the Japanese Starter Deck 2014, which introduces cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V era, this set introduces cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL era and earlier.


Each Chinese Duel Starter Deck contains 42 cards in total. The number of card of each rarity are as follows:



Card numberEnglish nameTraditional Chinese nameRarityCategoryQty
ST14-TC001"Giga Gagagigo"CommonNormal Monster1
ST14-TC002"Gene-Warped Warwolf"RareNormal Monster1
ST14-TC003"Alien Shocktrooper"CommonNormal Monster1
ST14-TC004"Warrior Dai Grepher"CommonNormal Monster1
ST14-TC005"V-Tiger Jet"CommonNormal Monster1
ST14-TC006"Giant Soldier of Stone"CommonNormal Monster1
ST14-TC007"Charcoal Inpachi"CommonNormal Monster1
ST14-TC008"Gogogo Golem"CommonEffect Monster2
ST14-TC009"Gogogo Giant"RareEffect Monster2
ST14-TC010"Goblindbergh"CommonEffect Monster1
ST14-TC011"Kagetokage"CommonEffect Monster1
ST14-TC012"Gale Lizard"CommonFlip monster1
ST14-TC013"Marauding Captain"CommonEffect Monster1
ST14-TC014"Shine Knight"CommonEffect Monster1
ST14-TC015"Yomi Ship"CommonEffect Monster1
ST14-TC016"Trap Master"CommonFlip monster1
ST14-TC017"Morphing Jar"CommonFlip monster1
ST14-TC018"Milus Radiant"CommonEffect Monster1
ST14-TC019"Xyz Energy"CommonNormal Spell Card1
ST14-TC020"Generation Force"CommonNormal Spell Card1
ST14-TC021"Reinforcement of the Army""增援"RareNormal Spell Card1
ST14-TC022"Mystical Space Typhoon"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
ST14-TC023"Fissure"CommonNormal Spell Card1
ST14-TC024"Tribute to The Doomed"CommonNormal Spell Card1
ST14-TC025"Star Changer"CommonQuick-Play Spell Card1
ST14-TC026"Goblin Thief"CommonNormal Spell Card1
ST14-TC027"Lucky Iron Axe"CommonEquip Spell Card1
ST14-TC028"Banner of Courage"CommonContinuous Spell Card1
ST14-TC029"Utopian Aura"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC030"Pinpoint Guard"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC031"Xyz Effect"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC032"Xyz Soul"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC033"Trap Hole"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC034"Sakuretsu Armor"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC035"Dust Tornado"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC036"Rising Energy"CommonNormal Trap Card1
ST14-TC037"Shadow Spell"CommonContinuous Trap Card1
ST14-TC038"Magic Jammer"CommonCounter Trap Card1
ST14-TC039"Number 39: Utopia"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster1
ST14-TC040"King of the Feral Imps"Super RareEffect Xyz Monster1

