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Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki

CXyz Skypalace Babylon
CX (カオスエクシーズ) (ちょう) (きょ) (だい) (くう) (ちゅう) (よう) (さい) バビロン
English CXyz Skypalace Babylon
Chinese CX 超巨大空中要塞 巴比伦
French Palais Céleste Babylone CXyz
German CXyz Himmelspalast Babylon
Italian CXyz Palazzo del Cielo Babilonia
Korean CX (카오스 엑시즈) 초거대 공중요새 바빌론
Portuguese CXyz Palácio Celeste Babilônia
Spanish CXyz Palacio Aéreo Babilonia
Japanese (kana) カオスエクシーズ ちょうきょだいくうちゅうようさいバビロン
Japanese (base) CX 超巨大空中要塞バビロン
Japanese (rōmaji) Kaosu Ekushīzu Chōkyodai Kūchū Yōsai Babiron
Japanese (translated) Chaos Xyz: Supercolossal Sky Fortress - Babylon
Card type Monster
Attribute WIND
Types Machine / Xyz / Effect
Rank 11
ATK / DEF 3800 / 4000
Passcode 49202331
Materials 3 Level 11 monsters
Card effect types

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