Traditional Format[]
- This card can be searched by "Dark Sage", "Ancient Gear Drill", "Alchemic Magician", "Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch", "Magical Burst", and "Left Arm Offering".
- In certain Decks, this card can be combined with monsters that protect Spell/Trap Cards on their side of the field from being destroyed, so that it will only affect the opponent. Examples include "Amazoness Empress", "Armed Protector Dragon" and "White Dragon Ninja".
- This card can be used in benefit of its owner, by destroying cards they control that have an effect in the Graveyard, such as "Hysteric Sign", "Kozmotown", "True Draco Apocalypse", etc.
- In Decks capable of Summoning "Masked HERO Dark Law", this card can be used against such cards, as they will be banished instead of being sent to the Graveyard.