The Chinese, Croatian and Greek names given are not official.
Chinese lore given is not official.
(card lores)
Dig Beak |
鳥嘴獸 |
Creuse Bec |
Grabschnabel |
Becco Perforante |
Bico de Escavação |
Pico Excavador |
ディッグ・ビーク |
Diggu Bīku |
Monster |
Beast |
2   |
500 / 800 |
29948642 |
Unlimited |
Card descriptions
This beast coils like a snake, and strikes quickly with its snapping beak. |
Cette bête ondule comme un serpent et frappe prestement avec son bec cassant. |
Dieses Ungeheuer rollt sich zusammen wie eine Schlange und schlägt mit ihrem schnappenden Schnabel schnell zu. |
Questa bestia si muove come un serpente e colpisce rapidamente con il suo becco acuminato. |
Esta besta se enrola como uma cobra, e ataca rapidamente com o seu ruidoso bico. |
Esta bestia se enrolla como una serpiente y ataca rápido con su pico. |
ヘビのように長い体をまるめ、回転しながらくちばしで攻撃。 |
A reptilian beast with a long, snakelike body and a beak. It curls up into a ball to roll and hack with its large beak. |
TCG sets
Release dateCard codeSetRarity
Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity
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Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity
Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity
OCG sets
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Video game sets
- Yugioh-Card card database: 4165 ()